BodyBuilders' Secrets To Getting LEAN

Tips from a "Bodybuilder" To Get Lean

How DO Bodybuilders Get Lean? Learn Their Secrets To Become Lean. Develop a Lean Physique Today with the tips you're going to Discover.

1) Reduce Your Food Intake

To remove fat from your body, you need to reduce your food intake. The more food you consume, the more Body fat you will accumulate. This is because you're intaking more calories than you burn, so your body will store these calories as fat over time.

But in this situation, you need to reduce you food intake to burn more energy than you consume. Known as a Calorie Deficit, this is the best way to promote fat loss because this is the ultimate driver for weight loss overall. You're burning more energy than you consume, is known as a calorie deficit.

-- Calculate Macros for Fat Loss

Food is fuel though, so when you reduce your food intake, you reduce your nourishment a bit; You may lack nutrients, proper vitamins, and minerals. So make sure you're getting those vital nutrients in order to properly function and whatnot. 

Over time, just decrease your food intake. Gradually go slow, and keep it there (with the calorie deficit) daily until you're satisfied with your results.

You only need to reduce your calories intake about ~300-500 calories. So, if you had around (example), ~4,000 calories - *~300-500* = ~3,600 calories. Now, this is a calorie reduction known as a calorie deficit. Now your goal is to consume around ~3,600* calories. From this, keep it consistent daily until satisfied results.


Appetite Control Tips

  • Portion Control. Have a Set Portion for every meal. Protein Source, Fat Source, Carb Source. All proportionally sized out. Not too many carbs or fats, but high protein is okay. Don't excessively indulge in carbs and/or fats
  • Drink plenty of water to keep full
  • High protein intake actually makes you fuller
  • Vegetables are king. Keeping you full and having tons of fiber
  • Fiber is key for a healthy gut and to help with fat loss
  • Eat every so often. Maybe every ~2/3 hours.
  • Don't eat at night. Especially during sleep
  • Have a Set Routine. 

2) Cardio is King for melting fat

Exercising; Cardio or weightlifting will burn a ton of calories or energy resulting in weight loss over time. This is because your body demands energy and will result in weight loss. 

Cardio and HIIT or swimming or cycling is king when it comes to burning a lot of energy because it's the most demanding and extensive exercise. Cardio demands lots of effort, lots of stamina and endurance is involved and you're ramping up your heartbeat which influences the weight loss process. You're strengthening your muscles, heart, lungs, and burning fat. Weightlifting doesn't BURN as much energy as Cardio or HIIT because weightlifting isn't always 100% constant whereas Cardio is. Cardio is constantly running, either in a high-intensity state low-intensity state or a combination of two. Weightlifting will build muscle which will help with fat loss because muscle requires more energy, so your body will prioritize Muscle over fat, and will deliver all nutrients (foods) directly to your muscles, resulting in muscle gain and/or fat, but mainly muscle gains. Fat accumulation only happens when excessively eating in a calorie surplus.

3) Build more Muscle to Lose More Fat

Building muscle to lose fat is the trick. If you already have BODY Fat and if you're gaining fat on top of that, you're just accumulating fat for no reason. But here's the trick. By building muscle, whether if you're skinny or fat, it'll help with fat loss because Your body will Prioritize your muscles. Muscles require more attention, food, and nutrients. Your body will utilize all the foods you consume to keep the muscle and to repair the muscle and/or to build more muscle if you're eating in a calorie surplus and working out hard. 

For those who are overweight, this is the trick you should be doing. I know you don't want to work out, but it'll help a ton. By lifting weights, it'll first off burn weight due to high energy demand, and secondly, it builds muscle. As mentioned, Building muscle will burn fat. So here you go; No excuses now.

4) Utilizing Dieting Method

Keto, Low Carb Diet, Carnivore Diet, etc all can aid in weight loss. Keto for this example is great for fat burning because the Keto diet promotes ketosis which promotes ketones which allows the body to utilize YOUR OWN BODY FAT as energy resulting in weight loss over time. Due to Carbohydrate Depletion, your body on a Keto diet will burn tons of fat. Thus is why keto is very effective.

Read about keto here

Carnivore's diet is very similar to keto. However, it is an only meat diet protocol. You're still restricting carbs, therefore, you may enter ketosis which will allow your body to burn more fat than usual, resulting in fast fat loss.

>Carnivore Diet vs Keto Read here<

5) Fat Burners Are GREAT!

You may not be aware of this but many many many bodybuilders and Instagram fitness influencers use fat burners. Fat burner supplements are the way to go. You know about coffee right? Well, you can utilize that as a Fat burner.

Have you heard of Yohimbine? Well, that is an excellent fat burner supplement that many Pro's use and regular people use to aid in fat loss.

Certain compounds/elements trigger a ramp-up in your metabolism, resulting in weight loss over time. Caffeine is a stimulant, stimulating your metabolism and targeting certain fat cells aiding in weight loss.

So, do your research and find what is good for fat loss.

Here are some Articles:

-- Read about Coffee and Fat Loss

-Herbs for fat loss

Benefits of having a Set *Strict* Daily Routine

  • Ensures that you're on track
  • Optimizes your process of losing weight or gaining weight and building muscle.
  • An efficient way to progress through your goals
  • Don't forget to miss anything, your daily quota, etc.
  • Shows you what is causing issues
  • It's optimal to do to have a healthy and fun life.

--Nutritional Tips : Worst Foods To Eat - Stay Healthy, Avoid Weight-Gain, and Become Strong


Losing weight isn't rocket science. It comes down to two things: Food Consumption and Activity. If you're consuming more than you can BURN, then you will store calories as fat, over time. If you consume less than you burn, you'll burn fat over time. Exercise is an Aid, a Tool, assisting in weight loss. Dieting protocols are methods to help, aid in this process.

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