What is The Healthiest and Easiest Way To Lose Weight? [Answer]

What is The Healthiest and Easiest Way To Lose Weight?

Weight loss occurs by expending more energy than you consume. Meaning, you have to eat less and/or exercise to burn more calories to lose fat. Calorie Deficit and Exercise is the most effective way to promote weight loss.

A calorie deficit occurs when the number of calories a person consumes in a day is smaller than the number of calories they burn. The body needs to burn a certain number of calories to perform all its functions each day.

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Burning more calories than you eat in a day is referred to as a “Calorie Deficit” and is the basis of many weight loss equations.  The idea is daily calories in minus daily calories out = caloric deficit. The first thing you need to understand is that one pound of fat is made of about 3,500 of extra calories. Therefore in order to lose one pound of fat, you need to create a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories.   For example if you wanted to lose one pound a week ~3,500/7= 500. That means negative 500 calories a day overall.

There are only 3 ways you can create a deficit of calories each day:

  • 1. Eat fewer calories than you burn each day. Keep in mind that your body burns calories all day long as part of your basal metabolic rate (BMR), because it takes energy (calories) for your body to perform basic functions that are necessary for life—breathing, digesting, circulating, thinking and more. It's important for you to know what your BMR is so you can estimate how many calories you burn in an average day.  In addition to that, you also burn some calories with normal daily activities like bathing, cleaning, walking, typing and exercising (which uses even more calories each day). SO by simply taking in less calories each day, that means less excess calories you have to burn off. Easy ways to do this include: eat less fast food or junk food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat lean protein, reduce the amount of bad fats, and drink more water.
  • 2. Burn more calories than you consume by increasing your physical activity. If you eat enough calories to support your BMR, but add more exercise, you'll create a caloric deficit simply by burning extra calories. This only works if you're not overeating to begin with.  Example: If you exercise more to burn an extra 500 calories each day, you'll lose about one pound of fat in a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). You can workout more or just add more movement into your daily lifestyle. Some ideas: ride your bike walk rather than driving places, always take the stairs, move around at work rather than sitting a desk, play with your kids or dog, do squats while watching tv.  Get creative with your day, the possibilities are endless!
  • 3. A combination of eating fewer calories AND exercising to burn more calories. This is the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off. It's much easier to create a substantial calorie deficit when you combine eating less with exercise because you don't have to deprive yourself so much, or exercise in crazy amounts.  Studies show that the combination of diet and exercise are compounded to increase weight loss more than the equivalent of one method alone. One theory is that the exercise increases metabolism which rev’s the fat burning even more.  Example: If you cut 200 calories a day from your diet and burned 300 calories a day by exercising, you'd lose about one pound per week. Compare that to the other examples above—so you're losing weight at about the same rate without making such extreme changes to your diet or exercise routine.
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Calories burned through exercise and non-exercise movement
Calories burned during digestion, called the thermic effect of food or TEF
Calories you burn to maintain basic bodily functions, such as breathing and blood circulation

Online Calculators

Calculators like the one above can estimate your daily energy expenditure. Of course, the number is simply a guideline, but it's a good place to start if you want to maintain your weight.

If you want to gain or lose weight, use a weight loss calorie goal calculator to calculate your daily caloric needs by adjusting your daily calorie count goal down (or up).

Exerice is King for Burning Calories or Promoting Weight Loss

Cardio exercise and weight

One of the most popular types of exercise for weight loss is aerobic exercise, also known as cardio. Examples include:

  • walking
  • running
  • cycling
  • swimming

Doing aerobic exercise regularly can increase the number of calories you burn and help you lose body fat.

Bodybuilding, Strength and Powerlifting can help burn a lot of fat off

Higher amounts of muscle also increase your metabolism, helping you burn more calories around the clock — even at rest. This is because muscle is more metabolically active than fat, meaning it requires more energy.

This also helps prevent the drop in metabolism that can occur alongside weight loss.

Because of this, doing some form of resistance training is a crucial addition to an effective long-term weight loss plan. It makes it easier to keep the weight off, which is actually much harder than losing it in the first place.

HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training is Awesome for Fast Fat Burning

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of exercise characterized by short bursts of intense exercise followed by a brief rest before repeating this cycle. HIIT can be done with cardio or resistance training exercises and provides the benefits of both 

HIIT may offer similar benefits as cardio exercise, with about half of the time commitment.

Regular exercise can improve your blood sugar control and may help reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers

aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise and 2 resistance training sessions per week for optimal health.

Dieting needs to be Prioritized

Dieting is not what it sounds to you - to me, it's different. Dieting is a learning experience, a journey to understand Nutrition and how it affects you, your body and health. Dieting is not a Diet process just to lose weight; it's a learning experience to use this skill to promote a healthier lifestyle and health. 

Your diet, as in Nutrition needs to be addressed. You need to start eating healthier and have a set routine. Typically, people whom are overweight tend to eat lots of carbs and carb-junk related foods which ruins your health, metabolism and insulin which results in lots of fat gain.
By eating healthier, consuming vegetables and healthy sources of fats proteins and carbs, you can subside the fat gain because these healthy foods are nourishing and won't impact the body in a negative way. These healthy foods will detox the body and overall make the body healthier, making it easier to lose weight and hard to gain stubborn fat.

Remember, you can use Online Calorie Calculators to track your calorie intake to dictate your calorie goal for weight loss/weight gain/maintainence.

Dieting Methods:

  • Low carb diets. Limiting your carb intake to 50–150 grams daily may help decrease your intake of commonly overconsumed high carb foods. Low carb diets often prioritize protein and fiber-rich vegetables, which help manage hunger and promote appetite control.
  • Ketogenic diets. Very low carb intakes of fewer than 50 grams daily can stimulate ketogenesis. This process, in which fat is used as the primary energy source, may help regulate your hunger levels.
  • High protein diets. Protein intakes of 0.5–0.7 grams per pound (1.2–1.6 grams per kg) per day promote building and maintaining lean body mass, which supports your metabolism and may reduce overeating by helping you feel full for longer.
  • Intermittent fasting. Restricting eating to a designated time period may reduce your overall calorie intake and improve diet adherence.

While these strategies may promote weight loss, most experts recommend reducing your calorie intake gradually and including nutrient-rich, whole foods that are high in fiber and protein.

This method supports your overall health and reduces some of the negative side effects of dieting while promoting noticeable weight loss.

The most important factor for weight loss is maintaining a calorie deficit, which can be accomplished through either your diet, exercise habits, or both.

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