Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Health, Fitness, Wellbeing TIPS)


Hi everyone. My name is Tommy and I have type 3 Osteogenesis Imperfecta, aka brittle bones.

Today, I want to share my personal tips on how to become and stay fit while having the condition, "OI." OI doesn't stop us from becoming better - it's a huge challenge to try to overcome, but it'll be easier once you begin the journey to becoming better and stronger. Your body and your condition will thank you later. Never neglect your health; do what's right for you and for your body. Eat right, exercise, and live life happily.


1) Stretching

Lots of people do not stretch. Including "normal" people. When you neglect stretching, your body will begin to develop muscle knots and tight muscles or tensed muscles. This decreases blood flow, resulting in pain, aches, etc. Also, since proper blood flow isn't present and your muscles are shortened (due to tension), you are vulnerable to injuries. SO by stretching, you will relieve those tight muscles, tension and blood flow will be improved. Improving blood flow transport nutrients, nourishing the body in a better manner. So it's important to have a high-functioning body. Stretching/mobility work is best in this case.

2) Massages

Similar to Stretching, massages can help relieve tension, tight muscles, and muscle knots - improving mobility, range of motion, and improved blood flow. Us Oi People tend to sit or lay down ALL DAY LONG - which is terrible for our health - so receiving messages and/or doing stretches will benefit your body.

- Get soft tissue massages if you cannot handle deep tissue massages

- Chiropractors can help, but be careful! Not all of them will work on us Oi patients! (Yes Some Chiro's will help you)

- You can self-massage your body to help relieve tension.

- Foam Rolling but i wouldn't recommend for all...Very risky.

3) Get out - Explore the World!

Many of us do not go out and explore the world. We're stuck inside the house, either sitting or laying down, which over time (without any activity) will lead to health complications such as tension, decreased blood flow, and mental and physical issues.

By going out, and exploring, it stimulates the mind, giving you a better outlook on everything and thus can relieve depression and anxiety. When we're not receiving any "new" stimulation, the mind becomes bland and essentially it'll lose its strength, durability, clarity. Stimulating your mind in different ways can help an individual become healthier and stronger. 

When I began to go outside and roam the city, I began to feel more uplifted, confident, and happier. I think it's because we think differently of ourselves, but you should not. Embrace who you are and go enjoy life!

4) Go Find a Relationship

Disability or not, everyone deserves to have a relationship. If you're not trying to pursue a relationship, you're missing out. That person, he/she can help you in many ways. Sometimes, we need people, friends, or a relationship to keep us accountable - to push us to continue and so forth.

Don't neglect love or affection for someone, strive to get them - live life!

5) Exercise! I know you can

Us Oi people don't work out as much. That is completely understandable, but you shouldn't neglect it. I know how severe you can be, but take baby steps in order to become stronger. I had to start from lifting textbooks to lifting milk cartons to lifting real weights. I had to start from the bottom. I literally used everything in my possession to become better. Not knowing that I will be this strong today, I know I did a good thing at first. I knew, somehow that working out will make me a better and stronger person, overall. And it Did. If I can do it, you can.

Find ways to exercise. Move your body - become active! That's the key! You don't have to lift weights or textbooks or anything like that. Simple arm, leg, and body movements is all you need.

But if you're capable of exercising here are some tips

-> Resistance Bands are great for us, Oi people because it's convenient to use, it's portable and very light weight (which doesn't cause stress on our bones/muscles) and it's effective for strength and muscle building

-- Purchase resistance bands here

-> Therapy Pools / Disabled Pools / Adaptive Pools

Therapeutic pools are meant for the elderly and disabled people. The pools are warmed to make the people enjoy the pool without shivering in the cold, allowing them to exercise freely. When you're submerged in water, it is easier to move around without any stress on the bones/muscles. This is good for people who have weak bones, doing rehab, and/or trying to become stronger overall. Don't miss out on this!

Ask your Doctor or local rehab places for therapeutic pools.

6) Focus on Diet And Nutrition for A Better and Healthier Life

Many people fail o realize that nutrition is a huge factor in our lives - if you neglect nutrition, many things will arise. From aches, pains to feeling like crap and always encountering fractures or sprains - you need to fix your nutrition.

