Build Muscle and Lose Stubborn Fat

Build Muscle and Lose Stubborn FAT

Fat comes from eating a lot. If you're in a calorie surplus, you will gain fat and muscle. If you're wanting to build muscle and lose fat AT THE SAME TIME, it requires precise manipulation of your calorie intake. You must know how to nourish your muscles with protein to prevent catabolism when shredding down to have a low body fat %.

Cutting calories means that you have to eat less. You can easily track your food intake by using a calorie-tracking app such as Myfitnesspal. I use t to use this app when I was a beginner; it helps me understand food and calories (Macros - proteins, fats, and carbs). So, when you're trying to lose fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. Meaning, you're consuming fewer calories than your normal. (Reducing carb/fat intake)

For example: Before You Started losing weight - your calorie intake was: 4,000.

-> To lose weight (calorie deficit), You must consume fewer than 4,000.

-> Always deduct about ~300-500 calories from your average calorie intake to be in a calorie deficit

-> Patience and time will show results

-> To lose weight consume about (4,000 - 500 cals = 3,500 ~ calories) *3,500* calories daily to be in a calorie deficit - to lose fat.

Exercising, cardio, working out, lifting weights burn calories. When you exert that much energy or when you burn through that many calories, your body will utilize your FAT as Energy, resulting in FAT-LOSS during your workouts. So, it's important to always work out. At least 3x a week to promote fat loss, to tone your body, and to maintain that physique - that shape. If you're not keeping up with your workouts and/or dieting, you won't maintain that shape or physique.

Manipulating physiques require constant care, support, and maintenance. If you're not consistent, you won't be able to maintain your gains or a small shredded physique. It is much easier to become fat and out of shape than in shape because it requires willpower and discipline. From morning to night, you have to be aware of what you're eating, what you're doing, and how you're doing it.

We can easily get distracted and end up indulging in junk foods and now our physique is ruined for the day.

That is why a lot of people cannot develop or maintain a sick physique because of how hard it is to do it on a daily basis. I myself sometimes regret dieting so hard (BC I want Pizza XD) and beating myself up, but hey, I love my physique and it looks fookin' SICK!

Anyways, to lose stubborn fat, exercise will help with that. AND of course nutrition.

You need to avoid junk food. Junk food contributes to a lot of health issues, bloated and extended stomach, and mental issues. Junk food is also addicting, thus is why many people are overweight and malnourished.

You need to start eating more vegetables, fruits, and healthy sources of fats, proteins, and carbs.

Healthy sources such as veggies contain LOADS of important and healthy vitamins and minerals that keep our bodies healthy. Veggies and fruits detox the body from harmful things. Veggies can help shrink your stomach, making you have a better and defined ABS; veggies will make you feel better mentally and physically due to their high nutritional profile. 

When we consume junk food, it has a negative effect on us. It can make us anxious, depressed or loss of motivation, or always feeling groggy/tired/etc. That's because you aren't providing your body what it needs - Healthy sources of vitamins and minerals to properly nourish the body.

When using a diet approach, make sure it is sustainable. Many people cannot endure the diet practice every day, and this is why they end up regressing or falling off track - they simply can't manage that diet model for a long period of time. With this being said, find an approach that works for you. Many people for example cannot do the keto diet, so they'll simply reduce calories instead of going about ketosis to burn fat dramatically. And of course, over time, you'll begin to lose interest in dieting. So it's important to have cheat days/meals and diet adjustments. Unless you're a freak show and can endure the same thing over and over every day on a daily basis, then you don't have to worry about falling off track or not.

Simply track your calories and macros. Don't overeat, don't excessively eat, nor indulge in junk foods and you'll be fine when it comes to losing fat and building muscle. Prioritize Protein if you're trying to maintain/promote muscle-building. 


Balance your macros (protein, fat, carbs)

Don't go overboard on any of the macros.

Balance your nutrients in every meal.

Don't excessively eat

So the key is to losing stubborn fat: Healthy eating. If you just focus on healthy eating and avoiding junk food as much as possible and keeping yourself hydrated - you will look like a whole new person. Your physique will change dramatically and you will feel more alive and uplifted. 

Cardio or HIIT is also very effective for losing that stubborn fat.

Cardio and HIIT require a lot of energy. When you exert a lot of energy, you are burning calories, utilizing your fat storage as energy therefore, fat will be reduced since it's being utilized.

On the other hand, sure, weightlifting (or bodybuilding) can burn calories and make you lose weight - but Cardio or HIIT is much more effective to promote fat loss than to build muscle. Weightlifting is more about building muscle.

