12 Key Points for Fast & Effective Fat loss! Belly Fat, Underarms, legs and more! Tips for Weight loss!

 Fast Ways To Go About Fat Loss!

Whether if it's losing belly fat or overall fat, today you'll learn some ways to promote fat loss!

12 Tips to Lose Fat Fast and Effectively

For one, for a person to gain weight, they are either eating unhealthily which impacts the body and develops stubborn fat, and/or eating excessively, Indulging in Food/calories which when you eat a lot of food will contribute to weight gain. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce the food intake to promote weight loss along with proper nutrition to maintain a healthy weight and body. It's important to prioritize nutrition, and not really focus on dieting... Dieting is good, but it's a learning experience. Once you've experienced the way of dieting or losing weight, now you have the knowledge about nutrition and from this, you Dictate your health from there. It gets easier as you learn.

Effective and Fast Ways To Lose Fat! Belly Fat, Body Fat, Arm & legs!

-- You cannot "Spot Reduce" Body Fat

You cannot say, Hey lemme target my under Arms to lose weight. You cannot specifically target a fatty area to lose fat. Overall fat will be lost when trying to promote fat loss.

-- Calorie Deficit is Key for Losing Weight Overall

A calorie deficit means you're consuming Less food, consuming fewer calories than normal or typical. For instance, if your daily calorie intake was around ~4,000 and in order to lose weight, you must consume fewer than ~4,000 calories. You don't want to starve yourself, just reduce the food/calorie intake a little bit.

~ You're wanting to reduce your calorie intake by about ~300-500 calories. So now (for the example), you're going to consume around ~3,600 calories.

~ Now this is different, as in the calorie goal and count, for everyone. Everyone's calorie goal is different. You must understand how many calories you need to be in a deficit. You can do this by tracking calories. 

~ Read here for about tracking calories.

1) Cardio / Jogging / Walking / Sprinting / Cycling

Any form is cardio is healthy and beneficial for us humans. It strengthens the heart, endurance, stamina, strength and helps regulate body weight/fat. By doing cardio, 3x a week or more, you WILL lose fat because you're utilizing the food you've consumed, you're utilizing the energy to be burned resulting in the fat loss... over time. It's a time thing people. Anyhow, cardio in the morning is good, and after dinner is good as well for example. If you like running, go run before a heavy meal I'd recommend. 

- Related: Fitness Tips for Beginners

2) Eat Less - Calorie Deficit

A calorie deficit occurs when the number of calories a person consumes in a day is smaller than the number of calories they burn. The body needs to burn a certain number of calories to perform all its functions each day.

How do I know what my calorie deficit is?

A calorie deficit is when you are consuming fewer calories than you are burning over time. For example, if you burn 2000 calories a day but only consume 1500, you'll be in a 500 calorie deficit. Another example of a calorie deficit is consuming 2000 calories for a day but burning 2500.


3) Using Supplements to help with Gut Health

Gut health is important. If you have a poorly functioning gut, it'll be difficult to lose weight due to a backed-up gut. The gut absorbs nutrients and gets rid of waste. If you're backed up, it won't remove efficiently. Using pre and probiotics, it'll help with your gut health; making it easier to promote fat loss and even BELLY LOSS.

- 7 Tips for Improving Gut Health

4) Ketogenic Diet is Fast and Effective for fat loss

Be sure to add non-starchy vegetables like greens, broccoli, peppers, and mushrooms to dishes to add nutrients and fiber. To optimize weight loss when following a ketogenic diet, avoid consuming too many processed foods and instead focus on meals and snacks that contain fresh, whole ingredients.

The keto diet places your body into Ketosis, which utilizes the FAT within your body as Energy, Resulting in fat loss over time.

Restricting/eliminating carbs is key when it comes to a keto diet. Especially since too many people consume too many carbs on a daily basis.

-Related: Heathy Fats To Eat!

5) Fasting to reset the Body

Fasting can help reset your metabolism and insulin sensitivity. It'll also help break down fat into energy resulting in weight loss/fat loss. Fasting 16:8 for example is a method I use to maintain a certain weight and to ensure I won't go overboard on Eating/ or eating too much. So by fasting, you're holding off the food until a certain time. This window time is the only time you can at. So for example, the 16:8 is 16 hours of Fasted and 8 hours [window period] of eating. After the 8 hours is up, I cannot consume any food until the 16-hour mark has passed and Repeat.

