Top Tips for Weight Loss - What to Do to lose Fat

 What To DO for Fat Loss

With these top tips, you will learn how to lose weight easily. I've made this very simple to understand so you people can grasp the concept of losing weight. Weight loss doesn't require much, so here are my top tips for losing weight.

1) Eat Healthier foods to nourish the body, not to accumulate fat from it.

As you eat unhealthily, it won't be utilized as much and it'll accumulate over time as fat due to the ingredients not being removed due to poor nutrients from your diet that'll help get rid of bad nutrients and whatnot. Healthy foods such as vegetable detox the body, remove gunk and junk from the junk foods we eat and it heal the body from any damages and more.

2) Avoid Sugar

Sugar is bad and addicting. We tend to excessively indulge in sweets, sodas, pastries, and overall sweets. Sweets / sugary foods are Loaded with unnecessary Calories and harmful ingredients which make us fat and develop stubborn fat. As I mentioned above, by eating healthily, you'll subside the stubborn fat gain due to the aspects of healthy foods.

3) Avoid Snacking A lot

Chips, candies, bars, crackers, etc are okay to eat, but in moderation. Many many of these so-called snacks are loaded with sodium, maybe a bit of sugar to deceive us, and has a ton of calories when you excessively consume them. We don't stop after eating 1 or 2 or a handful of chips. NO NO. We overeat on snacks. When we grab a chip bag, we can eat half if not the whole bag easily without any hesitation. AND see, that's the issue many people have. They're not aware of how many calories they're consuming because snacking seems like it's okay but in reality, if you go overboard, you'll accumulate fat gain over time. Be wise on how much you're eating, or I highly recommend switching junkful snacks to healthy alternatives. Chips, crackers, candies, etc can be replaced with nuts, seeds, fruits, and so forth. Healthy foods will nourish the body and will make you strong and will promote a lean physique.

4) Exercise to maintain a good physique

Many people rely on dieting. Well, that is the main primary thing you should rely on, but many people cannot stay committed. Well, If you were to work out along with proper dieting and having good nutrition in place, it'll help with your journey. Exercising can improve your brain, your mind, making you stick to your goals much better because you've conditioned your mind to be strong-willed. Exercising does a lot for the human body and brain. Exercising burns calories which result in weight loss. Why not exercise? It makes you healthy, strong and it promotes fat loss. Any exercises shall Do. Weightlifting, bodybuilding, cycling, swimming, walking, jogging, sports, etc.

5) Avoid eating before bed

People tend to have dessert before their bedtime. It can be okay but depending on how much you have ate before consuming dessert is the issue. If you've already eaten a lot of food throughout the day and now you're wanting dessert - especially those high-calorie dense desserts. That is a big no-no. It's junk. Sugar, junk, food. So, my recommendation is to either eat healthily then reward yourself with dessert or have a calorie-friendly (keto/low carbs/low sugar) dessert. There are many friendly desserts out there.

6) Focus on Your Sleep to improve your Body capabilities and functions

When you're deprived of sleep, it'll promote stubborn fat-gain, it'll raise cortisol, it'll hinder performance, weight, strength -- all the above. Sleep is vital. Sleep repairs the body and rejuvenates you. If you're always sleeping late or have a fked up schedule, I'd advise changing that now. Improving your sleep or having a proper sleep routine; it'll help your body. Your recovery and performance will be at its best -  it'll be much easier to lose fat due to high functioning body. and overall, you'll feel good, healthy, and strong.

7) Never stop being consistent

Without consistency, you'll fail. That comes with anything. Nothing is permanent. Like bodybuilding or building muscle. For us bodybuilders, we need to keep up with the calories, nutrients, workout, and recovery in order to be the best bodybuilders. If we stopped being consistent with those aspects, we'd fail as bodybuilders and won't be a bodybuilder. So with that being said, if your goal is to lose weight and be lean, stay consistent with healthy eating, exercising, dieting, and having a strong mind.

8) Have a Well-rounded nutritional meal(s)

Having a Balanced Meal(s) every time is key. It fulfills your body with the important nutrients that we need. We tend to focus on junk food which doesn't provide us with many vital nutrients, therefore, we are somewhat malnourished due to this. If you were to have proper nutrients within each meal, you'll feel much better, your performance will be high, it'll be easier to lose weight, and overall, your life and body will thank you for this. Have your proteins, fats, and carbs but healthy sources of them. Don't indulge in carbs, fats or proteins; make sure everything is balanced and make adjustments if necessary depending on what you do. For example, bodybuilders can get away with higher carbs than normal people because they utilize those carbs for their workouts whereas normal people are much more sedentary therefore, they don't need as much. If you excessively consume any of the macros (proteins, fats, carbs) it may make you gain weight without you knowing. For instance, many people overeat on carbs from their poor diets (by consuming junk food all the time). Many people have too many carbs in their life so by manipulating their carb intake, it can be easier for them to lose weight.


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