Quora Fitness; Muscles, Weight Loss, Diet & More - November 2022

 Quora Fitness Q8A November 2022

Welcome to Quora's Fitness [Bodybuilding, Health, Fitness, Workout, Diet & nutrition, and Weight loss] Questions & Answers. This week, I went onto Quora, Gathered up A Few interesting-needing answers to Questions in the Fitness Section. If you find this valuable, please share this so others can gain knowledge as well! 

Here are the Top Questions from This Week! 

How Can I lose Weight Quickly?

    To lose weight/fat, you need to burn more energy than you consume. You can do this by exercising/working out (cardio, running, swimming, etc). By exercising, you're burning calories, therefore, weight loss will occur. But if you overeat, you will gain weight. So make sure that you don't overeat. Secondly, decrease your food intake. Go about a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit occurs when you consume fewer calories than your body expends. A calorie deficit of 500 calories per day is an effective weight loss protocol. Third, stay consistent with these protocols. Over time, you'll see the results you're wanting. Utilizing diet methods such as keto is also very effective for fast fat loss.

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Does Drinking Coffee Help with Losing Weight and Feeling More Awake?

Coffee Targets Brown Fat; When stimulating Brown Fat, it'll help release nutrients and expel energy resulting in weight loss, over time. Coffee is very effective because when stimulating brown fat, it directly hits the white fat, known as the bad fat, and this fat is the stubborn fatty fat that you have around your body. So, yes, drinking coffee can help combat fat loss, easily.


How do you ensure you're getting enough protein?

    To know if you're getting in enough protein or not, I would recommend using a calorie-tracking app. When you go about your day, you'll input every food and beverage you consume. And from there, the app will give you a breakdown, and analysis of your food, nutrition, calories, macro/micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. From here, you can understand how many calories, proteins, fats, and carbs you're consuming. And can take action to increase or decrease certain food groups and/or nutrients.

    Whey protein is a protein supplement. It is to help get in protein fast! For bodybuilding purposes. However, it can also be used as a substitute to replace junky foods. I wouldn't advise using protein shakes as a meal replacement because you're not getting in all of the vital & essential nutrients we need that come from WHOLE FOODS.

    Protein shakes can help with weight loss if you're deficient in protein and/or if you're excessively consuming junk foods. It'll replace any bad calories with something better.

    Protein shakes are low in calories, high in protein, and have some good vitamins and minerals. However, it's not the best nor optimal way to go about losing weight.

    You should strive for whole foods and nutritious foods. Staying in a calorie deficit. Exercising to burn excess calories, to maintain a healthy weight. Staying consistent with these habits will ensure you're maintaining a healthy weight.

To answer your question: I would drink protein shakes when necessary. Got a craving for junk food? Drink a protein shake. 

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Topics You need to Read:

Can Eating The Right Foods help You feel full Faster?

    Yes. Choosing the right and proper foods can keep you full, and feeling satiated (meaning you're satisfied). 

    A High protein diet will make you feel full, for longer.

    A diet that consists of high fiber intake will keep you full, for longer. Such as oatmeal, oats, etc. Anything with fiber. And fruits/veggies.

    Don't binge on junk foods or anything that has high sugar. This will trick your brain into thinking you're still hungry, therefore, you'll end up overeating. 

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Effective Methods For Weight Loss

To begin the weight loss process, you need to stay committed. Many people fail this task, so going along with the journey will be tedious & most likely you'll regain all the weight back. So, here are some effective methods for weight loss.

To start decreasing body fat, you need to reduce your food intake. Reduce your food intake to around ~300-500 calories. This is known as a calorie deficit. When you begin to reduce your food intake, you're going to start losing weight simply due to not overeating. & when you're in a calorie deficit, your body is burning more energy than it's receiving therefore, a calorie deficit protocol is best for losing overall body fat. Then start eating healthier. Fruits, Vegetables, and healthy sources of fats, carbs, and proteins. You should avoid and/or limit your junk & fast food intake as much as possible. Healthy foods will help cleanse and nourish the body properly, therefore, when trying to lose weight, it'll be much more efficient to do so. Because you're actually nourishing the body whereas before, the junk & fast foods were causing a stall in your weight loss process. Healthy foods contain the vital & essential nutrients, fiber, and vitamins/minerals to help aid in weight loss, and improving health overall.

You can Utilize diet programs/methods such as Keto, Carnivore, Low carb, High protein/moderate carb/fats, Fasting, etc, etc. What all diet methods come down to are; removing and/or avoiding certain nutrients. So for example, the KETO DIET restricts all carbs. And typically, junk foods come from a carbohydrate source. So when you remove/avoid carbs, it'll be easier to go about losing weight because now you're reducing your calorie intake, and you're solving the issue that was causing the weight gain in the first place - junky carb foods.


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-> Is Intermittent Fasting The Best?

The best bet when it comes to losing & maintaining body fat is to exercise. Exercise: Cardio, lifting, swimming, cycling, etc, is good & recommended for weight loss, and maintaining a healthy weight. It'll help keep the fat off because you're actually utilizing the energy(calories) instead of letting it accumulate into fat gain. People whom are inactive, have a sedentary lifestyle, are prone to becoming obese, and develop health complications such as diabetes. So it's very important to work out. Exercising burns energy (calories), so it's IDEAL to do. It's actually needed for the human body to remain healthy.

-> Keto vs Carnivore

You can also use supplements to aid in the process. Using thermogenic supps to help burn fat when idle (resting/sitting), protein powder to get in more protein, and/or replace certain foods (like snacks but not meals!). You can use herbs, spices, and other things of that nature to help speed/optimize your metabolism; Use digestive enzymes, using caffeine for appetite suppression, using testosterone boosters to help give your body & mind a boost - a push to make things much easier, efficient and effective. People whom experience and/or have Low Testosterone (for males) will have a difficult time losing weight. 

    So it's best to have a clean-healthy diet and nutrition regime to ensure that your hormones & testosterone is at a healthy range. And you can use herbs and testosterone optimizers to help regulate & increase low testosterone if necessary.

Ultimately, keeping the weight off, and avoiding becoming overweight/obese is to stay active, eat healthily, and not overeat. Have a routine in place. This will help you to stay on track. If you're all over the place, eating at different times, etc, you may overeat, and indulge in junk foods, and thus will lead to weight gain. So having a routine - it'll ensure that you're eating healthily, and properly, so you don't overeat and that you'll actually make use of these calories efficiently. 

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