Reasons Why Carbs Making You Fat


Carbs carbs carbs... Oh boy, don't we love carbs? Carbs are good for us, however, in today's age, carbs are being refined, modified, and contain additives and an excessive amount of sugar & salt that disrupts our brain, which tricks our brain into thinking we're not full, etc; Which leads to obesity and health issues.

Carbs are the body's primary source of energy and the brain's preferred energy source. Carbs are broken down by the body into glucose – a type of sugar. Glucose is used as fuel by your body's cells, tissues, and organs.

Since today's food is mostly refined, and processed, carbs cause a spike in insulin levels and insulin makes you hungry, carbs cause you to eat more food, which causes insulin levels to spike again, which causes fat growth as well as more hunger, which causes you to eat more, and so on and so forth. It's a vicious cycle of insulin-induced fatness. This is caused by eating poor nutritious junk-related carb foods

Most junk foods are carb related. Typically, people overconsume/excessively consume these junky carb foods. Thus leads to obesity & health issues such as diabetes, etc. Since junky carb foods affect your brain, tricking it into thinking you're not full, people end up indulging in these junk foods which will cause them to gain weight.

Junk foods are found to be associated with obesity due to their high energy content and the amount of fat present or free sugar, chemical additives, and sodium with the presence of a low amount of micronutrients and fiber.

In addition, many people are inactive. Sedentary. People are utilizing their calories in a purposeful manner. So when you end up indulging or overeating, that'll result in weight gain, due to being inactive. 

--> Weight Loss Guides & Tips <--

By exercising/working out, walking, running, etc - you can burn body fat and maintain a good-looking physique. You will actually utilize those calories you've consumed prior to the workout, therefore, you won't gain weight from the junk-carb foods.

--> Replace Fat With Muscle <--

High-calorie carb foods with no exercise are the recipe for weight gain. Those junky-carb foods contain a lot of calories, sugar, salt, additives, and whatnot. Which affects your health, weight, and performance. So I highly recommend utilizing those carbs & calories for a good effective workout; Since carbs are the main primary source of energy. So after you consume those junky carb foods, go lift and build some muscle!

Avoid Junky Carb foods for weight loss & optimal Health

  • Sugary foods
  • Sugary Drinks (Sodas/Fruit juices that is not organic)
  • Beer
  • Refined Carbs/processed carbs
  • Candy
  • Pastries
  • All Desserts
  • Fries
  • Deep-Fried foods
  • Etc

Healthy Carb Foods

  • Unprocessed Foods
  • Whole Grains
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Oats
  • Buckwheat
  • Bananas
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Quinoa

Many Americans are overweight due to junk carbs being everywhere. Most Americans love desserts, fast foods, fries, sodas, & anything that contains a lot of sugar & salt. Hence why the USA has an Obesity problem. Too many Americans are also sedentary. They neglect exercise. Neglecting exercise & eating poorly, and not caring for your health is the most detrimental thing to your health & mental state. People do not realize this. & Many people experience low T, mental issues/depression/anxiety/etc, people develop diabetes & perhaps even die from being too unhealthy. 

Do not strive for junky-sweet foods. They deceive your brain. Eat nutritious foods. You'll end up feeling much much better anyhow. Plus, it'll make you look sexier, it'll promote strength, and overall better performance. 

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