Ways To Keep Body Fat Down

Ways To Keep Body Fat Down

Activate your metabolism to melt fat away
Tips for losing weight and how to maintain your physique

Learn the ways to keep your body fat down. If You wanna become shredded or maintain a shredded physique, you must learn the ways to do so. Manipulation of your physique requires hard work, knowledge, and proper manipulation. A simple mistake can cause your physique to spill over - the aesthetics/appearance of your physique will change dramatically based upon your Nutrition and lifestyle regime.

Nutrition and calories dictate your body fat and how much you weigh. If you're constantly eating foods, you may be gaining weight and this is known as a calorie surplus. When you're trying to maintain a physique without trying to gain weight, that is called the maintenance phase. When you're trying to become lean, ripped, and shredded, that is known as a calorie deficit. You must place yourself into a calorie deficit to lose body fat and to sustain a low body fat %. So, consistently, you may have to be in a calorie deficit if you're wanting to maintain a low body fat range. Once you develop that shredded physique you have in mind, it'll be easier to maintain that because now your body is used to the process. At first, it's going to be very hard, tedious, and unmotivating; but once you adapt to it - it becomes much easier and it's a new lifestyle regime to go by.

Essentially that is it. A calorie deficit is required to become shredded and to maintain a shredded physique. However, there are many tips to enhance this process. Dieting, supplements, etc.


1) Diet - Dieting can help make you lose fat dramatically

-> Keto Diet for example is a prime example of how someone could lose a lot of body fat, fast. It is an effective method for those who want to become shredded pretty fast. And it's ideal to go about when trying to maintain a shredded physique

-> Low carb. Essentially the same as keto, but not as harsh.

-> Veggie Diet - Promotes a healthy body, veggies detox the body from toxins, and overall it'll help with fat loss.

-> Fruits & Veggie Diet - Promotes a healthy body. Help detox the body. Overall it'll help with fat loss.

-> Many other diets work in the same fashion. That is - You're restricting or eliminating certain nutrients or food groups from your lifestyle. For example, the keto diet restricts carbs. So, if carbs are your enemy, then you know that approaching the low carb/keto diet model, you will lose fat from that method.

1A) Control emotional eating

We don’t always eat simply to satisfy hunger. All too often, we turn to food when we’re stressed or anxious, which can wreck any diet and pack on the pounds. Do you eat when you’re worried, bored, or lonely? Do you snack in front of the TV at the end of a stressful day? Recognizing your emotional eating triggers can make all the difference in your weight-loss efforts. If you eat when you’re:

Stressed – find healthier ways to calm yourself. Try yoga, meditation, or soaking in a hot bath.

Low on energy – find other mid-afternoon pick-me-ups. Try walking around the block, listening to energizing music, or taking a short nap.

Lonely or bored – reach out to others instead of reaching for the refrigerator. Call a friend who makes you laugh, take your dog for a walk, or go to the library, mall, or park—anywhere there are people.

Practice mindful eating instead

Avoid distractions while eating. Try not to eat while working, watching TV, or driving. It’s too easy to mindlessly overeat.

Pay attention. Eat slowly, savoring the smells and textures of your food. If your mind wanders, gently return your attention to your food and how it tastes.

Stop eating before you are full. It takes time for the signal to reach your brain that you’ve had enough. Don’t feel obligated to always clean your plate.

2) Nutrition can help dramatically with weight management

Nutrition is very critical. Nutrition also focuses on how people can use dietary choices to reduce the risk of disease, what happens if a person has too much or too little of a nutrient, and how allergies work.

Nutrients provide nourishment. Proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water are all nutrients. If people do not have the right balance of nutrients in their diet, their risk of developing certain health conditions increases.

-- Essentially, if you consume bad nutrients or low-quality nutrients, your body will not benefit from it. As a consequence, you will develop health issues such as diabetes, obesity, pain, aches, foggy mind, and much more.

