How To Build Muscle With Food [Muscle and Bodybuilding Tips]

 How To Build Muscle With Food

Building Muscle isn't all that hard. All you need is to provide progressive overload, eat and recover. 


Nutrition helps with the recovery aspect, and the food or calories dictates how much MASS you will develop. The more calories you intake, the more mass you will gain. The less food you intake, you may not develop mass at all. If you stay in maintenance mode, not in a surplus nor in a deficit, you will promote lean muscle growth. You're recomping your physique. You're transforming your FAT on your frame INTO muscle, which is very good. This means that you're training and eating right and properly.

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Food is fuel, fuel comes from food. With that being said, you should strive for healthy foods to properly nourish the body. When you nourish the body in a healthy manner, everything will run more efficiently. You'll have increased strength, power, endurance, stamina; You'll have a better recovery process; Better mental clarity and so much more. When having bad nutrition in place, everything is impacted. Recovery, strength, endurance, etc is ALL Hindered. You won't perform at your best nor is your body performing at an optimal rate...


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Building muscle does not require that much. The only requirement the muscles need is Protein. Protein is vital for recovery and the development of muscle. If you're deficient in protein, you won't recover as properly nor develop the muscles you're wanting. Protein is the only source your body in order to recover properly. While Carbs and Fats play a role in Growth and Energy and Hormone aspects. Fats play a huge role in energy and hormones and carbs helps with power, strength, MASS/Growth from glycogen, etc. Protein is for recreating muscle fiber from the damage you've done when working out. Carbs and fats will just add more mass due to increased calories.


Focus on a High protein diet to ensure proper protein intake. Moderate carbs and fats are ideal when trying to maintain a decent physique. Or a High-Protein-Fat Low Carb diet is also good for those who are wanting to maintain a shredded physique. The point of these diets is to Focus ON HIGH protein simply due to the fact that Protein is much more vital than other macronutrients. 

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You can build muscle on a keto diet because you're prioritizing High protein intake. Low carb dieters also focus on high protein intake. The seafood diet also has a high protein diet. Any other diets out there are also high in protein. Vegetarian diets as well. Protein is vital. Without protein, you'll fall apart fairly quickly.


Typically, people consume enough protein within their diet, but on the other hand, sometimes this is not true. In America, there are a lot of people who are obese or overweight. This is because they don't have a high protein diet in place. Instead, these overweight people excessively indulge in Carbs! Junk food! Sweets, fast foods, cookies, junk! 


All Junk foods contain sugar, sweets, and unnecessary amounts of additives and ingredients which harm the body. And has a Surplus of calories within. When you excessively consume these junk foods, it ruins your metabolism and insulin sensitivity, therefore making it harder to promote fat loss. If you were to have a high protein diet in place, you'll feel more fulfilled due to the fact that PROTEIN is satiating. It is fulfilling. It makes you full. Whereas Junk food is deceiving, manipulating, and unhealthy. Junk food tricks our brain into thinking it's not food and doesn't contain any calories, so it'll make us crave more and more of that certain Junk food. 

Healthy foods will detox the body, nourish the body and fulfill the body's requirements in order to stay healthy and durable. It'll be much easier to develop muscle and to maintain that while eating healthily. 


The point of food is to nourish the body. Building muscle is easy. It takes hard work in the gym, to create damage, and food and recovery is the development process of building muscle. You'll need an adequate amount of protein and a moderate intake of carbs and fats to have an adequate amount of calories to sustain a certain weight.

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Never neglect protein; Never skip on protein; Never go in a protein deficit.

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