Why You Shouldn't Try an Enhanced Bodybuilder's Training Program

 Why You Shouldn't Try an Enhance Bodybuilder's Training Program

Enhanced Athletes have higher capabilities. They're able to go beyond the threshold of what the human body is capable of doing. With this being said, a natural lifter cannot exactly copy its protocol and expect the same results.

Natty, natural, organic lifters are natural. They have no super juices or steroids to enhance their own [human] capabilities. Their capabilities are way lower than an enhanced athlete/bodybuilder. So, following their exact routine to the T won't work. You cannot utilize every point of their program to expect to be like them. Natural lifters cannot gain what the steroid user has gained.

Now, I'm not saying you cannot go about their program, try some things, and alter your own thinking and lifestyle, routine, or whatever, but what I'm trying to say is that, if you do these and expect that you're going to look like that bodybuilder is just insane. It's impossible

The person you've been following and using their regime is completely different than you. They're using steroids to enhance their recovery, strength, power, and muscle building. Whereas, naturals, cannot recover as fast nor possess their type of strength.

Natural lifters cannot work out HARD every day and recover within the next day. Natural lifters whom lift very hard will recover within 2/3 days. The capability of building muscle is much lower than an enhanced bodybuilder. As a natural, you have limitations, a cut-off when your body says this is enough muscle, you will not build anymore. Hence, this is why people, whom are natural, end up using steroids. In addition, steroid users have supernatural strength, power, and hormones. This gives them the ability to lift very heavy and hard, whereas naturals, cannot get as close as an enhanced lifter.

In an enhanced bodybuilder regime, they'll do a ton of reps, a ton of sets, and usually consist of heavyweights. If this is the type of program you're going to use as a natural, you should reconsider. Remember, we naturals cannot go as hard as them, so in reality, it's somewhat unrealistic to go about. But if there's a program out there that is Suited for a natural, then I would recommend it. No overkill type of stuff because we need recovery days. Naturals cannot recover as fast as enhanced people.

Enhanced Lifters have to eat a lot in order to develop that muscle mass, and be able to maintain it. So, if you're trying to get AS big as them, you're sadly mistaken.

Consuming a whole lot of food like an enhanced lifter as a natural is unrealistic and almost impossible. In the first place, your body cannot and will not develop that much muscle mass because every natural has a limitation when it comes to building muscle. Secondly, you'll end up being obese or dead if you consume that much food on a day-to-day basis. Thirdly, all the food you consume as a natural won't develop into muscle mass - even though you're working out. Enhanced lifters are able to utilize more food than normal in order to maintain their muscle mass. 

In conclusion; You shouldn't follow an Enhanced Lifters program to the T.

You should;

Examine the program, make notes, try some things out, gain some knowledge, and change your perspective, and you'll end up developing your own regime/routine.

Remember, every person is different. People will end up altering things within the program in order to do it more efficiently their way. Just because This person Does this does NOT mean it's the best way. It is what worked for Them - and that does not mean it WILL work for Everyone. 

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