Intermittent Fasting - Diet Lifestyle Choice - Best for Weight Loss?

Best Diet Method For Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting: "Diet Lifestyle Choice" - Best for Weight Loss?

--Previous Article: Coping With Depression

I've discovered Intermittent Fasting while in high school, I didn't quite know anything about nutrition/fitness/diet hacks, so I ate nothing for the whole time being at school; I fasted til 3pm from bed time (10-12pm every night). I fasted every single day til I graduated from HS. I did not know that it kept me in shape because I ate whatever I wanted and did not gain a surprising amount of weight.

Intermittent Fasting is manipulation of eating; limiting your 'eating window [time]' to a shorter time. For example, you're going to eat only within 3-6 hours after fasting. This is to ensure the benefits of intermittent fasting. People use intermittent fasting to help restrict calories, to lose fat (during the state of fasting - your body is working harder to make sure your body is running - using vital resources to provide energy resulting in weight/fat loss since no calories are being consumed) and/or to maintain weight. Overall, it'll help improve your health - your performance - your brain function.

What's FASTING? - you're not consuming ANY type of Calories within this fasting phase; it can last up to 20 hours and be short as 12 hours (or less/more - depends on goals). No Calories are being consumed - "0" Calories. The body is going under 'changes' when performing fasting or when in a fasted phase - this is the benefits people receive.
Steps of Fasting for Weight Loss

What can be Consumed When Performing Intermittent Fasting?

When fasting, you want to consume No calories what's so ever. You're wanting to ensure the benefits of fasting. If you're wanting to eat or drink something while fasting, you can, but first you have to make sure it contains little-to-no calories (It is shown that anything below ~50 calories is still considered a fast). Coffee, Tea's, Carbonated Water, are good sources of 0 calorie [drinks/liquids], and usually there's no food being CONSUMED while fasted. Coffee must be taken aware of because adding in sugar/creamer can affect your fasting phase - same goes for tea's, etc.

What types of Diet should be Used During Intermittent Fasting?

It doesn't matter - it's your choice - it can be anything. IF is more of a diet hack [lifestyle choice] rather than " a diet/nutritional value method" but it can be used for that if you put it as that. Any diet can be used along with Fasting - the Keto diet is effective with IF to promote fat loss.

Why I recommend Intermittent Fasting

I recommend fasting because it has tons of benefits. The science behind it and also the way we can use it to our advantage. For myself, I tend to overeat or eat "junk food" more than healthy foods - using the intermittent fasting method helps me stay on track, limit my "junk food" intake, focus more on incorporating healthier foods and it helps me to lose weight. I use this method as a Fat Loss prescription - sometimes I fast during my workouts to improve fat loss, I sometimes go under a calorie deficit while fasting to ensure more fat loss activation, and also drinking coffee to speed up the process. Fasting can be a manipulation tool; use it wisely to change/transform your body, to clean up your diet, to improve 'health.' Ever since I use this method, my body fat HAS REDUCED A LOT - I'm much much LEANER.

My experience with Intermittent Fasting:

I love Intermittent Fasting. It gives me the chance to stay lean while eating the foods that I love. If you're a person who loves meals throughout the day but cannot stand eating healthy, IF is for you then. IF is made for everyone, but has to endure the 'time.'
Intermittent Fasting has changed my physical appearance in a good way; I'm leaned out, looking good and not overweight. I do tend to get moody sometimes when I'm on a fast, sometimes i don't have energy to workout or to do things but it is all in your mind. My mind has also became smarter, wiser and stronger.


  1. Stay Hydrated. Being in a fasted state will dehydrate you, you'll feel less energized (may differ for people). Make sure to have plenty of liquids to keep up your energy and to feel good. Hydration is the key to make yourself full, not feeling any type of hunger.
  2. Use Appetite Suppressants to help with Fasting. Appetite suppressants are used to stop your hunger or appetite; Coffee is one good example of an appetite suppressant - drinking it will help curb your craving of food.
  3. Be smart about it. Don't use IF to drop weight quick -  that's an unhealthy way of losing weight - you're wanting to lose weight the right way - exercising and a good diet.
  4. Working out During Fasted - It's possible, people do it, athletes and including myself. Some say that during your workout session while fasted will help promote fat/weight loss - so if that's something that you like, take IF into account.
  5. Healthier Life Choices - Many athletes use IF to keep there health in check; many people indulge in junk food or non-nutritional value foods therefore being unhealthy. Intermittent Fasting (can) ensure healthier food options into your life/diet - being healthier, strong and feeling better.

Fasting Benefits

  • Lose weight
  • Balance calories
  • Restrict calories/calorie deficit
  • Eating when needed/necessary
  • Stops over eating
  • Helps boost metabolism 
  • Helps stay on a diet/strict diet
  • Forces you to stay on schedule
  • Ensure a healthy life
  • Helps with Brain function
  • Increases well-being/energy/clarity/focus

When to Stop / Signs (Pro's / Con's)

If you're experiencing problems during fasting, I'd stop. The reason to stop is because your body cannot handle it. For some, IF is not the answer, it may be the enemy. Everyone reacts different to fasting - if you cannot handle it or if you're always stressed, feeling low on energy, loss of interest/motivation, don't fast. Especially if you're feeling dizzy or have any mental/organ problems. This may damage you rather than help you. 


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