[TIPS] Easiest Way To Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Here are some useful tips for maintaining a healthy body weight, or you can utilize these tips to go about losing weight and then maintaining it afterward.

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1. Do not Drink Any Liquid Calories
Liquid calories are empty calories. What beverage that is loaded with calories & sugar will suit & benefit us, humans? Practically none, other than a sports drink after an intensive workout. But what I'm talking about are Sodas, fruit juices, teas, and any other beverage that is loaded with sugar & calories.

If you just refrain, avoid, and remove sugary beverages like sodas, and fruit juices that aren't organic, you will have a healthier body, since you're not consuming excessive amounts of sugar & calories.

Sodas, fruit juices, etc are deceiving. It tricks the brain, and makes people drink more and more. People crave sugary drinks like sodas - so they indulge excessively in these types of drinks & foods.

Not to mention, these sugary drinks are SMALL. A small soda can contains a LOT of calories & sugar within a small can.

If you just drink water, real organic fruit & vegetable juices, real tea or coffee, you can maintain a healthy weight, EASILY! Since you're not consuming absurd amounts of calories or sugar.

People consume too much of these sugary drinks & foods, which accumulates in weight gain, and from this, people have no idea, have no clue, and aren't aware of what is causing them to gain weight. But this is just ONE aspect of many others.

2. Eat Til you're Content
DO not overeat. Overeating stretches out the stomach, allowing more food to be stored, and as a result, you get to consume more calories which will result in weight gain. Of this, people end up becoming obese.

You should eat til 80% full. Not 110% full. Eat til you're content. You should feel good, and content, and able to walk, and do some activities if needed. If you over ate, you'll end up feeling tired, sick, bloated, etc.

You have to understand & controlling your eating habits. Controlling your hunger is also needed.

To prevent overeating or anything of that nature; have a routine. If you have a routine, it'll enforce you to stick to a goal - to the routine, so you don't fall off track and indulge excessively. Having a routine will ensure that you aren't underfed or overfed.

3. ~30 Minutes of Activity
People who neglect exercise are prone to gaining weight. So if you're trying to maintain a healthy body weight or lose body weight - become & stay active.

Becoming/staying active burns calories, which results in fat loss over time. All you need is about ~30 minutes of activity.

Any active thing will utilize body energy which results in weight loss.

Cardio, cycling, swimming, walking/running/jogging, weightlifting, yoga, etc, etc are good! Especially if you go about building muscle/weightlifting, it'll be much easier to go about maintaining a healthy body weight because muscle requires more energy than fat, so when you go about eating food, you'll feed your muscles rather than gaining fat.

4. Prioritize Nutritious Foods
Prioritize eating healthily. If you're eating poorly all the time, you won't achieve your goals. You have to eat clean and healthy, every day, throughout the day. You Still can get some junk foods (because it's like Impossible to refrain/avoid), but if you can manage to get in some good nutritious foods in, that is all you need to keep your body healthy and to maintain a healthy body weight.

Nutritious foods like: Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, whole grains, organic foods, and whole foods.

Strive for: Cooking at home. You dictate what goes into your food. Oils, seasonings, etc.

Strive for: Lean meats/fish, whole foods, and healthy cooking oils.

Healthy foods will help you to lose weight because healthy foods like veggies and fruits contain powerful vitamins, minerals and nutrients. They're loaded with fiber, and beneficial nutrients that detoxes, cleanse, and nourishes the body which helps with weight loss, and maintaining healthy body weight. It'll also improve mental & physical health, and performance.

5. Have Mindful Eating
Understand the foods you're consuming. Examine the foods, and dictate whether if it's beneficial to consume or not. 

I say this because too many people end up consuming whatever they feel like. So as a consequence, people gain unwanted body fat; so to avoid this - have mindful eating. Be aware of what you're going to consume - dictate whether it's beneficial or not - & afterward, you'll feel much better compared to eating whatever is on your mind, and then feeling guilty about it.

6. Protein, Fats, Carbs
Have proteins, fats, and carbs within your meal. People who just have one food group like only consuming carbs only or fats only have a higher chance to gain weight. To become obese. Because carbs and fats are high in calories, and most junk foods are Carb related. People end up Excessively consuming these junky-carb or junky-fat foods. This is the main culprit for many people. Junky carb/fatty foods. Examples: Fast foods, processed foods, sodas, sugary drinks, desserts, chips, etc.

So, I recommend having a well-rounded nutritional meal. Have all 3 food groups: protein, fat, and carb. Have decent size portions for your protein, fat, and carb source. Don't load more than the other. Everything should be balanced.

7. Proper Sleep Routine
Ensuring that you're sleeping well will improve many aspects. For one, it'll help with managing weight. If you neglect sleep and have a bad sleep routine, typically those people are unhealthy & overweight. So by having a proper sleeping schedule, and routine, it'll ensure that you're staying healthy, and controlling/managing your body weight.

8. Control Emotions
When people are sad, typically they will go find food and eat. Somehow, food & drinks comforts people. So, if you are an emotional eater, and if you're overweight - that is your issue. You eat when you're bored or sad or depressed.
Food triggers chemicals releases, so yes eating does make you feel good, temporarily, & then you can't go back so as a consequence, you may become overweight if you're not careful on your food consumption.

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