Why You Have A GUT (Bulging Stomach)

Why You Have A GUT

Having a Gut means your stomach is big, extended, bulging; somewhat like a Bubble-gut.

When people have a big gut, that typically means either: a lot of body fat within and surrounding the gut, or an inflammed gut; such as bloating, irritation, etc. 

This is abnormal for us people. It is a sign of distress or poor health essentially; You should seek help - have someone, like a Dr, examine your gut to determine what's causing this "bubble-gut." Or follow the methods below to help with your gut.

FOOD is the main factor when it comes to gut health. 

Since there are so many processed foods and junk foods on earth, it's hard to eat healthy to promote a healthy gut because these processed foods contain a lot of processed and excessive amount of ingredients that harm us, and typically junk food is high in savory and sweetness and calories, making it easy for people to indulge in resulting in weight gain, and developing a huge gut (of course, it takes time to develop such bubble-gut). It's more convenient to eat like junk than to eat healthily because junk food is everywhere!

Anyways, food is the main factor for your gut problems; if you're eating poorly, expect a poorly functioning gut, and expect an extended bubble-gut due to the poor nutrients and high calories within these junk foods (INFLAMMATION). These junk foods have artificial stuff within, processed ingredients, and so forth causing irritation to the stomach. When you're irritating your gut, your gut is being attacked, causing pain, inflammation, and stubborn weight-gain (or weight-loss).

  • Processed ingredients harm the body
  • Junk food causes inflammation causing bubble gut/bloating/etc
  • Junk food contains the most processed ingredients and high in calories
  • Junk food does not nourish the body
  • Junk food may be the culprit 

Good and Bad Bacteria within the Gut

In addition, foods contain bacteria, either good or bad; and if these foods have bad bacteria within, and consumed, your gut may not like it and as a result, you may have bloating, extended belly, stomach pain, digestion issues, diarrhea; feeling weak, fragile, malnourished, and so forth. 
You can fix your gut bacteria by prioritizing your nutrition. Incorporate foods that have pre and probiotics to supplement healthy bacteria. Make sure it's high-grade supplements to make your body healthy. Also, avoid eating junk and eat more foods that'll help nourish the body. Healthy fermented foods, yogurt, fruits, veggies, etc.


  • Bad bacteria can cause leaky gut
  • Bad bacteria can cause a bubble gut
  • You need good bacteria for a healthy gut
  • Good bacteria will kill off bad bacteria
  • Healthy foods = healthy bacteria
  • Bad foods/junk foods/processed food = not as healthy and may contribute to bad bacteria growth 


The Importance of a Healthy Gut

The Human body needs nutrients to become healthy, but we need healthy organic nutrients. Whole foods or organic foods contain the most vital and essential vitamins and minerals for us. Vegetables and fruits are the powerhouses of nutrients (any foods that contain healthy bacteria is the key! Fermented foods, yogurt, etc are examples) - healing the body from toxins and other elements that harm our bodies. We need fiber, we need those antioxidants, we need the nutrients to help nourish our bodies and remove the toxins. Without proper nourishment, we'll end up developing health issues such as diabetes, weight-gain/weight-loss, foggy mind, loss of mental clarity, loss of physical performance, decreased skin complexion, decreased appearance (looking healthy), and so forth.

The GUT plays many roles in the body. 

Digestion, to remove waste, to deliver nutrients, and much much more. If you're wanting better performance, improved mental clarity, and overall a better functioning body, focus on your gut. If your diet is poor you won't have a high-level operating body that'll help deliver nutrients properly, you won't digest food properly, and overall your body is running lower than it should. Stress, depression, etc, any mental struggles will also affect the gut, causing more interruption or damage to the overall body (the organs, the mind, the energy/performance, etc). 

Everyone needs to focus on their diet to improve gut and overall health. However, if you're an athlete or bodybuilder or something in that field, it's critical to focus on nutrition. For a bodybuilder, you need to prioritize on nutrition to efficiently build quality muscle. As you people know, if you eat poorly, your body won't look as good. Sure you can build muscle eating junk food, but your gut will be affected causing bloating, etc, and overall you won't have a great physique compared to those who prioritize healthy eating.  

