Junk Food is Really Bad for Your Health - How to Stop

 How to Stop Eating Bad Junk Foods

The poor nutritional lifestyle you're choosing is causing complications for your health and longevitity. If you're experiencing sluggishness, no energy, loss of motivation, drive, performance, and so forth, perhaps you should look into your diet/nutrition. Also, if you're overweight or obese - it is time to change your habits for good and for the better!

You need to have a routine. A regime. A daily - day-to-day regime. This will ensure that you're sticking to the goal, staying on track, and won't go overboard.

Now, lemme tell ya that it is somewhat Impossible to avoid Junk foods. But you can control your consumption. The amount of junk foods you're eating.

People whom are overweight/obese typically do not care about their health. 

They neglect exercise, eat healthily, and focus on self-health. If you're one of those, then trying to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight and health is going to be extremely difficult.

If you're serious about changing your life around; You must be committed and able to sacrifice a lot of things.

For one, you need to stop striving for them unhealthy, junk foods.

Sure, they taste great but in the end, you're hurting yourself.

You need to strive for healthy sources of food. Healthy sources of fats, proteins, and carbs. 

Try to avoid fast foods, processed foods, desserts, and excessive amounts of sugar.

Avoid foods like Sodas, candies, chips, fries, oily foods, deep-fried foods, etc. These foods are useless and do not nourish the body.

You people need to go for vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, etc.

Those types of foods are organic. Real organic whole foods.

Organic Whole foods heal, detox, and strengthen the body

Processed junk foods; chips, fast foods, microwavable foods, instant foods, etc are all harmful to us. They contain loads of sugar, sodium, preservatives, additives, and many more. These accumulate within your body, causing major health issues. Toxins are being built up which is not good for us. It causes inflammation which is a huge no-no for us, Humans. If you're always inflamed, you're causing destruction for your health.

Remember - you're on a goal. You're on a journey to becoming better, stronger and healthier.

If you have cravings, substitute unhealthy foods with healthier food choices.

  • Got a craving for desserts and/or sweets? Go eat Fruits!

Fruits are very very beneficial. They're nourishing - powerful for us, Humans to consume on a daily basis.

People seem to think Fruits are bad because they contain sugar...Well, that is not the case. The only sugar you should be avoiding is the artificial sugars; or an excessive amount of sugar intake.

Fruit Sugars are good for us. It's not like the sugar you go about when consuming sodas, juices, or whatever.

Fruits are more identical for us, Humans. It detoxes, cleanses, and heals the body. In addition, fruits contain loads of fiber, and nutrients and low in calories!

If you have a craving for some snacks such as chips, or things of that nature; Go for nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, veggies, or even oats, healthy sources of protein [meat] or even lentils, beans, etc.

Don't go for bad foods like chips, candies, pastries, cakes, or cookies. Treat your body and health right. Strive for the nourishing foods I've mentioned above.

If you are hungry, don't always go for unhealthy, junk foods such as Fast foods, microwavable foods - especially if you're consuming a large soda, fries, etc. Those types of meals are a big no-no. Where are the healthy nutrition? Where are the organic foods? Are any of the foods you consume beneficial in any way?

Remember, whole foods or organic foods is the way to go. They contain all of its original nutritional profiles. Not being modified or stripped away from its nutrients.

If eating out, it's okay to do so but don't indulge in fries or anything that is unhealthy. Sure, you can have a burger, burritio, or whatever the case migth be; But the whole goal is to strive for nutritious foods. So, if you're going out, substitute unhealthy foods with healthier options. Or avoid junk foods and only consume the healthy foods. And substitute sodas/juices with water... This will help dramatically reduce your junk food intake, and with your weight loss/becoming healthier goals.

The best option for everything is to have a routine. A breakfast, lunch and dinner routine. Knowing what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, and so on.

This will enforce you to stay on your diet, and not to indulge on junk foods.

People who try dieting but fail end up not realizing the whole truth about weight loss. It's your action that dictate your weight gain or loss.

Weight gain doesn't magically appear out of nowhere.

People, you've been accumulating fat over time. You have been consuming these junk foods, neglecting exercise and proper health care.

It is time to take control of your life and actions.

Strive on what make you Healthier, Happier, and Stronger!

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