--> It's important to focus and prioritize nutrition. Healthy nutrients should be consumed on a daily basis. These "healthy nutrients" are Whole-Organic Foods. Non-processed foods. You should strive for eating vegetables and fruits everyday to detox the body, to promote longevity and to make the body healthier.

-> Eating Mcdonald's or fast foods and microwavable foods and chips and snacks and sodas and cookies and Gatorade and all of those JUNK Foods are a big no no. They do not benefit the body nor does it even nourish the body. This is how or why American People are overweight. Indulging in processed greasy junk foods.

->Less sugar can mean a slimmer waistline

Calories obtained from fructose (found in sugary beverages such as soda and processed foods like doughnuts, muffins, and candy) are more likely to add to fat around your belly. Cutting back on sugary foods can mean a slimmer waistline as well as a lower risk of diabetes.

3) Fasting can help reduce food intake & control weight

Since fasting can help restrict calories or food consumption due to "fasting" or "not eating for 8 hours or so" it is an effective method for controlling weight and detoxing the body. When you can detox your body from the junk foods you've consumed over the year, you'll begin to lose weight. Fasting does this. When you aren't eating, you will begin to utilize your fat as energy and as a result, you burn fat aka weight loss occurs.

Fasting every day is ideal.

4) Use A Calorie/Macro Tracking App to help control your weight

Lots of people do not understand nutrition, nor calories nor macros. If you're a beginner, you should know the basics of foods. Calories, Macros and micronutrients. However, we're only focusing on Calories and Macros for this article.

Calories and Macros should be paid attention to while cutting or bulking. This ensures that you're on the right path to achieve your goal. When tracking your food, it'll give you details abotu that specific food/drink item. From here, you can make decisions. The right decisions. And you can decide whether if you should eat more or less, depending on your goals.

5) HIIT or Cardio for Fast Fat Loss

HIIT and Cardio require lots of energy and exertion. When you exert yourself that intensely, your body will burn lots of energy resulting in fat loss. So, if you need a fast way to lose weight, try HIIT or cardio. Cardio is a bit more subtle whereas HIIT is a bit more INTENSE. Everyday cardio is more ideal than everyday HIIT. HIIT is seriously intense but it'll help burn fat AND tone your body. Bodybuilding or weightlifting is also ideal, but it doesn't burn fat as much as cardio or HIIT does.

6) Exercise to burn fat and to maintain your physique

You don't need to work out in order to be in shape. But working out does tone your body, making you look sexier. AND it burns calories which results in weight loss. So it's ideal to exercise about 3/4x a week to maintain your physique and to continue to burn fat. Also, working out/exercising (hiit, cardio, weightlifting, yoga, etc) improves metabolism, enhances the brain, and so forth. Very vital to work out to keep your body healthy and strong.

7) Use Supplements to Aid in Fat Loss and To Maintain Shape

Fat burners can be useful to help shred off the fat. However, they're not the magical pill that'll magically melt your fat away. It does not work like that. It works synergistically with exercising and dieting and of course nutrition. When you combine all of those factors - it improves/enhances/speeds up the process of melting fat away and building a sexy toned body. 

You can also use protein powder to substitute meals or junk foods. Mainly it should be a replacement for junk foods because protein powder is mainly protein...It can be useful for meal replacements, however, Do not do it for every meal - you're neglecting nutrients if doing so - I recommend consuming whole foods to get all of the vital nutrients we need to become properly nourished.

8) Cold Showers / Contrast Showers to help with fat-loss

Cold showers and contrast showers can help with fat loss. When enduring the cold waters, your body needs a way to "stay protected" and as a result, you shiver. Shivering requires energy which promotes calorie burning resulting in weight loss. But when enduring the COLD, it stimulates the metabolism, attacking brown fat which promotes thermogenesis resulting in FAT LOSS. So yes, taking cold baths or showers can help. It's nothing too dramatic because the main aspects are your diet and nutrition factor. That's the main one. This method is an additional aid you can utilize such as using supplements.