Eating poorly has more problems than anything else. It what dictates our life - our wellbeing, our performance, and much more.

Eating Habits, Stress related to Gut health

Excessively eating is an eating disorder; people tend to overeat at times when they're either stress, going through mental struggles - it's used as a coping mechanism, and so forth. It's a bad habit to develop because people can get sidetracked and can accumulate a lot of fat over time. They end up indulging in food without any thought-action; it's like the brain took over and you cannot stop it, or...It's because the food tastes so good, and causing you to go back to it to get this "satisfaction." It's somewhat like a HIGH for people. Consuming these tasty, savory, sweet but yet salty foods. Food is addictive and harmful and that's why you see people who are obese or have a huge stomach, it is because of their diet and life-factors. Their diet and life habits are what causing their problems - the gut, the fat-gain, being overweight, and possibly feeling like crap. Stop overeating, control your portions, control your emotional eating habits, and focus on mindful eating.

Gut Health 101

Have a well-rounded meal every time you eat. Have nutritious foods within your meals to satisfy your cravings and to nourish your body in a healthy manner. It's not right to harm your body by excessively eating and/or eating very poorly. At least try to consume some healthy foods to help combat the illnesses that may come along with a poor diet lifestyle.

Focus on stressing less, exercise, and live a happy life. When you constantly stress, it harms the body in many ways. The mind is connected to the gut, and vice versa, so if you're constantly stressing, overthinking, causing high blood pressure and so forth, it's ruining your gut health. Factors like this must be addressed on a daily if you're wanting a healthy performing body.

Focus on healthy eating to avoid any irritations that may cause inflammation to your stomach. Try to avoid junk foods because it does NOT nourish the body in any way! By incorporating healthy foods in your life, you'll combat the bad bacteria within your body, making you feel better and more uplifted; your recovery and performance will be improved - and overall, your body will thank you. It'll be much easier to do sports, to build muscle, to recover, to understand (brain performance), and you can avoid pains, aches, and it'll promote longevity. 

Visceral Fat : Internal Fat causing Bubble-gut (Bulging Stomach)

Visceral fat, also known as belly fat, is found inside your abdominal cavity and wraps around your internal organs.

Carrying too much visceral fat is extremely harmful. It’s linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease, and even certain cancers.

An excess of adipose visceral fat is known as central obesity, the "pot belly" or "beer belly" effect, in which the abdomen protrudes excessively.

How do you get rid of visceral fat?

Eating fewer carbs and less added sugar, doing more exercise and increasing your protein intake. By trying a few of these strategies, you can lose visceral fat and improve your health.

What Causes You To Gain Visceral FAT?

  • Poor Diet
  • Stressing
  • Poor Lifestyle overall
  • Too much alcohol intake
  • Malnourished
  • Medications
  • Lack of exercise
  • Genetics
  • Smoking
  • Candy, sweets

Mindful Eating to Improve Health Outcomes

  • Mindful eating is a technique that helps you gain control over your eating habits. It has been shown to promote weight loss, reduce binge eating, and help you feel better.
  • Mindful eating is about using mindfulness to reach a state of full attention to your experiences, cravings, and physical cues when eating
  • Chronic exposure to stress may also play a large role in overeating and obesity
  • Binge eating, emotional eating, external eating, and eating in response to food cravings have been linked to weight gain and weight regain after successful weight loss
  • By changing the way you think about food, the negative feelings that may be associated with eating are replaced with awareness, improved self-control, and positive emotions

Mindful eating involves:

  • eating slowly and without distraction
  • listening to physical hunger cues and eating only until you’re full
  • distinguishing between true hunger and non-hunger triggers for eating
  • engaging your senses by noticing colors, smells, sounds, textures, and flavors
  • learning to cope with guilt and anxiety about food
  • eating to maintain overall health and well-being
  • noticing the effects food has on your feelings and figure
  • appreciating your food
What’s more, by increasing your recognition of physical hunger and fullness cues, you are able to distinguish between emotional and true, physical hunger 

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