How I LOST FAT in A Wheelchair - Tips, Info, Diet & more

 How I lost Weight as a Wheelchair Person

I am A wheelchair User. I have been a wheelchair user since Grade School. Specifically since kindergarten. Ever since then, I knew I couldn't "exercise" freely like those who didn't use a wheelchair.

Down the road, I've gained weight in my grade school years to high school. I was becoming overweight and practically obese. This was the result of poor nutrition. I know it was because I can look back at my childhood life and examine what was going wrong.

As a kid, we don't care about nutrition nor do we know what IS nutrition. Nutrition affects the body, mind and overall health. Since us kids were going to school, the school's never taught us about "nutrition" or "proper nutrition" so really, kids have no clue about food, it's aspects and health output.

As I was growing up to my adulthood, I was gaining weight as I sai. Especially around the grade of 7-9th grade, around 13-15 years old - I was the heaviest. I had chipmunk cheeks, big belly, big legs and look like a ball of fat. A blub. A whale lol. 

To be honest, I wouldn't have noticed my weight gain (especially becoming obese) until I had to have surgery on my Spine for scoliosis treatment. The Doctors told me I had to lose weight for many reasons. For one, due to my condition, I was born with (osteogenesis imperfecta), I was at greater risk of fracturing and secondly, I needed healthy functioning lungs and overall health to endure such surgery for my spine...So What Did I begin to do? Learn. Research. Train my mind to acquire the knowledge to understand and to what it takes to go about losing weight and becoming healthier.

Considering I was in a wheelchair and bound to it, I couldn't do any cardio nor do anything that can sweat off the fat. Since I had brittle bones, I had to figure some way, somehow to lose weight and become healthier.

I did my research. I did the hard work. I began on Google, of course, and started to go about the basics. What is Nutrition? What is Diet? What is the difference between Dieting and Nutrition? Which is more important and to prioritize on? What helps with longevity and How to maintain a healthy state of mind and body?

The first thing I began to do after I began my research and learning

I examine my Lifestyle, habits, routine, etc. Everything was examined thoroughly because I wanted to pinpoint what is causing me to be weak and what is causing me to gain fat...

I logged everything; mentally and physically. I tracked my food intake known as calorie tracking. Using an app to track my foods. From there, it gave me a breakdown of the foods, the nutritional content, and aspects of the foods I was consuming. From this, I can learn about nutrition and further my learning. I began to address my Poor Dieting and Nutritional Lifestyle. I began to eliminate and replace junk foods with healthier foods. And from this point, my journey to becoming strong and healthy has initiated.

Since I began my learning and journey, I started to set a foundation for myself. I told myself, No more Junk food, Strive for healthy foods to become properly nourished to be strong and healthy. No more overeating and no more eating for fun or when bored or for enjoyment. No more sodas just because it's addicting, no more sweets because it doesn't benefit the body. I started to eat vegetables, fruits and healthy sources of fats proteins, and carbs.

In my teenage days, My Nutritional lifestyle was POOR. I mean POOR. I would eat anything, drink anything, and indulge in junk food all day, every day. Which over time will accumulate into fat and perhaps become malnourished, obese, and prone to illnesses. I ate nothing but frozen microwavable foods, fast foods, and nothing but soda. Soda is the #1 issue for me back in the day. I would drink soda after soda after soda, which is super bad for us humans. For one, soda contains a lot of sugar, an excessive amount of sugar that disrupts the body overall, and soda is loaded with calories which will result in weight gain after some time.

Back to my fat loss journey; I knew I had to prioritize nutrition very seriously if I wanted to be lean and healthy because I was wheelchair bounded and I have never exercised. And that's what I did. I focused on nutrition very heavily. I focused on Greens - Vegetables. DAILY. I would force myself to eat veggies because I didn't like the taste, or I wasn't fond of it. I was just a cry baby back then, thinking about it, but yes, I would force myself to eat veggies and healthy sources of protein instead of frozen junk food. I knew these foods, healthy foods, aren't the tastiest, but by having a goal and staying committed, you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. And that is what I did. I put my mind into it and didn't give a flying duck.

After some time of "Dieting" or changing my lifestyle for the good, I noticed huge drastic changes. For one, by setting a foundation; A proper daily routine, a proper nutritional lifestyle, and healthy habits, My life and Body and Health Started to look Better and I felt much better, more alive, uplifted, vibrant. I knew that my body and mind were thanking me for making this drastic change. It did take some time; Maybe a year or so in order to adjust fully and to go about the weight loss process and learning and everything else.

Losing weight for a disabled or non-disabled person is not about Dieting. It's about your routine, habits, and choices. You have the option to go for vegetables, and healthy sources of fats proteins, and carbs, but if you got a weak mind and no goals set in; you won't achieve anything. 

To Lose Weight / Fat, the main driver of fat loss is done by calorie deficit or burning more energy than you consume. So, eat less on a daily basis to enter the calorie deficit phase to start promoting fat loss. If you eat excessively, this is known as a calorie surplus, which will make you gain weight. Remember earlier in the article I said I used a calorie tracking app to track my food intake? Well, it'll be much easier to go about weight loss when tracking your food or calories. This gives you insight into how many calories you're consuming and whether to stop or continue to eat. This is ideal because people whom are overweight tend to indulge excessively which is a habit problem. 

By Staying consistent

with healthy eating, focusing on healthy nutrition, and calorie deficit, you won't and don't need exercise to promote fat loss. Over time, young Jedi, you will start to notice weight loss changes. Your stomach and overall stubborn fat will decrease. But you must remember, this is a lifestyle change; not a monthly thing or a chore and then after, you can go back to living like crap. NO! You must have this lifestyle change for the Good. This is a game-changer, life-changer, mind changer because your actions dictate your health outcomes. Habits dictate your health outcomes. Everything you do will dictate your outcome in a positive or negative manner. It's about How You go about it. Do it in a proper way where your body will thank you. Treat your body like a temple.

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