Is Your Eating Habits Ruining Your Life?

 If You Eat Like This - Your Health is in Trouble

People - if you're eating like this, and if you're experiencing dreadful symptoms, here's a solution.

> What Makes You Fat

In today's age, everyone is eating ultra-processed foods. 

Poor eating habits include under- or over-eating, not having enough of the healthy foods we need each day, or consuming too many types of food and drink, which are low in fibre or high in fat, salt and/or sugar.

Fast foods, and ready-to-eat meals like canned foods/microwavable foods, processed meats, and other types of junk foods.

> These foods make you ugly and fat

Sodas, fast foods, sugary beverages, chips, candies, pastries,  loads, and excessive intake of carbs and fats will harm your overall health.

People are typically indulging in junk foods every day - throughout the day. Also, they're consuming excessive amounts of carbs and fats - and not good quality fats or carbs. Which will impact your insulin, weight, mental state, and much more. Which can lead to obesity, diabetes, malnourishment, and so on.

> Speeding up metabolism

From eating poorly on a daily basis, People experience dreadful symptoms.

Such as; Foggy minded, loss of mental clarity, depression, anxiety, always getting sick/ill, loss of performance, feeling sluggish, tired, and drained or fatigued. 

This is due to always consuming poor nutritional foods. When you go about junk foods, you're providing your body with harmful and toxic chemicals, additives, preservatives, and excess amounts of sugar, sodium, and calories.

> Why You're sluggish all the time

The body is not designed to eat whatever.

People think they can survive [healthily] on junk foods. Which is false. You can't. You'll stay alive but sooner or later, health issues will arise.

>Nuts and Seeds List - High in Protein

The human body needs proper nourishment.

Such as eating vegetables, fruits, seeds/nuts/berries, and healthy sources of fats, carbs, and proteins. You don't need to be in a calorie surplus, nor a calorie deficit, just enough calorie intake to have sustainable energy and to stay at a healthy weight.

People whom are always eating fast foods, drinking sodas, and stuffing their faces with chips and whatnot are vulnerable to all kinds of health complications.

As mentioned earlier, people whom eat poorly most of the time end up developing diabetes and other major health issues.

America itself is fulfilled with obesity. Obese people are prone to all kinds of health issues, illnesses and diseases.

In order to prevent this - you people need to eat healthier, and exercise

Eating healthily has tons of benefits. It'll promote longevity, uplift your mood and peak your performance. So, if you're an athlete/lifter or a person who wants to become healthier - eat healthily, and exercise.

Exercising not only builds muscle and strength, it promotes well-being and helps with weight management, and to get rid of toxins.

Processed foods are not the way to go. These types of foods hardly contain any good nutritional value for us, humans. Processed foods are stripped away from their nutrient profile, therefore, causing harm to your health once consumed. And to add to that, people tend to indulge or eat excessively when going about Junk foods/snacks/drinks.

Organic - Whole Foods is the way to go

Whole foods or organic foods are the way to go. These types of foods contain all of their original nutrient profile, giving you all of the benefits of that specific foods. Nothing is being modified or stripped, so you can promote a better health outcome when eating healthily.

Cooking at home is the best way to go about becoming healthy. Or if you are going out, choose healthy foods, and have junk foods in moderation.

There are tons of benefits on why you should cook at home; You have the options to choose what ingredients go into your meal, you dictate how many calories are within your meal, and can dictate how good or bad the quality of the food is. You decide to input or remove certain food selections, and this is the most important part; Since fast foods and other places are limited, so by having the ability to remove or add healthier foods to your meal is the better way to go. You aren't limited as much as fast foods or whatnot.

There are way too many people dying and developing diseases and illnesses. 

This is caused by a sedentary lifestyle along with a poor nutritional diet. To prevent such things, take care of your health, exercise, and eat healthily. Stay consistent with these protocols, and you will survive and feel good for a long time. In addition, your performance, mental state, and immune system will be at their best - due to properly caring for your health.

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