Things You Should Know If You're Beginning Fitness

Today, you're going to learn things you should know about when approaching the fitness side of things. You will learn about Nutrition, Diets, Workouts, Myths, and how to stay motivated to stay fit.

In today's age, there are lots of supplements; pre-workouts, protein powder, etc. Supplements aren't needed nor necessary. You can receive all of the important and essential vitamins and minerals from whole foods, especially organic whole-foods, not processed, junk/fast-foods. Many people also think that supplements will aid in their progress, dramatically. Some supplements can, depending on the quality and what you're trying to improve, but most of them don't The supplements are there to help you reach your quota or to help with your progress. It isn't the magic formula that'll help you achieve your goals quickly. For example, lots of companies will claim creatine or protein powder will give you super-strength. It may or may not provide you what they claim, that's because the ingredients are low-grade or because it's a placebo. 

These supplements will help if you hardly get any protein intake or don't eat any steak because creatine comes from steak. If you're deficient in creatine, then yes creatine powder will improve your abilities because you're not receiving any in the first place. 

In addition, there are many programs about dieting. Dieting is a huge factor to consider because many people have issues with their weight and/or nutrition. For Example, There are: The Keto Diet | The Carnivore Diet | The low-carb Diet | High protein diet | Medeterrian Diet | And so forth. You must be well knowledgable when it comes to approaching a diet program. Not all diet programs can help you. For instance, the keto diet, which restricts carbs can really hurt the body if you have some type of condition, removal of any organs, and so forth. Anyhow, you must find what works for you and stay consistent with it. Many of these diet programs restrict nutrients, and when you restrict nutrients, you become somewhat malnourished. You shouldn't restrict any nutrients, but you should have a limit, of course. You should not consume loads of carbs throughout the day because it's excessive, but when or if you go about the keto diet, you aren't consuming any carbs, which restricts nutrients, and that is why people end up taking supplements to supply their body with the right nutrients to become healthy. 

Exercising is a part of becoming fit, no doubt about that. Nothing wrong with exercising, just don't fall into those cookie-cutter programs which many fitness influencers promote. Find a reliable and trustworthy fitness/coach to buy their workout plans or coaching. Also, proper form, technique, and other methods are needed in order to efficiently progress. Without proper technique, for example, you may suffer injuries due to the lack of proper form. Finding a reliable coach, or using Youtube as a guideline can help. Ultimately, a coach can teach you must more precisely than a video. 

Consistency is key when it comes to progress and results. If you aren't consistent, no progress is being made and you won't see your results. It'll take time, weeks and months, and even years to get what you want. If it's developing and obtaining a certain physique, it'll take time, and of course patience. Patience is a huge factor you must acquire. There's no quick scheme when it comes to building muscle or losing weight or gaining fat, etc. Yes, there are steroids, but I am not about that. If you need assistants, use supplements. There are many products on the market that will help aid in whatever you need assistance on. For example, fat burners will aid in fat-burning or fat-loss. Ultimately it comes down to diet, nutrition, exercise, limits, and consistency. 

Myths about FITNESS

  • Protein Powder isn't a Quick Way To Build Muscle Quick and Fast.
    Protein powder is a supplement, it'll aid in your protein intake. If you cannot get enough proteins from your meals, protein powder/supplements will do the job. People who want fast protein intake will take protein powder because of how fast it'll deliver to the muscles.
    - Remember to find high-end grade protein powder, there are many fakes and low-grade products.
  • Beware of Testosterone Supplements!
    These supplements are most likely fake and do not guarantee a boost in testosterone. In fact, if you're a teen or still in your 20's you don't need testosterone supplements and that's probably why you don't see any difference or effect. If you want test, you need a high-grade test to feel its effects and to see results.
    Many of these products are on the market, at the stores, etc. They claim better muscle-building along with strength gains which a ridiculous price-tag. This is a scam, or if you've done the research, don't buy it. There is no quick way. Well, like I said, steroids but that's a whole different topic that isn't going to be discussed.
  • You cannot target certain areas of fat
    For instance, your abs. You can tone up your abs, develop them better, but you cannot target the source of fat. When it comes to losing fat, it requires a calorie deficit, essentially meaning you have to eat less. 
  • Lifting weights will bulk a person up
    This can true or false, depending on how you train and eat. Weight training doesn't put pounds of muscle on, making you look like a hulk. There are ways of training. Strength training, bodybuilding, and just regular exercise. Simply toning up the body. Not over-doing it, not trying to build muscle but to tone up the muscles. And for the weight gain, control your calorie intake. 
  • If you don’t feel sore the day after you work out, you didn’t train hard enough
    Now this one is hard to determine. For people who aren't trying to build a whole lot of muscle, don't worry about this. However, depending on your training and goals, it may be a marker to focus on. Training with intensity will promote muscle soreness, but sometimes we adapt to these conditions over time, making us feel nothing afterward. It could be a sign of getting stronger, or you're simply just used to it. Or if you know you have been slacking in your workouts, then for sure it's the intensity issue. You should sometimes feel sore if you're having an intense workout, but not all the time. If you're overtraining your muscles, it'll do more damage than good. Don't try to achieve the soreness by working out the same muscle every day because it'll lead to overtraining which will impact your muscle gains and strength gains. 
  • Sports drinks are the best way to re-hydrate after a workout.
    Most sports drinks are just sugar and water. Instead, I recommend refueling with plain old water and high-protein snack, since studies suggest protein helps recondition muscles after a workout.

How do I know if Progress is being made?

