Fitness Tips for Beginners! (Questions, Answers, Tips, and more)

Answering Your Fitness And Workout Questions!

Tips for losing weight, Muscle-Building, How to, and much more!

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What is a simple but effective way of gaining muscle?

A simple but effective way of gaining muscle has to be: Training with progressive overload. When you lift something heavy, it requires a lot of energy and force to lift that object. Therefore, it'll put a ton of strain on that particular muscle, so over time, when you're continuously lifting that heavy object - it'll create "Tears" in your muscles, and when you eat and rest (sleep), your body will repair the "tears" and will develop "new" muscle to cover up the damage. This is how you BUILD Muscle. You need to cause damage, tears within your muscles in order to develop muscle mass. So, simply lifting heavy; anything heavy. Heavyweights, heavy books, or light weights with a ton of reps.

How can I reduce my tummy in less than two weeks?

To reduce stomach fat, you need to focus and prioritize your diet and nutrition. If your tummy is bloated, your stomach is inflamed due to eating or drinking something that causes irritation. Step 1: Avoid irritations. Step 2: Remove junk foods from your diet. Step 3: Eat healthy consistently, avoid/refrain from eating sugary junk foods and stay with your vegetables. Step 4: Exercise. Exercise will help burn fat and tone up your body, therefore, making your core tighter and smaller. (Cardio or weightlifting is good) Step 5: Don't over-eat, stay on track with your diet and nutrition and your stomach will look nice and toned.

Do I have to lose weight to feel pretty about myself?

No, no one should judge you based on your weight. Weight doesn't mean anything. You should embrace who you are and how you look. If you're okay with your physique, then that is okay. You don't need to impress anyone but yourself. At the end of the day, you have to look over yourself, no one else is doing that for you. So with that being said, love yourself and tell the haters to screw off.

How do you lose weight without missing out favourite foods?

To lose weight, you simply need to be a in a calorie deficit. Meaning, you have to eat less food (consume fewer calories) than typical/normal. When you reduce your food/calorie intake, your body has no choice but to lose weight. Cut down on your food portions, eat less of what you're already eating, Remove Junk/sugary foods and drinks and plan ahead. If you want to eat your favorite foods or snacks or whatever, make sure you're on track first, then treat or reward yourself at the end of the day or whenever to remain satisfied. Then make sure you're back on track to prevent indulging in junk foods.

It's all about controlling your eating habits. If you haven't eaten any junk food for the whole day, sure, one meal or one junk food won't hurt.

Does cardio kill your gains?

Cardio is very helpful for losing weight and improving cardio and endurance. However, if you excessively do cardio, it will burn Muscle due to high amount of energy. When you're going for cardio sessions, it requires a lot of energy, so, let's say if you're already lean, cardio will utilize energy from somewhere, and in this case, due to having low body fat, it'll grab energy from your muscles and as a result, it'll burn away the muscle mass. To prevent such issues, don't overdo cardio - don't stay too shredded, and stay on track with your nutrition intake to help with muscle gains.

Is it normal to be always hungry when you first start losing fat?

Yes, it is normal to be starving or hungry all the time when you're losing weight. Due to eating less, your body is in a calorie deficit mode. So it is confused why you aren't eating like how you use to. Therefore, you'll stay hungry all day. To subside this issue, you need to eat more fulfilling foods. More vegetables, more fiber, more water, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and have a variety of things within your meals and consume low calorie-dense foods.

What mental benefits do you get when you exercise every day?

Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood. And you don't have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits.

Physical activity can help reduce anxiety, and this benefit can start right after a moderate or vigorous exercise session. Longer-term, regular exercise can also help reduce the risk of depression.

What is the best diet for getting lean?

The best diet is the diet you can maintain for a long time while staying consistent and can endure it. Without sustaining the diet protocol, you won't become lean. So, in my opion, whatever works for you. But I recommend Keto diet since keto diet avoids carbs and when you avoid carbs, that is when you burn a lot of fat, therefore, you will become shredded. 

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