These Types of Foods Makes You Fat and Ugly

 These Foods Make You Fat and Ugly

Foods can alter your appearance. Your skin complexion, how vibrant you look, and how healthy you look overall. This is dictated by your nutritional regime and stress levels.

Did you know that whatever you eat, is what you become? Literally. If you eat nothing but junk foods, you may look like junk. Skin, hair, nails, internal, and external looks and health may be impacted.

"Sugar, along with other refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, bagels, pancakes, etc.) is linked to premature aging and skin wrinkling. It actually attacks the collagen and elastin in your skin, leading to increased sagging and wrinkles."

In addition, Stress affects the body in many ways.

Stress raises cortisol, which impacts the body in many ways. For one, you're going to hold more water. For two, it causes inflammation which makes the skin and overall body look unhealthy.

However, the foods we eat play a huge role because it causes inflammation, which raises cortisol, and the foods we tend to Strive for are unhealthy for us - making us obese, unhealthy, and malnourished.

When a person is malnourished, you're not getting in enough of those essential and vital micronutrients. Macro and micronutrients play a huge role when it comes to Performance, and how you feel and look.

Junk food hardly contains any good essential and vital nutrients. So if you're constantly feeding on junk foods, you aren't nourishing the body, so as a result, you're going to become fat and ugly.

Healthy, nutritious foods detox and heal the body. 

Cleansing the toxins within, removing any ailments, and blocked up-stagnated blood, and much more; helps improves blood flow, nutrient absorption, and so on. 

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seed, berries, and healthy sources of organic protein, fats, and carbs is the way to go.

These types of foods contain essential and vital nutrients. You should receive your nutrients from variety of sources rather than focusing and eating on ONE FOOD GROUP. Consuming more than one food group has tons of benefits, providing more nourishment.

People become ugly and fat because they're treating their bodies like literal crap. 

Your body is a machine It needs good quality fuel in order to process things right. Without the proper fuel things may get stuck, stagnated, and hard to move along.

Fast foods or processed foods are not the way to go. You need whole foods. Organic foods. These foods are ORGANIC, not being modified nor stripped from their original nutritional profile. 

"a lot of fast food contains trans fats, which clog and stiffen your blood vessels and arteries, therefore making you look older."

Fried foods like French fries, fried chicken, and potato chips are cooked at very high temperatures and also contain toxic AGEs. AGEs contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation that can make your skin look dull and ruddy, not to mention contribute to wrinkles.

Not even mentioning exercise - you people neglect this too!

Neglecting exercise along with having a poor diet and nutritional regime is a recipe for disaster. You'll end up looking horrible. Always looking and actually feeling tired, depressed, loss of motivation/drive, and have low performance. 

You, people, neglect healthy foods because you don't care for them. And not caring for your own health. Or you don't know how junk foods affect your health overall.

What foods make you attractive?

  • Bananas. Want to have multiple nutrients in one eatery? 
  • Avocado. Because of containing oleic, fatty acid, this fruit besides being scrumptious, offers a lot of cosmetic benefits. 
  • Papaya. Add variety to your dietary intake other than just oranges.
  • Egg.
  • Fish.
  • Yogurt. 
  • Lemon.

To become sexier and stronger; Focus on a healthy lifestyle.

- Exercise

- Focus on healthy - nutritious foods. Definitely include Veggies

- Stay hydrated

- Avoid Sugary and Junk foods

- Limit your fast foods and processed foods

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