- Simple. Track your progress. Have a journal. If you're progressing in heavier weights or can do more reps, or if you feel and look stronger and of course bigger, then you're making progress. If you're falling behind, dropping the weight to a lower weight, and cannot progress to heavier weights and/or more reps, you aren't making progress. Progress comes with proper training, proper recovery, and nutrition.

How much Rest do I need?

- Resting is crucial. Resting can be a form of recovery, allowing your body to be relaxed and to let it handle its job - to recover. You may find that as a beginner that a full day of rest is needed in-between weight training sessions. However, as you progress and become more resilient, it’s possible to train for days without a break, just as long as you never work the same muscles two days in a row. Cardio can be done daily.

Signs You Need Rest:
  • Feeling tired, sore, exhausted
  • Have no energy
  • The muscle still feels weak, have less strength
  • Cannot build muscle, losing strength
  • Feeling like crap, foggy minded, depressed, have no motivation
  • Knowing you're overtraining
  • Didn't get enough sleep

How much time should I spend in the gym?

This question differs from everyone else because everyone has different goals and different methods of training. For example, bodybuilders tend to work out for about an hour, with high intensity and heavyweights, an hour is perfect for those who want to bodybuild. It'll give you enough time to work out and to enjoy it. Anything over an hour is pushing it or you're lacking in your workouts (as in the intensity or focus). A person who does cardio can run for hours but is it ideal? Well, let's talk about catabolism. Catabolism or catabolic state is when you're losing muscle due to extremely prolonged workout sessions or being deficient in vitamins/minerals. Food and rest will help replenish what you've lost and you will return back to the anabolic state, which means, you're maintaining and/or building muscle, not losing any. So, in conclusion, don't work out too extreme, don't work out for too long, don't overdo any muscle-group. Train right and proper, have rest days, and have a proper diet/nutrition in check.

How often do I need to work out?

This question differs from everyone else because everyone has different goals and different methods of training.
How often you need to work out depends on your fitness level, goals, and time limitations. The loftier the goal, the more time you will have to spend going after it. That said, if you have a very demanding job, a family, or other important personal responsibilities, you may not be able to spend hours per week working out. Then you’ll need to be patient when it comes to reaching your goal.
To make decent progress you need to hit the gym at least three days per week for an hour at a time. However, as time passes, you’ll begin to require more time in order to see continued progress. I suggest starting out with three gym sessions per week and adding to your program every month or so.

What type of training should I do to build strength and muscle?

Everyone has their own philosophy when it comes to training. As you see all over the internet, almost everyone, who does this type of strength/muscle-building activities, they create/develop and sells their own programs, hoping those who buy it, can achieve certain things that they have in mind of its a goal. For instance, someone who wants to deadlift 600 LBS should hire someone who knows how to lift 600 Lbs. So when you find a coach, the coach will teach you based on his/her experience hoping you can also learn the way to lift 600 Lbs off the floor. But if you go to another trainer, it'll be a different approach. Everyone has different methods, you have to find what works for you. 
I suggest starting with about four exercises for three sets each for major muscles like back, quads, hamstrings, chest, and shoulders. For smaller groups like biceps, triceps, traps, abs, forearms, and calves, you’ll do well with just three movements for two to three sets each. Perform one to three warmup sets before each exercise (more are needed earlier in the workout), and then work sets of 13 to 15, 10 to 12, and 7 to 9 reps.

What type of training should I do to lose weight?

While cardio will certainly help you burn extra calories, it’s weight training that is going to stimulate the metabolism (so that you become a fat-burning machine), change the composition of your body, and bring about the shape and contours you want. I suggest at least three to four days per week lifting weights and four to five performing cardio—preferably first thing in the morning or right after resistance training.
  • HIIT exercises
  • CALORIE CONTROL (Calorie deficit)
  • Weightlifting
  • Aerobic exercises

Is Stretching Important?

Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way which can make you prone to injures. 
  • Stretches
  • Foam rolling
  • Massages 
Are all helpful to help relieve tension, tight muscles, delivering blood to muscles (improved circulation), and to improve your body's overall health. 

Accept that you'll have setbacks

Be patient with yourself—you will have setbacks, and every day will not be perfect. The key is to be persistent and keep moving forward. The only thing constant in life is change, so we should be prepared to make changes to be the best version of ourselves.

Don't compare yourself to people who are further along in their fitness journey.

Be willing to look silly and make mistakes without judging yourself. Keep trying, and with every workout you’ll get better and better. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection. And in a group environment, don’t compare yourself to anyone else in the room. While others may move seamlessly and appear to have superhuman strength, remember that they were once beginners too. Don’t compare your chapter one to someone else’s chapter eleven.

Practice gratitude for what your body can do right now (no matter what your future goals are).

Be grateful for where you are, right now, and have a clear picture of where you'd like to be. From there, take on a simple plan that aligns with your goals and doesn't bore you to death… and tackle it one step at a time. And remember to enjoy the process. Getting too caught up in where you want to be can rob you of your joy, today. And that just sucks. Happiness isn't something that should be reserved for some imagined future. Your body is an absolutely amazing thing. Take a few moments, every day, to appreciate that. Believe or not, that simple gratitude can help you create the strongest body of your life.

Identify your "why," "what," and "how" so you can be clear about your goals.

The first step is truly taking the time to figure out your why, what, and how. The questions I ask my clients are: Why are you adding fitness and wellness into your life now? In what ways will your life be different when you have fitness in your life on a regular basis? And how are you going to include fitness into your lifestyle today, and this week? Once you know the why, what, and how, the mindset is 'just do it.

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