Is Obesity A Choice or is it a Excuse?

Is Obesity A Choice or is it a Excuse?

 Is Obesity A Choice? An excuse just to be Fat?

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. 

In this day in age, foods aren't nourishing. 

The fast foods, processed foods, additives, harmful chemicals, hardly any nutrients within, and no nutritional beneficial profile; These foods we are consuming are making us fat. That is because people aren't aware that the foods you see everywhere are somewhat bad for us, especially if you tend to favor junk foods more than healthy options, so as a consequence of eating poorly, people gain weight and may develop obesity due to not acknowledging healthy foods, dieting or exercising.

It's sad to see that many of the foods we see and buy are junk. They have no nutritional benefits other than calories which help us to stay alive.

Nutrients - Proper Nutrition is the key to becoming healthy. To aid the weight loss journey. To improve health, performance, and longevity.

People also do not care, lack the knowledge, and simply have bad habits. Many, many, many, people have an eating disorder, body dysmorphia, etc. So many excuses, but yes, people end up binge eating - excessively - to the point of no return. People end up becoming severely obese which can be lethal.

However, it's not the public's fault for becoming obese. The foods we consume aren't our fault because of how it's made. We're simply buying the food because we're hungry. BUT, you can avoid this issue by learning about nutrition on your own. It's the 'system' fault for not informing us, or guiding us in the proper way. Because we tend to understand and grasp the idea that junk food is not good for us, humans later on in life when we become an adult.

The "system" doesn't really teach us kids, teens, or adults about proper self-care, health care, and ways to treat ailments, diseases, etc. THE "system" loves to make you come back and to keep coming back so they can keep making money off of you and others.

See, the doctors, healthcare systems, and so forth do not tell you about proper nutrition, how nutrition affects the body, and mind, and so forth; the system doesn't really talk about hormones, imbalances, and the list goes on and on and on...

This is because they have a system in place to not let an individual be completely healed, but to be treated to subside the pain or whatever the situation is. They rather want you to use drugs and other stuff and not tell you about the REAL way to become healthier. If you're obese, well in this article - the REAL answer to obesity is to exercise, proper diet and nutrition, and consistency. NOT those pills, weight loss surgery, etc.

People do not care about their health, in my eyes. I see people not exercising nor staying active. Most people are sedentary, sitting/laying watching their phones or tv, and have absolutely no workout ethic. Not striving for healthy and nutritious foods. People would rather eat themselves to death. People binge on junk foods, and stay inactive most of the time. This is why people develop health issues. Working out/exercising and proper nutrition helps with weight loss and improves health. So why neglect self-health?

People are gullible. Anyone wants a quick, convenient way to get what they want. People who see an AD on tv - on how to lose weight - use these "keto pills" and see the results - are the types who aren't willing to endure the whole journey and process of this goal; Exercising, dieting, and eating healthily.

People would rather spend lots of money to "buy weight loss," buy "BBLS," etc. People cannot and will not until something serious happens, commit any type of dedication to their efforts.

To become and stay healthy - you must stay consistent with the whole process. It'll become one of your habits - once you have adjusted to it. It takes time.

People will go on this journey for a day, two, or even a week and then give up. Why? Because of no willpower. They're lazy, they cannot commit to this "boring stuff" so they rather stuff their faces with good-tasting sugary foods and drinks - but excessively...Which leads to obesity.

You need to balance junk food if you're wanting to become healthy. Balance is key. Moderation. Don't binge. Don't indulge. Have one or two cheat meals once a week, once a day, or once here and there. The whole point - is do not to overconsume.

Poor nutrition - Junk food has no good nutrients. When you accumulate these harmful nutrients, additives, chemicals, etc over time, you'll end up developing health issues such as obesity, insulin, metabolism, gut, and organ issues. Eating healthily will help with this; Healthy foods such as veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and healthy sources of fats, proteins, and carbs will detox, cleanse and heal the body.

The solution

Strive for whole organic foods. Whole foods and organic foods are the way to go. They're ORGANIC. No additives, no chemicals, nothing processed. These types of foods contain all of their original and natural nutrients. Whereas junk foods are processed and contain hardly any beneficial nutrients.

Stop indulging in those junk foods. Those sugary drinks, sodas, and desserts all the time. You're consuming too much sugar, sodium, and calories in a short period of time.

When you do this, fat gain will occur. You're providing your body with too many calories and harmful ingredients that your body will become sick, ill, and may develop ailments. 

Have healthy eating habits. Control yourself. Balance out your nutrition. Be mindful of what you're consuming. Becoming more mindful about everything in life will change your perspective in a good way because...Food is fuel. People seem to not realize that. And they abuse food. And as a consequence, people become sick, ill and obese, and/or malnourished.

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