9) Increase thermogenesis to burn fat

When you consume foods or beverages or certain ingredients such as caffeine or spices, it up-regulates your metabolism which causes a thermogenic effect; your body has to break these foods down and some of these foods have unique properties. For instance, coffee contains caffeine which is a Stimulant or a Drug. Spices also contain ingredients that boost metabolism which can help with fat loss.

Using supplements can also boost your thermogenesis. Thermogenic fat burners are good to use. 

--> Green tea increased brown fat and energy expenditure in mice. 

-->Resveratrol, a polyphenol compound found in red wine, cabbage, berries and spinach initiated fat browning in tissue cultures and also in live mice. ---> [Spices] Capsaicin, the spicy component in hot peppers, activated brown fat in rodents and humans in other studies. Curcumin, a component of turmeric, induced fat browning in mice. Thymol, a component of several aromatic herbs, such as thyme and oregano stimulated browning in cell cultures.

--> These ingredients are all plant-derived phenolic compounds, and there’s now some evidence ­- most of it from test-tube and animal models — that these phytochemicals can induce fat to turn into an energy-consuming tissue.

How to increase thermogenesis (fat burning)

Protein requires more energy to break down

Protein takes more energy for the body to process, as opposed to fats or carbs, so the thermic effect of protein is high in comparison to other foods, at a rate of about 20 to 35% of calories burned per meals.

Spices to melt fat away


According to a 2009 study by Tufts University, turmeric can help your body burn fat. In the study, there were two groups of mice, one was fed curcumin while the other wasn’t. The results were that the group of mice that had curcumin lost more weight than the other group that did not have it. Turmeric is a warming spice, it increases the body heat which can boost your metabolism and provide other health benefits.


Cinnamon is said to curb hunger cravings, control blood sugar level and make you feel fuller for longer. You can add cinnamon to your oatmeal, mix it in yoghurt or put it in your tea. It is also a great addition to meat and chicken.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper raises the body temperature which boosts your metabolism. The higher the metabolism, the more calorie you burn. Adding this spice to your meal can help you burn up to 100 calories per meal. You can sprinkle cayenne pepper on nuts, soup, eggs and dips for that extra kick.


Adding one tablespoon of cumin seeds to all your primary meals every day can help you burn three times more fat, says a recent study conducted on overweight women. Also, cumin adds great flavour to your food. You can add it to almost everything, including soups, dressings, veggies, pulses and bread.


Ginger helps to control blood sugar level, which means it can prevent a spike in your glucose levels after taking a carb or a sugar rich diet. Same like turmeric and cayenne pepper, ginger also has thermogenic (fat-burning) property. Add it to your tea, salads, fish, fruits and more.


Rosemary helps to increase your metabolic rate. It also aids digestion and weight loss. These green pointed leaves are to be soaked in boiling water for a few minutes. The strained water can be consumed lukewarm at any time of the day but not empty stomach.


Cardamom, also called elaichi, is a popular Indian spice with a unique flavour. It is thermogenic in nature and that is why it helps you in losing weight. It also prevents the formation of gas, which makes you feel bloated and uneasy. You can add a pinch or two of cardamom powder to your food to lose weight faster.

Black pepper

How can we not mention black pepper while talking about Indian spices! Cousin to cayenne pepper, black pepper is rich in piperine, which gives black pepper its unique flavour. This one ingredient prevents the formation of fat cells and thus, helps you to lose, and later maintain, that weight. One can combine black pepper and cayenne pepper for better weight loss results!

Other Lifestyle ideas for boosting metabolism

1. Aim for 7-8 hours sleep to help regulate hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin and also insulin and sugar cravings throughout the day

2. Build lean muscle mass – lift the heaviest weights possible up to 10 x maximum for approximately 10-15 mins 3 x week. Increased lean muscle mass burns calories at rest.


Click any below to view the product(s)

-> Greens Supplements to help detox the body aiding in fat-loss

-> Fat Burner to melt the fat away

-> Protein Powder - to help reduce junk food consumption

* Click Any of those 3 to be directed to the website to view the products' information & able to purchase.

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