Effective, Efficient Useful Tips for Weight Loss

These Tips are effective, and efficient to go about losing Body Fat. Learn & Understand how fat gain occurs, how to lose fat, and prevent becoming fat again! 11 Useful Weight loss tips

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1. Count Calories

If you're eating in a surplus, then you will gain weight. If you ate to maintain a good healthy weight, that is known as calorie maintenance. And when you're trying to lose body fat, reduce the fat on your body - you need to go into a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit is the Opposite of a calorie surplus; a Calorie deficit means that you're going to burn more energy than you consume, resulting in fat loss over time.

To enter a calorie deficit, you need to understand where you stand. You need to understand how many calories your body needs for calorie maintenance, surplus & deficit. You do this by tracking your calories.

Use a Calorie tracking app from a website [google] or download one from your app store. Once on the calorie tracking app/site, go through the settings, set up the profile, and from there, based on your height, age, and weight - the calorie tracking app will give you a calorie goal for each and every aspect. For gaining, losing, or maintaining weight. Select to lose weight on the calorie tracking app, and from there, you have to stick to that Calorie goal/quota on a daily basis to see results.

By reducing your food intake, you will place yourself into a calorie deficit. The body has no choice but to lose body fat due to not providing the fat, or body, with enough calories, therefore as a result, the body will begin to get rid of the body fat.

People whom are overweight tend to overeat. Excessively consuming food, indulging in junk food, accumulating a ton of calories in a short period, and throughout the day, and at the end of the day, you've accumulated a lot of body fat. So, as I said, to reverse this - reduce your food intake, and exercise.

2. Control the Carbs

Carbs are good, but people who are overweight tend to favor carbs more than proteins and fats. Carbs & fats have a bad reputation because most junk foods are carb & fat related. Whereas protein, isn't really a "junk" food, and it's hard to convert Protein into something sweet & tasty like pastries/cookies. And in fact, having a high protein intake will help with fat loss due to utilizing more energy to break down proteins and digest them.

Most carbs that you guys consume are junky. Unhealthy. And this affects your brain, gut, metabolism, and insulin. When you excessively consume these unhealthy junky foods on a daily basis, throughout day, you're going to develop a lot of health issues such as diabetes perhaps, metabolic issues, insulin sensitivity issues, obesity issues, and much more.

Strive for nutritious carbs. Avoid anything that is dessert-like, that contains a lot of sugar and anything that looks junky. Those types of foods do not nourish the body at all.

At the end of the day, what really matters is self-control, moderation, and balance. If you can balance healthy & junk food, you got this locked in. If not, refrain from unhealthy foods as much as possible.

3. Control your Fast Food Intake

Fast food is unhealthy. Most fast foods contain processed foods, contain additives, preservatives, and a ton of salt, sugar, and bad processed Oil. When you consume fast food throughout the day, on a daily basis, you're impacting your overall health.

Fast food isn't the best option when it comes to eating. If you no choice, refrain from indulging in junk foods. Do not excessively indulge in those fries or chips. Have water instead of soda. Opt out of junk food for healthy nutritious foods if you can. Such as getting a salad instead of fries or whatever.

Limit, control, and balance your fast food intake. Most people whom are obese or overweight typically consume fast foods on a daily basis. Hence why they're overweight.

4. Drop the SODAS

I see way way too many people drinking sodas like it is water. Soda is not hydrating, soda does not nourish the body - SODA IS BAD.

Soda contains a lot, and I mean a lot of Sugar, and Calories - In a Small Deceiving Can!

People can easily overconsume sodas. Because Soda cans are so small, you don't get full or realize that you've just consumed a lot of sugar and calories.

So people end up consuming more sodas in order to fulfill their "thirst" or "hunger."

And in fact, they're just getting Fatter by indulging in sodas.

Soda has empty calories. Does not benefit us humans in any aspect.

Strive for water, or NATURAL fruit or vegetable juices. None of that processed fruit juices.

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5. Be Wise about your Sugar Intake in the Morning!

Sugar is bad. Especially when overconsuming sugar.

Lots of people wake up, grab their Starbucks frappe's, McDonald's or whatever and go along with their day.

Do you see any issues there? If not, re-read what I've stated earlier in this blog post.

Grabbing fast food and a Starbucks is a recipe for weight gain.

In this context, you're getting a frappe from Starbucks. A frappe itself contains a lot of calories and sugar. That itself is somewhat of a small meal. 

Secondly, the McDonald's. Fast food plus a sugar-loaded Starbucks drink is a recipe for fat gain. Where's the nutritious food? Why so much junk food, and sugar? Why aren't you nourishing your body? If you are doing this, opt-out of Starbucks or McDonald's for something healthier.