With proper nutrition in place, you can minimize and avoid injuries because you're properly nourishing your body with the right vitamins and minerals to make your muscles and bones strong.

When you have a poor diet/nutrition in place, you're missing out on those vital nutrients to make our bones strong, so therefore, you're vulnerable to weak and fragile bones.

Proper dieting/nutrition regime will ensure that your bones are strong and healthy, minimizing the risk of fractures and other related injuries.

  • - Stop eating Junk food
  • - Eat more Vegetables
  • - Eat your Fruits
  • - Drink water, avoid soda
  • - Avoid coffee if nutrition isn't on point
-> Protein powder can help reduce calorie intake by replacing junk foods. Click here to View Quality Protein Powder

-> Greens Supplements are Highly recommended for nourishing the body - making the bones, tissues and muscles healthy and strong. It also removes the toxins and bad stuff within our bodies. Click here To View a Green Supplement (Veggies/fruits/spices/herbs).

7) Focus on Sleep

Sleep is important. It helps the body to recover and build new tissue if necessary. When you neglect sleep, it will impact your overall health. So, if you want to ensure that your body is strong and healthy, focus on sleep. A good quality sleep on a daily basis is needed.

8) Find a Life Coach

Sometimes, we need some guidance, a push, or a friend. I myself never looked up to anyone because I had no one there. I had to do everything on my own. I had to learn on my own. Do things on my own. and I experimented with everything on my own. Through the journey, I have had some injuries and whatnot, but that was a part of the learning process - a part of the journey.

I want you people to understand yourself and life. It's very complex and complicated to understand all of this especially when you don't know your body. I did not understand life nor my body at first. I thought I did, but I didn't. Throughout the Journey, that's when I realized my full potential, my full self. Because it takes hardship and challenges to ultimately understand life and yourself/body.

A life coach or personal trainer can help guide you in the right path. They can give advice and opinions. Sometimes, we need some motivation to get going. So a life/personal trainer coach can help with that.

I myself am a Fitness and Life coach.

If you're interested in hiring me to help you become better and stronger, contact me.

Other Information Regarding OI

1) Are Infusions worth it?

- Not sure. When I was receiving my IV infusions, it didn't do much. I was still breaking bones. However, that was back in the day. Your bones will begin to harden much more after puberty. So if you're experiencing lots of fractures before puberty, perhaps infusions can help, but ask your doctor if it's really helping. Is it even worth it?

Ultimately, to become stronger, do the things I mentioned above. Exercise, nutrition, etc.

However, Do not take me as a Doctor; I'm not here to give medical advice; this is simply based on my experience and opinions!

If your doctor advised IV INFUSION TREATMENT - Do it. I'm not your doctor nor Take anything serious from me. I'm simply giving my OPINION.

2) Can OI people go to the GYM?

Yes of course. Us Oi people are shy and nervous when we approach things like that. Embrace who you are and go out and hit the gym. Become stronger today! Many of today's gym are accessible for those who are disabled or need adaptive needs.

- Train with light weight

- Hire a trainer

- Use resistance bands (less risk for injuries)

- Bodybuilding type workouts are ideal for bone and muscle development.

3) Can OI people visit a Chiropractor?

Yes and No. It depends on you and the severity of your condition. If you're super fragile - then no, I would not advise. If you're capable of handling manipulation and pressure on your bones, then sure, I would recommend it. Visiting a chiro can help with many things. Tension, tight muscles, and bones that are out of place. Out of place bones can cause discomfort and imbalance of the body.

4) Don't always sit or lay down

Move around. Do some stretching or yoga. Get your body to become active. Get the blood flowing to improve your body's health.

> Green's (Supplement) Aids in Improving Blood flow and promotes nourishment for the body. Click here To View A Quality GREEN SUPPLEMENT

5) Can OI people Lift weights?

Yes, if you're capable of doing so. I had to work my way there. From lifting school texts book to lifting milk cartons to lifting real weights. It's possible if you set your mind to it!

- Use restiance bands (less risky, easy and convienent - very light weight)

- Hire me as your Trainer (Contact me via here or ig/facebook)

- Lift light weights with lots of reps

- Using machines might be easier for some people. You have more control I'd say. 




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