How I Cope With Depression

How I Cope with Depression

Dealing with Depression, ways to decrease depression, live your life

Dealing with Depression is depressing; it drains you mentally and physically. There's "levels" of depression and different "states" of it. Depression can arise from anything, any source, any situation. It is up to you how you look/deal at your depression.
Depression is an emotional state that arises for everyone - everyone goes through it. Not all or everyone is impacted by depression, some may ignore/avoid it and/or others will examine why they're going through depression and learn from it.

When I go through depression, I question myself why am I feeling like this. The First Step is to Pinpoint the problem. Finding the source of your emotional distress is the key to fixing your depression. To make you aware, I believe depression is an never-ending 'cycle,' everyone will go through it if they want too or not; that's how life works - similar to Season's of the earth (winter, summer, spring, etc) - humans, us, go through 'season's' as well.

Once you've pinpointed your problem, you want to find a solution - finding the solution is subsiding the depression 'state' to not 'be affected by it.' Meaning, you have to tell yourself it's okay and it'll pass by - it's a temporary thing that you're letting yourself being affected by your emotional thought process/state. This is where many people find it hard to cope with Depression - many people will use drugs or hide when dealing with depression. That's for sure NOT the answer we're wanting - drugs or hiding to cope with depression is not going to end it - it may trigger your depression worst and put you into a bad state. Drugs, however, can be helpful in some situations. I believe Marijuana can help with depression  - people end up using worse drugs to cope with their depression (pills, etc).
The key to finding the solution is to find why it's affecting you and see how you can fix it.
The solution can be found at times by talking to people such as your friends or family - going into a deep conversation about your life and they may suggest/help you with your emotional state or it may make you realize something. Sometimes, Reflecting is the solution that you need - for me, reflecting is a huge; Ever since I began reflecting everyday (at night before sleep), my life has improved -  I learn a lot about myself and what I do, what I can do, What am I going to do when Reflecting - it's a eye opener.

Back to Drugs, I also cope with depression by smoking marijuana. Marijuana is medicine for me - helping me keep my emotional "state" in check. I don't smoke ALL day nor Do I need it RIGHT away, I prefer it when necessary. It provides a relief.

Don't try to suffer and avoid depression because depression will always be in your life - whether you're rich, poor, living life or just doing nothing - you have to deal with it accordingly.

⇉ The 5 ways to "Decrease" Depression is to:

  1. 1: Workout. Exercising is known to fight depression and lessen it's 'depression state.' Once I realized that working out has solved many of my mental problems, I highly recommend it to everyone.
  2. 2: Eat healthy. Believe it or not, when i use to eat junk food, I was depressed and less motivated back then, but now I'm much more motivated, inspired and feeling great with clarity and determination.
  3. 3: Get Some Sun. For some odd-reason, not exposing yourself to sunlight can impact the way you feel - for me and for other people who can relate, having little-to-no sunlight can change our moods// Vitamin D deficiency can affect our mood.
  4. 4: Think About Vitamins/Minerals. This is a huge one. Not everyone knows about this because I didn't at first. A lack (deficiency) of vitamins/minerals can affect the way you feel 'mentally' and 'physically.' Literally. 
  5. 5. Focus More on Positive Thinking. I believe in this, I believe this'll work for everyone but not all the time but for sure it's beneficial. For example, if you're in a bad situation, positive thinking may mask your feelings of sadness/it pushes away your 'mental state' and transfers into another 'mental state.' When I positive think, my mood changes whether I'm mad, sad, or upset; There's much more things to focus on - thinking negative will make you a negative person - always having negative thoughts, always in a bad emotional state, etc. Surrounding yourself with positivity is also a plus; hanging out with friends/family can boost your mental clarity. 
Depression is just an emotional state you're experiencing; it'll subside after a while. You'll lose interest and your mind will wonder to other more important thing once you realize something - when you've found your Answer. Not all depression(s) arises from the same 'source' such as being bullied, losing a loved one, being let-down, self-esteem problems, or mental problems from the start (chemistry off-balance - need drugs to balance the chemistry). To deal with depression, find what's affecting you and learn how to deal with it. Think more positive, be active, be healthy, be the strongest you can be!

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