Tips for Controlling Your Hunger or Appetite

How to Curb Your Hunger or Appetite

Learn how to control and curb your appetite to help with weight management such as losing weight or maintaining your weight. 

Fill Up on Vegetables

Veggies contain fiber and calories. You mix the two and you got a recipe for fullness. Fiber fills you up, and so that is why veggies are important. Not only does it make you full, but fiber also cleanses the gut, cleanses the body from toxins. So, if you're neglecting vegetables, you're missing out for sure!

Drink lots of water

Water is a filler. It can make you full, and it has 0 calories. So with that being said, drink lots of water before and after your meal consumption. This will make sure that you won't crave anything. Plus, lots of people do not drink enough water. Proper hydration is important. 

Have a High Protein Diet

A high protein diet is more satiating. Studies show that protein is by far the most filling. It helps you feel more full — with less food. This is partly because protein reduces your level of the hunger hormone ghrelin. It also boosts the levels of peptide YY, a hormone that makes you feel full.

Choose Solid Whole Food

Whole food vs junk food. Whole foods contain all of its nutrient [context] whereas junk food is processed and have added ingredients. Also, junk food is deceiving. It tricks our brain thinking we're not full but in reality, we are, and as a result, our brain craves more. Sugar is one example. For instance SODA - soda is addicting, sweet, and tasty. We can drink lots of sodas without getting full and realizing it. That is deceiving. Many many people do not know about this nor are aware of it. Be cautious and know what you're consuming and how much of it.

Try avoiding junk food, those chips, candies, bread, etc, and start eating healthier. Eat whole [organic if you can] foods to feel fuller and to become healthier.

Coffee and Tea can help make you feel full

Coffee and Tea's are great to curb appetite. Caffeine suppresses hunger and so does Tea. Green tea. If you notice that you aren't as hungry when you drink coffee, now you know why. You can also use supplements to curb appetite.

Eat mindfully

Don't indulge in food just because it tastes good. Eat for a [good] reason. Enjoy your food. Know what you're putting in your body. When you eat mindfully, it's more of a conscious way of eating - this helps with overeating, and preventing yourself from indulging in junk food. 

Spices - Peppers

A recent review examined the effects of capsaicin, found in hot peppers, and capsiate, found in sweet peppers.

It found these compounds may help decrease hunger and increase feelings of fullness.

What’s more, the ability of these compounds to generate heat may also increase the number of calories burned after a meal 

However, these effects have not been seen in all studies and remain small. In addition, people who eat these foods often may develop a tolerance to the effects.

Portion Control

Eating from smaller plates may help you unconsciously eat less without increasing your feelings of hunger.


Both aerobic and resistance exercise can help increase fullness hormones and lead to reduced hunger and calorie intake.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting at least seven hours of sleep per night is likely to reduce your hunger levels throughout the day.

Eat Your Breakfast

For those who skip breakfast may consume more calories at the end of the day. Simply because you're missing out on calories, so, you may feel more hungry therefore, you may indulge in eating lots of food and as a result, you will gain weight due to being in a calorie surplus. By eating breakfast, you will be full til lunch time or even dinner time, and this helps with preventing overeating and especially craving sweets or junk foods.

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