Weekends Are Not To Go Off Your Health and Weight Loss Goals

Losing weight? Remember, Weekends are not excuses!

Weekends. Ah, Weekends. When the weekend creeps up, we're all ready to enjoy the weekend. That is when most people are off work. Able to sit down, enjoy yourself, binge-eat and watch TV, become lazy, and breathe in the air...Well, that is a bunch of nonsense BS, in my opinion.

Just because the "weekend" is here does not mean it gives you the excuse and opportunity to stop what you've been doing ALL week in order to achieve your desired goals.
 To accomplish your achievements. So, all of a sudden, when Friday, Saturday, and Sunday approach, you think it's okay to become lazy, binge-eat, watch TV, indulge in junk food, and ruin your health in those 2/3 days when you're off?!? No no...

What is a "weekend?" It's nothing special. It's a system, to guide us, humans, on how to operate life according to some people. Just like "time," time is infinite; So in order to utilize "the day," we, us humans, have invented "time and days" in order to fulfill our days with productivity.

Just because the weekend is a sign of letting go, enjoying yourself, and perhaps partying is a big letdown for yourself. This is a mindset of failure.

Time, day, weeks, or weekend does not justify what we do, and how to do it. If you have a goal, go for it. Don't let any obstacles, person, and/or event stop you. If it's challenging, it's worth going and pursuing and overcoming. If it's too easy - go harder. If you're not seeing results, you're not doing something right and are not committed enough.

People love to indulge in junk food, alcohol, and neglect sleep when the weekend arrives. People will do anything to let go of their restrictions and limitations. They'll party like they have NEVER before. And this is a bad cycle. A bad wrap for most people.

If you're excessively indulging in junk foods, and neglecting self-health on the weekends, you need to stick to the goal, the regime you've been on. Apparently, and obviously, you cannot maintain a healthy body on the weekends, therefore, you're forced to do so.

Not everyone will agree with me, and I will say, partying and balancing "a fit body" is extremely tedious. 

I myself drink, but I know how to balance. I sacrifice unhealthy foods when drinking liquor, and remain on the goal. I'm laser focused when it comes to my diet; Whether if I'm intoxicated or not.

Now, yes, I've been drunk and indulged in junk foods and whatnot, but I quickly begin my process of staying on the goal again. Detox, cleanse, nourish and exercise when I stop my partying. Or even when I'm still partying, I will be forcing myself to drink water, stay hydrated, and avoid junk foods.

The people whom are trying to lose weight but have never been successful are those who don't try hard enough. The journey they're on seems boring, bland, and difficult to enjoy. SO as a result, they'll 'treat' themselves occasionally, which ends up being every day, and will end up being back to square one...

In the process of becoming healthier, or losing weight, or whatever the situation is; You need to stay dedicated, committed, and able to sacrifice a lot of things.

Even when the weekend approaches - do not go off track. Enjoy the weekend - but don't treat your body like a garbage can.

Your body is like an engine; It needs good quality fuel to function at it's best. If you give your body nothing but junk food, it'll run terribly. If you provide your body with proper nutrition, your body's performance will be at its best.

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