Avoid and Remove These Foods When Dieting for Weight Loss

 Remove These Foods for Better Weight Loss

Weight loss comes from being in a calorie deficit and/or burning more calories than you consume. Nutrition, and its quality of it, affects our health and determines whether it's going to be easy to lose weight or not. Here are the worst foods for your health, and weight, and what to replace them with.

Food and quality it is very important to pay attention to - when it comes to weight loss

    Not all food is equal. Some foods are more toxic than others. We have ultra-fine processed foods, with additives, preservatives, and toxic chemicals.

On the flip side, we have organic foods. Organic or whole foods are the way to go - for proper nourishment.

    Junk food affects the whole body and health - insulin, blood sugar, metabolism, gut, and mental & performance. This effect hinders weight loss because you don't have proper hormonal levels or proper levels of insulin, which all affect metabolism, weight gain, and weight loss.

When trying to lose weight - focus on healthier foods

    Junk foods are stripped away from their original nutrients, and they're modified with chemicals, additives, and preservatives which harm us, humans, in the long term.

    Organic, whole foods contain all of their nutritional profile, therefore, providing us humans with an array of nutrients that provides better and proper nourishment.

    With that being said, you should strive for fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds/berries, and healthy sources of fats, proteins, and carbs.

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Foods to avoid when dieting to lose fat

"Foods higher in refined sugars are often higher in calories and provide fewer health benefits. Ice cream, cakes, cookies and candy are just a few culprits."

Eating more of these foods is linked with obesity, so if weight loss is your goal, it’s best to limit them 

Foods high in added sugar are typically higher in calories, aren’t as filling, and increase your risk of obesity."

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1) Soda

Soda is bad. It contains so many calories - in a small little can - that people end up overconsuming sodas, leading to weight gain. Soda contains a large amount of sugar and calories which will result in fat gain. And will hinder weight loss if you're constantly drinking sodas.

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Solution: Drink water, coffee, and/or tea. Juices & sodas contain a lot of sugar and calories. Water, tea, and natural juice are the way to go.

2) Chips


Snacking on chips can lead to weight gain if you're not paying attention. Because chips are additive, you can keep eating them without "feeling full." These chips are junk foods. It provides no benefits for us. Therefore, people end up indulging in these chips, resulting in fat gain. It's important to nourish the body with Real Nutritional Foods.

Solution: Snack on nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, jerky, avocado, etc.

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3) Fast foods

Fast foods are ultra-fined processed foods. It contains more chemicals, additives, and whatnot, therefore causing harm to the body causing inflammation. Fast foods also contain a lot of calories, salt, and other bad ingredients. People end up consuming a lot of calories all within a small meal. From the Drink - sodas to the fries to the burger/taco - these foods add up to accumulating a large number of calories. Which will make someone gain weight if you're not closely paying attention to their calorie intake.

-> How to Stop Eating Junk Foods

Solution: Instead of getting a soda, large fries, and your meal; replace your soda with water, a small fry, or no fries and consume your meal. 

"It's all about Balance"

4) Pastries, cookies, cakes "Desserts"

When dieting, it's important to pay attention to calories. If you are serious about losing fat, remove the desserts. Desserts contain a lot, a lot of calories, and sugar. Which can be easily overconsumed on. Therefore it can lead to weight gain. Especially if you've consumed a lot of calories prior to eating/consuming desserts.

Solution: Replace them with fruit, yogurt, etc. Desserts like pastries/cookies/cakes/candies are not healthy for us. They contain a lot of calories, carbs, and sugar. Which will result in weight gain.

5) Some Frozen/Microwavable foods

Some frozen or microwavable foods like Pizza, bagel bites, Hot Pocket, etc are loaded with salt and calories. People can easily overconsume these, therefore, leading to weight gain.

Solution: Find healthy frozen/microwave foods. Find veggies, proteins, fats, and carb healthy sources. Don't indulge in junky foods like hot pockets, etc.

-> Tips for maintaining a healthy weight

6) Cereal

Some types are cereals are a no-go. Because cereals are a carb source, contain hardly any protein and fats, and are loaded with sugar and calories. Which can definitely lead to weight gain. And can be easily overconsumed. 

Solution: Find healthy sources of cereals. Avoid sugary cereals.

7) Pasta

Pasta is enjoyable. I love it. However, it can be easy to overconsume on pasta. Pasta is a carb source, which is loaded with calories. If you can control your portions when it comes to consuming pasta - that is the key. But I know people love to indulge in Pasta, so be wise!

-> FATS TO AVOID - Unhealthy Fats that are bad for us

Solution: Healthier source of noodles. Add a protein & fat source for balance, and don't overconsume.

8) Diet Soda

Diet soda is just as bad. It is not good. It doesn't hydrate nor benefit us. Therefore, I highly advise y'all to drink water, tea or carbonated water, or real juice.

-> Bad Eating habits make us Fat

The worst foods for weight loss are highly processed junk foods. These foods are typically loaded with added sugar, refined wheat, and/or added fats.

"Real foods typically have fewer calories per gram than processed foods."

    If you’re not sure if a food is healthy or unhealthy, read the label. However, watch out for the different names for sugar and misleading health claims.

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    Also, remember to consider the serving sizes. Some healthy foods, like nuts, dried fruit, and cheese, are high in calories, and it can be very easy to eat too much.

-> Lose weight the easy way - nutrition for fat loss

    You can also practice mindful eating, in which you pay close attention to each bite, chew your foods slowly, and monitor your fullness. This technique can help moderate your food intake.

"Shifting your focus to eating more real foods, rather than following a diet, may help you lose weight and keep it off long-term."

Supplements to aid in fat loss

Digestive Enzymes can help break down carbs into waste and/or muscle gains. Highly recommended for those who consume a lot of carbs like pasta, bread, pastries/cookies/desserts, and chips. Click here to read about it

Protein powder - to replace junky foods or snacks - to get in more protein to feel 

Immune Health: Very important to fight off illnesses, and diseases, sickness & improving gut health, brain health, and overall health. Click here to read about immune health and supplements.

Herbal Supplements - To boost and assist metabolism to help burn more fat. Click here to read more.

"How Ultra-Processed Food is Slowly Killing Us - *Endever Documentary*"

Around the globe, there is a problem with nutrition. People neglect proper health and consume toxic foods. However, people aren't aware of this because the world doesn't teach us about nutrition. Therefore, many people are obese, have major health complications, or will develop these issues over time. 

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