That is pretty much it. You cannot go any further than that. Those are the basics of understanding how weight gain occurs and how to promote fat loss and how to maintain it. Essentially, eat in a calorie deficit (don't overeat), eat healthily as possible, stay hydrated and stay consistent with your workouts and nutrition regime. From there, you will have a sick physique. No doubt about that. If you're wondering, yes it is that easy. The hardest part is I'd say it's uncomfortable for most people to endure this type of lifestyle on a daily basis due to poor willpower (IMO). Indeed it is hard to endure, but that's how you become stronger and better.

Dieting can impact people's health, so you constantly have to be on top of your nutrition to subside any negative effects from dieting. And of course, you shouldn't work out to the extreme to obtain such a physique. Still, have fun, but be wise on the approach.

There are ways to help with the fat-loss process and building muscle. People who want to "enhance" their transformation can take supplements. No, these are no RoIds, and we won't discuss them, however, they are supplements that are available to use pretty much everywhere. 

- Protein powder for one is a good supplement to purchase. It can help with your protein intake and can help with calorie intake. It can also be a substitute for a meal, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're cutting it down. (but still, try to get nutrients from whole foods). 

- Fat Loss Supplements are also ideal for those who want to enhance their fat-loss process. This is done by consuming ingredients that play a role on our metabolism and other things of that nature. Ingredients that come from foods and plants. These ingredients are well known and studied for their effects. Like Caffeine for example. Very effective for stimulating the metabolism. When ramping up the metabolism, you'll burn more fat while idle and during sleep, workouts, and when eating. That's why you see people taking pre-workout because pre-workout contains ingredients to help enhance muscle-building/hypertrophy, pump/blood flow, and of course fat loss. 

People who seem that they cannot get in shape - they don't have the willpower to do so. I'm not sure what is causing you to gain weight, but I can guess it's the food or the beverages you're consuming. Yes, of course, certain medications can cause weight gain, but people, it doesn't "CAUSE" weight gain, it can contribute to holding onto more weight, therefore, it's easier for you to gain weight due to the medication. The medication itself isn't a calorie-based object thing; you cannot just consume a pill and gain weight lol, you must eat food or drink something that CONTAINS calories.

People, it's your habits that is causing you to gain weight. I have seen it all. People say they do not eat but will drink soda all day long. Soda or any beverage contains calories, and when you drink that, it makes the body gain weight because soda and other sugary beverages contain sugar which leads to many problems, but essentially drinking that will cause weight gain. Also, people snack throughout the day. ON JUNK FOODS. That is the worst. You should not eat junk food. If you want a sick physique, treat your body right. Your body is your temple, and if you want a good-looking temple, be wise about what you consume.

Drink water, nothing but water throughout the day. Yes, coffee and tea are good and recommended, but do not go overboard on the sugar or creamers.

It will take some time. Weeks, months, and even years. I've been training for about 3 years now. Off and On. I've made tremendous progress since I've begun my journey. I did not know I'd reach this point. My physique is crazy! I get so many compliments than before, lol.. That's the point. You won't look crazy first. It takes time. Especially when you put in hard dedicated work, it'll show. So, with that being said, put in that hard work and stay dedicated and consistent. Your transformation will be crazy! AND I WANT TO SEE YOUR TRANSFORMATION. IF YOU'VE READ THIS AND CHANGED YOUR PHYSIQUE - TAG ME ON IG @OI.STRENGTH & TELL ME HOW IT WENT OR COMMENT BELOW.


  • Exercise (HIIT or Cardio for fast and effective fat-loss method)
  • Avoid Junk food
  • Eat healthily as possible
  • Cardio or HIIT for fast fat-loss
  • Consistency and Progression
  • Eat foods that Detox the body (Vegetables and Fruits!)
  • Consume lots of fiber to help detox the body and remove waste
  • Use a Diet model (Shown below) to help with fat loss. It'll help because you're restricting certain foods therefore, you have no choice but to lose weight.
  • Have a proper sleeping routine. Don't stress as much.
  • Avoid sugary drinks/beverages. They're no good and contain lots of sugar and calories increasing your chances of gaining weight.
  • Using Supplements to aid in fat loss. Fat burners are ideal.
  • Using protein shakes to replace means can be ideal, but try to consume whole foods for its high nutritional profile.
  • Don't stick to a diet that you cannot sustain
  • Dieting isn't about being miserable; enjoy life, don't be too harsh on yourself or on the restrictions. 
  • Give yourself breaks. Have cheat meals or cheat days to reset your mind. 
  • Fasting can help with weight management
  • Tracking your macros is highly recommended for weight management

Diet Models:

Keto Diet

Carnivore Diet

IIFYM - if it fits your macros


Buy Me A Coffee


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