Also, cereals can contain a lot of sugar. Be wise about what types of cereals you go for. Try to strive for healthier cereals, that aren't loaded with sugar.

6. Drinking A Gallon of Water

This is a Myth, however, drinking a gallon of water can be beneficial. Too many people do not drink enough water. So as a result, many people end up eating more to fulfill their thirst or hydration because they don't know what is proper hydration vs hunger. Also, people eat just because they're bored or emotional which leads to weight gain. So by drinking a gallon of water, or drinking lots of water, the water will make you full, so it'll prevent you from overeating and indulging. A very useful tip. Drink lots of water before EVERY meal. This will help you keep your tummy full, but not too full where you cannot eat. Plus, you'll be properly hydrated, and nourishing your body with water. Don't go too hard on water consumption as that can be unhealthy as well.

6. Eat More Protein

Having a higher protein take can help burn calories. Since protein is harder to break down and digest, calories will be burned, resulting in weight loss over time. If you have moderate carbs, fats, and high protein, you will be burning fat and building muscle. However, don't eat too much, in a surplus, otherwise, You will gain body fat and muscle. But just focusing on high protein intake itself is a good way to burn additional calories without even trying.

7. Go Keto!

Going keto is very effective. A Keto diet means that you aren't consuming any carbs. Literally 0 carbs. When you do deplete yourself from carbs, the body has to switch over to another fuel source, and in this case, it will be your own body fat, so as a result, you will be burning fat throughout the day, on a daily basis, if you do the keto diet correctly. Your body has to enter KETOSIS in order to start burning body fat. This will occur when you deprive & deplete yourself from carbs for a day or two, and then you'll notice a change in mental state & performance. You may get sick for a day until your body adjusts, but if you do experience that and/or weight loss, you've successfully entered Ketosis. To keep burning body fat while on the keto diet, make sure you're always in ketosis. You can do this by just not consuming any carbs.

Focus on High Fat intake, moderate proteins, and no carbs. This will place you in ketosis. This dieting method may also place you into a calorie deficit since you're removing a food group - carbs - so it may reduce your calorie intake resulting in weight loss over time.

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8. Exercise to maintain a healthy body weight

Becoming & staying active help burn off body fat. Doing anything that gets you active is key. Doing cardio is best when it comes to losing fat, fast and efficiently. Weightlifting will also burn body fat, and build muscle. Muscle actually helps burn body fat, so by building muscle, you'll prevent becoming overweight and/or gaining fat because the calories will go into muscle gains rather than accumulating into body fat. Weightlifting, cardio, HIIT, swimming, cycling, etc, any type of exercise burns calories resulting in weight loss over time. Staying consistent is required! Along with proper diet, nutrition, and lifestyle habits. Strive for nutritious foods, sleep right and properly, and exercise!

9. Have a Routine

If you don't have a routine, you may notice you may binge during the night time, overeat, or just not sticking to a goal. If this is you, I suggest having a proper routine. A regime that you can follow without any hassle. The key is by having a routine is it'll keep you on track. It'll ensure that you're sticking to the goal, and staying committed. If you're not committed, you'll end up binging, indulging, etc. So the goal will keep you accountable and ensures that you're doing the things to make you achieve your goals.

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10. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits! And Nuts, Seeds, Berries!

Vegetables are so healthy, many many people neglect veggies. Why Do they neglect veggies? Because it is not as tasty as those junky foods that are loaded with calories, sugar, and salt, and that is carb & fat nutrient related. Veggies are LOADED with healthy-beneficial nutrients. Fiber, vitamins, minerals. Veggies and fruits help detox and cleanse the body. It helps heals the body. These foods Nourish The body. Fruits, nuts, seeds, and berries are also very powerful for healing the body, detoxing & cleansing the body, and providing the body with really good nutrients, vitamins & minerals. Too many people don't realize how beneficial those foods are. So people end up overconsuming unhealthy, junk, fast, processed, and dessert foods. 

11. Eat until you're 80% full

Have whole foods, Eat until you're about 80% full. By doing this, you will prevent yourself from overeating, and by overeating, you will gain fat. So eating up until you're about ~80% full is the best way to feel content without going for more. This will help you to stick to the routine. Ensuring that you aren't underfed nor overfed. Therefore, you're moderating & controlling your weight successfully. Because there are too many people who end up eating til they are Super full. When their stomachs are bulging, they feel sick, and they cannot move. If this is you, stop doing this, and fix your eating habits. 

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