--Recommended: Why Eating Fast FOOD IS BAD

6) Weightlifting to Build Muscle and to Lose Fat

When you have more muscle in your body, it requires more energy to sustain such muscle mass, so by adding more muscle to your body, your fat will decrease over time. Much weighs more than fat, so your muscles need more energy and fat to stay big and muscular, so your body fat will start to go down as you continue to focus on muscle-building. It'll also help tighten fatty areas such as the underarms, legs, and belly.

7) Eliminate Junk Foods

Sodas, Chips, Candies, Cookies, Pastries, etc are all Junk. Everyone indulges in them. I get it. But if your goal is to become healthy and to lose weight, ditch the junk food. Junk food does not nourish the body in any way, and therefore, it's not beneficial for us to consume. Go start eating more vegetables, fruits, and healthy sources of fats proteins, and carbs to properly nourish the body. When you consume healthy foods, it'll help detox the body making it easier to promote fat loss. And it'll help with stubborn belly fat due to the gut being affected by poor nutrition. Proper nutrition ensures a healthy gut and healthy body which can help with fat loss along with exercise and dieting.

--Related: Calculating Macros for Fat Loss | Foods to NOT EAT | Why Soda is BAD

8) Eat more Protein if you aren't Already

Protein is more fulfilling, more satiating. Making it a choice to go about when it comes to getting full. So, if you have a problem with overeating, try adding in more protein and vegetables and fewer carbs. Carbs and fats aren't really fulfilling as protein, so protein will keep you fuller longer!

Protein is the most effective food macronutrient providing a satiating effect. Thus, formulating foods with increased protein contents can help to modulate food intake, promoting body weight loss and body weight maintenance thereafter.

--Recommended: Diet hacks

9) Drink Coffee for Fat loss

Coffee or Tea both contain Caffeine, which caffeine stimulates the metabolism and brown fat resulting in fat loss. Brown fat is the stubborn fat, which caffeine directly targets which results in fat loss over time. This method is not a 100% effective way to lose fat, but rather a tool to assist in fat loss over time.

>>Read Coffee Help with Fat Loss Article <<

10) Have a Strict Daily Routine

If you're all over the place, eating at different times every day, or eating before or after bed, you need to stop and have a daily routine. Having a daily fixed routine, it'll help you to stay on track. It'll keep you accountable. Plus, by staying on track, you can examine and dictate what is making you gain weight and so forth. This also goes along with Exercising, to ensure you're promoting fat loss.

11) Go on a Vegetable or Fruit Diet

Both diets, veggie and fruit diets are excellent methods to promote weight loss. Since veggies and fruits are powerful in nutrients and nourishing the body, you can live off of these foods. These foods don't contain any unnecessary ingredients nor harmful things so, therefore, it's an ideal method to use. 

- Related: Vegetarian Diet for Fat loss

12) Starvation is not the Answer

Starvation will help with fat loss, but ultimately, at the end, you will rebound. Meaning, you'll gain all the fatback and have no idea why. This is because the dieting experience and journey you were on was rushed and wasn't precisely understood, therefore, you don't know how to go about maintaining a low body fat/weight.
Starving does more harm than good. It can literally make you sick and vulnerable to issues.
Also, when you're starved, you may become malnourished or deficient in vital nutrients which our bodies need. So, if you feel ill, weak, or anything to that nature; it's because your nutrition is poor.

The key is when it comes to losing fat is to utilize the food/calories you've consumed and burn it off. This can be done by exercising and eating less. By eating less, you're utilizing more energy which will result in fat loss. Sustaining this syle, this process, this journey is key to maintaining a certain weight and physique. If you fall off track, you will fall back into the same situation you were once in...

Consistency is key. Discipline and willpower are key. Without these, you won't achieve your goals nor stay committed. It must be a goal that is realistic and able to do. If you're stressing about losing weight, you're doing it wrong. Examine your life, you yourself, and find the issues. Is it the diet, nutrition, or habits? If so, address them.

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