What Makes YOU FAT - lose fat tips

People have no idea why they're overweight. Today, you will learn why and how people become fat, or overweight

Accumulation of Calories- High intake of food

Without a doubt, if you're excessively eating, eating more than usual, binging, and indulging in foods will cause you to gain weight. This is known as a calorie surplus.

You're consuming more energy than you burn, so as a result, your body has no choice but to store all of these nutrients/foods as "fat." Fat storage. To Store fat because the body has no clue what to do with all these energy/calories.

To utilize the foods/energy you've consumed, you should be exercising/working out to use those nutrients in a proper manner. Nutrients ultimately help with performance, recovery and building tissue.

You need to control your eating habits and have a set-eating routine.

Have proper portions, don't stuff your belly, and eat when full. Don't always eat the same thing, your body needs an array of nutrients in order to stay healthy because only focusing on one food group won't do the job.

Lack of Exercising - Inactivity - Sedentary People

If you're one of those who sits all day, does nothing, does not go outside and walk or run, or do any type of exercise is truly missing out. Your body needs to exercise. It promotes a healthier body and it helps with fat loss/weight loss.

When you exercise, you need the energy to perform the actions, so when you Do go about working out/exercising, you're burning through your energy resources which results in weight loss, over time. 

You need to be consistent with your exercise. About 2-3x a week is ideal. If you're completely sedentary, you're asking to become overweight.

Sedentary people have no desire to work out, so as a result, they accumulate fat-gain, which will continue on and on until they change their habits and direction in life.

Lack of Eating Healthily - Consuming Junk food on the Daily

Your body needs an array of nutrients to properly nourish the body. People mainly focus on eating JUNK Food to survive. Consuming things like chips, sweets, sodas, fries, fast foods, and so on. This is bad for our health, and especially to our weight.

If you aren't eating healthily, then it'll be very hard to lose weight. The body needs proper nutritious foods to detox and cleanses the body which will help with weight loss.

Vegetables, fruits, and healthy sources of fats, carbs, and proteins, with ideal portion sizes, will help you to lose weight and become healthier.

People constantly, and excessively indulge in Junk foods and sugary beverages - which are Loaded with calories, sugar, sodium, and other harmful ingredients, etc.

This is why people are overweight. They neglect healthy foods and continue to consume these sodas and other junk-related foods.

Once you begin to eat healthier, exercise and focus on good habits and whatnot, you'll begin to feel healthier, happier, lifted, and much more energized.

Eating Too Much will cause weight gain

You will gain fat if you're excessively eating. Eating more than you can use, and consuming more energy than you can burn or exert will result in weight gain. You must find the balance, the happy medium for your body. It can be quite difficult to understand, so here's my recommendation.

  • 1) Download a calorie tracking app (myfitnesspal for example)
  • 2) Track your calories for a week, every day
  • 3) Determine how many calories you're consuming on a daily basis and on a weekly basis

4) Alter your calorie intake/food consumption from the data you've jotted down when doing the journey

You can utilize the food into something beneficial. If you're an athlete or bodybuilder, eating a lot can turn into muscle gains or performing better, whether if it's sports or lifting, the calories/food will help.

Food is fuel, so you should take that seriously. Athletes and bodybuilders prioritize their nutrition, nutrient selection, and how many calories their bodies need. They don't stuff their faces with unnecessary amounts of food or poor nutritional foods because it'll hinder performance, and so on.

It comes down to portion control and moderation. Eat til you're content and satisfied. Don't stuff your belly with food just because it tastes good...Also, I recommend having a set routine to enforce you to stay healthy. Having a routine will also prevent overeating/undereating and going on a binge. People binge because they're either bored or starving; so by having a routine in place, you will avoid all these issues.

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