Biblical Diet - "Daniel Fast" Weight loss Detox - 21 Days of Fasting & Eating foods that are grown from Seeds

 "Daniel Fast" Dieting Method Explained - A Bible Diet Method?

This Daniel Fast Dieting method is going viral right now. Today, we're going to dive into this dieting method and figure out why it's a craze. 

Daniel Fast is a Dieting method that comes from The Bible.

It’s a biblically based partial fast based on two accounts of the Prophet Daniel’s fasting experiences (seed Daniel 1 and 10) and typical Jewish fasting principles. The Daniel Fast eating plan is similar to a vegan diet with additional restrictions. A Daniel Fast most commonly partakes for 21 days.

-> Nuts and Seeds High in Protein

Foods that aren't allowed on the Daniel Fast Method

  • No Meat, Animal Products; beef, fish, pork, lamb, etc.
  • No Dairy products, cheese, eggs, cream, milk, etc.
  • No Sweeteners; Sugar, date sugar, syrup, honey, stevia, etc.
  • No Baked Goods or bread made from yeast/honey
  • No refined or processed foods; no fast foods, no microwavable foods, no frozen foods, foods that aren't organic cannot be consumed.
  • No Deep-Fried Foods
  • No Solid fats; margarine, lard, high fatty foods
  • No Coffee, Tea, herbal teas, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, or alcohol.

-> Good or Bad - Fruit Detox Cleanse

Examples of Daniel Fast friendly protein-rich foods

  • Beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, peas, kale, and tofu. Beans and rice together form a complete protein, so that gives you an extra boost.

The Purpose of "Daniel Fast"

"At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.""

Many people now use it as a temporary, short-term fast or “detox” from modern food and lifestyle. Some use it to get closer to a higher power as a form of sacrifice, similar to other religious practices, such as Lent or Ramadan

This dieting method helps someone to lose weight. Establish a stronger connection with god, and remove any toxic ailments within. When utilizing this type of diet, you're restricting a lot of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

Overall, removing nutrients from your diet is not a good idea nor is it needed for weight loss.

-> Eating habits ruining your health & weight

Chris Pratt Is on the 'Daniel Fast,' an Extreme Diet Inspired by the Bible

Chris Pratt utilized the Daniel Fast. He had to undergo this diet method because of the movie role he was starring in.

"As the religious Guardians of the Galaxy actor explains in the video, the fast lasts 21 days and is inspired by the Biblical Daniel, who in the Old Testament went 21 days consuming just vegetables and water. "

Pratt mentioned, "I’ll probably be hallucinating. Stay tuned.”

He means that this diet is not sustainable for him. He does not enjoy this diet - as you're restricted from consuming a variety of things like animal products and more.

-> Powerful Herbs for Immune Health

-> How to Stop Junk Foods

May be useful as a nutrition education tool for men and women.

When you go about living, the food needs to be thought of as fuel. I mean, we all know that food provides us energy, but people aren't aware that not all foods are equal. In terms of providing proper nourishment and containing good vitamins, minerals, and nutrients - by utilizing this dieting method - can teach you what foods are good vs what foods are bad for us. Junk food vs Good Quality food. Proper nutrition vs poor nutrition. Artificial foods vs organic whole foods. The purpose of eating vs indulging for fun/enjoyment.

    Many people cannot distinguish what is healthy vs what harms us. This is why it may be useful as a nutrition education tool for men and women.

    Subjects commented repeatedly that the forced review of food labels significantly increased their knowledge and awareness of the kilocalorie content and macro- and micro-nutrient composition of foods, as well as the inclusion of additives and preservatives. 

Hence, such a program may very well serve as an education in food choices, rather than merely a method to improve metabolic and cardiovascular health.

-> Tips: Maintaining a healthy weight

Scientific Research Data

the short-term effects of the Daniel Fast do not pose any health concerns.


the combination of decreased kilocalorie, saturated fat, and cholesterol intake, coupled with an increase in nutrient and fiber-rich fruit, vegetable, and whole grain intake, contributed to our findings. - improvement in overall health

The diet plan was well-tolerated by subjects, with several noting a desire to continue with the plan long-term, and appears to provide a default nutrition education.

should include randomized designs, possibly inclusive of small daily allotments of dairy and lean meat/fish in order to boost compliance and minimize long-term nutrient deficiencies.

subjects reported that selecting food items that complied with the fast guidelines, in addition to planning and preparing meals, were the most challenging components of the fast.


Daniel Fast Research paper:,legumes%2C%20nuts%2C%20and%20seeds.


The main beverage on the Daniel Fast is water, so whether or not to include herbal or fruit tea is a personal decision. Some people choose to set tea aside for the fast, while others may decide to include it. Another reason teas are restricted is based on Daniel’s example in the Bible and the fact that he drank only water during his fasts (Daniel 1:12 and 10:3). 


The recommended beverage on the Daniel Fast is water. You should drink it most of the time. Fruit juices (100%, unsweetened – read ingredients to make sure) CAN be used on the Daniel Fast, such as flavor recipes and occasionally as a drink. But I don’t recommend drinking a lot of fruit juice (unless you’re doing a juice fast and are using freshly extracted juice from a juicer).


Some people do experience side effects, such as bloating, headaches, fatigue, and muscle soreness as their bodies adjust to the changes in their eating habits. Typically, these unpleasant symptoms will subside after the first few days. By the second week, many people feel a surge of energy once they’ve settled into the fast.


Yes, you can, but you may experience some weakness in the first few days of the fast. After that, your body should settle in, giving you more energy.


There isn’t a schedule for prayer or for meals. The number of times you pray is completely up to you and will be different for everyone on the fast. 

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