Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts and seeds, could help increase your metabolism for a few hours.

They do so by requiring your body to use more energy to digest them.

This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). The TEF refers to the number of calories needed by your body to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in your meals.

Many of the studies observing that protein helps with weight loss had people getting 25–30% of their calories from protein. Therefore, this may be a good range to try. Try increasing your intake of high protein foods such as whole eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, meat, and dairy products.

The Thermogenic Effects of Foods

  • There are food groups that burn more calories than they consume during digestion, boosting our metabolism as they process the food. The amazing effect of a thermogenic diet is you can eat healthy food while burning away the fat.

  • Its magnitude depends on the composition of the food consumed: Carbohydrates: 5 to 15% of the energy consumed. Protein: 20 to 35%

List of Foods That Help Burn Fat & Keep You Full

Greek Yogurt

  • Greek yogurt has almost twice as much protein as other yogurts. It takes longer to leave your stomach, keeping you satisfied longer. Plus, you burn more calories digesting protein than carbs. Choose nonfat, low-fat, and low-sugar types.


  • Quinoa is a nutritional all-star that belongs in your weight loss plan. This whole grain has 8 grams of hunger-busting protein and 5 grams of fiber in one cup, and you'll also get iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Quinoa is as easy to cook as rice. For a quick dinner, mix in some vegetables, nuts, or lean protein. 


  • Some studies suggest cinnamon may have a stabilizing effect on blood sugar levels. This could curb your appetite, particularly in people with type 2 diabetes. Nearly everyone can benefit from cinnamon in its traditional role. Stir some into your coffee, tea, or yogurt to add sweetness without adding calories.

Hot Peppers

  • Hot peppers have a flavorless chemical called capsaicin. It's more plentiful in habaneros, but jalapeños also have it. Capsaicin seems to curb appetite and speed up metabolism slightly, but only for a short time. It probably doesn't have a big impact on weight, unless you eat less food because it's spicy. 

Green Tea

  • Several studies suggest green tea may promote weight loss by stimulating the body to burn fat. Green tea contains catechins, a type of phytochemical that may briefly affect the metabolism. To get the most benefit, you may need to drink green tea several times a day. Try taking your tea hot, because it takes longer to drink, providing a soothing, mindful experience.


  • Grapefruit doesn't have any magical fat-burning properties, but it can help you feel full with fewer calories. That's because its soluble fiber takes longer to digest. Having half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice before a meal fills you up, so you eat fewer calories during the meal.


  • Foods that are rich in water take up more room in your gut. This signals the body that you've had enough to eat and leaves less room for other foods. Many raw fruits and vegetables are full of water and nutrients and low in calories. Watermelon is a great example. It's a good source of the antioxidant lycopene and gives you some vitamin A and C, too.


  • Like other fruits, berries are high in water and fiber, which can keep you full longer. They're also sweet, satisfying your sweet tooth for a fraction of the calories you would get from cookies or brownies. Blueberries are a good example because most stores carry them and they're loaded with antioxidants.

Raw Vegetables

  • Raw vegetables make an outstanding snack. They satisfy the desire to crunch, they're full of water to help you feel full, and they're low in calories. Half a cup of diced celery has just 8 calories. Coat celery with a little peanut butter or dunking carrots in salsa. When you're in the mood for chips and dip, replace the chips with raw veggies.

Sweet Potatoes

  • If you substitute a sweet potato, you might not need any of that. Baked sweet potatoes are so full of flavor, they don't need a lot unless you want to try a sprinkle of cinnamon. This can save you loads of calories. As a bonus, sweet potatoes are packed with potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and fiber.


  • One egg has only 75 calories, plus 7 grams of protein along with other vital nutrients. Remember, your body will burn more calories digesting eggs than a carb-heavy breakfast. And the good news is that eggs are no longer on the "no-list" for people concerned about high cholesterol. It's saturated fat not dietary cholesterol we need to be wary of.


  • It sounds too good to be true: One of your favorite beverages may rev the metabolism and help you lose weight. Coffee does stimulate the metabolism, but only a little. Don't count on this for weight loss, especially if you add calories with toppings


  • Oatmeal has three things going for it: fiber-rich whole-grain oats, lots of water, and it's hot. It's a very filling combination. Hot food takes longer to eat, and all that liquid and fiber will help you feel full longer. Avoid super-sugary oatmeal. Stirring in cinnamon or nutmeg will give you a sweet taste with less sugar.


  • Another way to fill up before a meal is by eating salad. Lettuce has plenty of water content to take up space in the stomach. That leaves less room for fattier foods that might come later in the meal. Make your salad interesting by adding a variety of fruits and vegetables or grated cheese. Be careful about dressing, which can add a lot of calories. 


  • Nuts are an excellent way to curb hunger between meals. They're high in protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fats. Studies suggest nuts can promote weight loss and improve cholesterol levels when eaten in moderation. They're also rich in calories, so limit your portions. If you have to get them out of their shell, you'll slow down and not eat as much.

Lean Meat

  • You know that protein can keep you full longer and burn more calories during digestion. Choose your protein carefully. Dark meat tends to be high in fat, which could cancel out some of the benefits. Skinless chicken breast is a great choice. And some cuts of beef can make the grade. Flank steak, eye of round, and top sirloin are extra-lean with less than 4 grams of saturated fat per serving. Stick with a 3- to 4-ounce portion.


  • One of the best sources of protein is fish. Most fish is low in fat, and the exceptions usually have a good form of fat: omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s, which are found in salmon, herring, and other fatty fish, may help protect against heart disease and other chronic conditions.


  • Beans are a vegetable, a protein, and a great source of fiber. You feel full for very few calories. Open a can of garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas) and toss them into soup or salad, or mash them up to use as a dip. One cup packs 12.5 grams of fiber, just 4 grams of fat, and almost 15 grams of protein.


  • Drinking enough water is a great way to stay hydrated.
  • Additionally, it seems that drinking water may also temporarily boost metabolism by 24–30% 
  • Researchers note that about 40% of that increase is explained by the additional calories needed to heat the water to body temperature.
  • Yet, the effects only seem to last for 60–90 minutes after drinking it and may vary from one person to another 

  • Include cardio and weightlifting exercises in your daily routine.

  • Reduce refined carbs.

  • Add fatty fish to your diet.

  • Start the day with a high protein breakfast.

  • Drink enough water.

  • Reduce your salt intake.

  • Consume soluble fiber.


  • The natural ingredients are paired together to help boost your metabolism and burn fat in one delicious weight loss smoothie.

  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 2 tbsp cup fresh mint leaves
  • 1 stalk celery, chopped
  • 1/2 cup brewed green tea, cooled
  • 1/2 large grapefruit, peeled and seeded
  • 1 cup pineapple chunks, frozen
  • 1/4 large avocado
  • Dash ground cayenne pepper, optional

  • Place spinach, mint, celery, and green tea into the blender.
  • Puree until smooth.
  • Add remaining ingredients.
  • Blend again. Best if served chilled.

Ultimately, people, it comes down to nutrition and exercise. If you're being active, you will burn calories, resulting in fat-loss. If you aren't active and eating nothing but junk food and do not prioritize nutrition, then of course you're going to gain fat, and become unhealthy. You may not realize it, feel it, or whatever, but you can see it from another perspective. Anyhow, to develop and maintain a good-looking [lean] physique, you must have willpower and commitment. Eat healthily, exercise, avoid stress, have good habits, embrace a healthy lifestyle, and so forth.

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