Osteogenesis Imperfecta - Nutritional Tips and How To Stay Strong and Healthy

 Nutritional And Dieting Tips for Osteogenesis Imperfecta People

People with Oi, are prone to fractures. We must prioritize our bone and muscle health to prevent such disasters. FOOD, Nutrition itself plays a critical role in our health, performance, and longevity. If you aren't eating healthy, you're just making your body more susceptible to issues and loss of bone and muscle strength. Healthy foods provide nourishment, which means it heals the body - it is beneficial for the body. Junk Food, fast foods, chips, and sodas are examples of foods you should stay away from. Especially with us Oi people, caffeine and alcohol are a big no no due to how it affects your bones; Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, it removes vitamins and minerals and thus makes you vulnerable and weak.

Foods that are healthy will benefit you. It'll heal you. Give you strength and energy. Food is an energy source - it is our fuel for our bodies. We must prioritize healthy foods to live a long and healthy life.

Now, there are a ton of foods you can eat in the world, right? Yes. So, when it comes to eating healthy, you must be aware of what you're consuming and how much of it. Junk foods should always be avoided to prevent malnutrition. It is easy to scope out junk food because typically junk foods are sweet, savory, and salty. Or it's loaded with grease, cheese and you know that is not healthy for the human body. Sure, moderation of junk food is okay, but nothing excessive. Cookies, chips, and sodas are an example of non-nutritional foods - meaning it doesn't benefit us other than giving us a chance to live off of. Those contain calories obviously, so we'll stay alive. However, they contain no nutritional value for us. No healthy nutrients. No proper nourishment.

When it comes to eating properly, fruits and vegetables are a must. Clean sources of fats, proteins, and carbs are a must. Eating in moderation and eating mindfully is key. It is impossible to avoid junk foods and to refrain from them. Exercise and consistency of eating healthy is the answer. With these tips, you'll always stay healthy and strong.

I cannot give you people a list, because if I were to, it'll be impossible first off due to how much food selection there is out in the world. There are different countries, cultures, etc; and each of'em contains different ways of eating, cooking, and so forth. Just know what you're putting in your foods and/or what your food contains.

If you go out to eat, then it is much harder to eat healthily due to how fast foods only provide junk and unhealthy ingredients. Most fast food places and restaurants contain loads of processed foods, additives, and whatnot. Those...Aren't healthy for the human body, and this is why people end up developing health issues and obesity and diabetes due to how poor nutrition is in life.

You must always be aware of what you're consuming. Try to avoid junk foods and stay on the healthy route. It is going to be hard because of the temptation - but just know - you're doing your body a huge favor.

BUT! For us Oi people, we must always be on top of our nutrition. Nutrition affects the body day and night - daily. It is easy to fall off track and become malnourished which increases the risk of lots of issues. You must always remain hydrated with WATER, no soda, or sugary drinks. You must eat healthily and consume a variety of foods. You just don't want to stick with eggs for example. Variety of foods meaning - protein, carbs, and fats should be within your meals. Vegetables contain most of these nutrients and stick to healthy meats and fish if you are a meat-eater. No frying, no loads of oil, no excessive amounts of sugary --. Nutritional foods only for proper nourishment! and of course -  Moderation is key (to control weight).

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