WHY Keto Diet Is Superior to any other diet

 Keto Diet Is simply the best diet for almost anyone

Simply, the keto diet is the most effective and successful [dieting] method out there.

The ketosis diet

Ketosis utilizes ketones within your body, which act like fuel, utilizing your own BODY FAT which results in calorie-burning - aka weight loss. This happens because your body has low carbs. Learn about low-carb diets

> Fat Burning FOODS - 

As you're breathing and living throughout the day, the ketosis effect is burning more calories at idle than before. This is because your body has no other fuel source than its own body fat. (Carbs are one of the main sources of fuel, however, since keto has no carbs within, the body utilizes its own fat)

See - the keto diet removes carbohydrates, and focuses on high fat/protein.

> Keto vs Fasting: 

When you deplete carbs - your body has to switch mechanisms, which causes a lot of things to be switched on and off. Some people may like the keto diet because they can handle it and some may not like it. Some people feel off, have low energy, etc. Some people end up having more energy than before, feeling more alive and healthier.

> Lower stomach fat fix:

Why is it so effective & successful?

The keto diet activates ketosis - Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when your body burns fat for energy instead of glucose. In addition - this diet is forcing you to remove and avoid Carbohydrates at ALL TIMES.

> Fitness Person explains how to become shredded:

When people remove carbs, they're removing a majority of the junk foods they have been consuming on a daily basis. Anything in excessive amounts will lead to weight gain. But the main issue with a majority of the people is the sweet-junk foods. The chips, sodas, pastries, bread, deep-fried foods, and so on. Junk foods contain a large amount of sugar, sodium, and toxic calories.

> Keto Diet gets you Shredded:

So, when people utilize the keto diet, they end up being healthier, fit, and more outgoing than before. Your body and health have changed for good.

> Is Obesity a choice or no? :

However, this is not the best or optimal healthy lifestyle. You should not remove and/or avoid any nutrients to lose weight or maintain a certain weight. Staying healthy, and fit requires discipline and knowledge. Understanding your body, calories, nutrition, and regime. Having a set routine will set you on track. This in return will also have you understand how your body works, and responds to food and nutrition, and so on.

FOODS HIGH IN PROTEIN LOW IN CALORIES - > https://delicatefitness.blogspot.com/2019/10/14-plant-based-protein-foods.html




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