Weight Loss Stalled - Solution

 Why Your Weight loss Progress is Stalled

If you've hit a wall, or a plateau during your weight loss journey - don't look any further - today, you will learn why you've stalled during your fat loss journey.

Did Your Weight loss plateau?

Losing weight requires exerting energy and/or eating less, and healthily of course. A plateau comes when you're eating the same amount, having the same activity level, and doing nothing to cause a change in your life.

When you do the same repetitive routines, cycles, and regimes - the body adapts to the conditions over time. So when you've hit a wall, a plateau, that means you need to switch things up.

You need to change your eating habits, eat healthier, remove/avoid certain foods, or become more active.

> Is Your Eating Habits ruining your health?

Activity burns fat

When you become active - exercising or lifting weights, you're exerting energy which results in weight loss over time. Cardio, jogging, swimming, walking, or even lifting weights can help you lose fat and tone those muscles - making you look sexier.

> Low Stomach Fat Fix

If you're not active during your weight loss journey, or in general - you're missing out, and this is one of the reasons why you're not seeing the results that you're wanting.

The human body needs to be treated right. It needs to stay active and focus on healthy eating. If not, then progress will be slow, and tedious.

> Unhealthy fats to not eat

Dial in your nutrition

> 11 Foods High in Protein

Sometimes, we don't know or realize what we are actually eating/consuming at the end of the day. We end up binging on the little things such as snacks/chips/sodas which are calories accumulated. So - the key is - dial in your nutrition. 

> What is a Healthy Diet? -Guide-

Using a macro/calorie tracking app - you can get precise detailed information/outlook on what foods you're consuming, and how much of it (how many calories in total). 

And from this - the information you've learned - you can dictate whether to continue eating or to change up your diet, etc, etc.

> Must have Herbs for Immune HEALTH (prevent colds)

Your Lifestyle may impact your Weight Loss Journey

If you're sleeping terribly every night, that will be a factor in why you're not losing weight the proper way. Sleep is crucial for everything. From recovery to fat loss, sleeping is one of those things that we Humans don't take seriously.

Seriously, sleep is very powerful. During sleep, your body loses weight, rebuilds tissues and develops new tissue, and restores/replenishes hormones and energy levels.

If your sleep routine is out of wack - then expect your fat loss journey and overall body performance to be slowed down, and decreased.

Also, if you're constantly stressing that will also prevent you from losing weight.

If you factor all of those issues in; sleep, exercise, stress, and eating habits, those are all of the things you need to prioritize in order to lose fat and stay strong and healthy.

Many people end up focusing on 1 or 2 things and end up forgetting the rest - which ends up making them gain the weight back after some time of dieting...

You need to develop healthy habits and have knowledge when it comes to nutrition, and health overall.

>> Sugary Drinks making YOU FAT

Without knowledge (which comes from the journey/experience), you won't progress far - and this is why people end up rebounding.

Low testosterone in Men

> WATCH: Low Testosterone Symptoms, Explanation and Solutions

Men need testoserone. If you're overweight, big belly, and experiencing low energy, sex drive, no motivation/drive, etc - perhaps you have Low Testosterone. Having low t will definitely impact your quality of life - hence why people on steroids who come off the gear end up using TRT for the rest of their life because they want a good quality of life - to feel good, and strong.

Low T comes from a poor diet and nutritional and sedentary lifestyle. You can boost your T levels by eating right, properly, healthy, exercising, lifting heavy, and using supplements.

Using supplements such as ASHWAGANDHA and other Testosterone boosters works.

Nothing like Roids, but as a male - any bit of higher testosterone is good. It'll help with performance, mental state, power/strength, recovery, and fat loss.


Herbs that'll increase stamina and strength


> More Info on Herbs:


> Blog Post #2


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