Tristyn Lee 4% Regime - Protocol - Lifestyle - Is it achievable?

 Tristyn Lee Regime - Should You Follow his Protocol?

When it comes to Mr. Lee, he strives for aesthetics. The Ripped physique, shredded abs, striations everywhere, and super muscular WHILE being lean. Is that even Ideal to do? What are the pros and cons of going about Tristyn Lee's Diet? Does it work? How is he able to maintain such muscle mass while being shredded?

Tristyn Lee has a mind of a Bodybuilder. 

He lives, sleeps, and breathes Bodybuilding. Prioritizing Nutrition, Workouts, and Recovery, he is able to fully lock in his mind. When you're locked in like Mr. Lee is, anything is possible and achievable - if you have the mindset to do so.

Mr. Lee workouts a lot to develop and maintain his muscle mass. Along with that, of course, is his Diet. His Diet is a KetoCarnivore's diet. So, by using this dieting method, it'll help burn fat off and to maintain and/or to promote muscle building. He is Prioritizing muscle building over gaining weight. 

It is possible to maintain muscle while focusing on High Protein intake, and an adequate amount of rest and recovery. Tristyn doesn't overdo his workouts nor over eats, so, therefore, he is able to maintain his shape without affecting it due to being strict on his regime.

By utilizing a carnivore or keto diet approach, you're depleting carbs from your life, and when doing so, your body will utilize your own body fat as energy resulting in weight loss over time. And if you're entered in the ketosis stage, you will be burning fat throughout the day.

>Carnivore Diet vs Keto Read here<

However, it seems too easy for Mr. Lee to endure all of this right? Well, not really. See, Mr. Lee is around ~4-5-6% body fat. When your body is that low in body fat, lots of things will arise. Many health issues will start showing. Fatigue, loss of mental clarity, loss of strength, endurance, stamina, hindered recovery, growth, and so forth. Everything is impacted and affected greatly when you're Extremely Shredded.

-- Hidden causes of Low Testosterone

When your body goes Extreme Shredded Mode, it's quite unhealthy for YOU and for the Human Body to Endure. See, the body does not like to be shredded because you're depleting yourself from vital and essential nutrients such as Carbs and other nutrients that we're not aware of. And this will cause issues for your body, brain and organs, and also your hormones.

Becoming Too Skinny is a huge issue. You'll impact everything - hindering your hormones which will impact your recovery, growth, and power. You won't grow muscle due to being Catabolic and so forth. So, if you're wanting to become Extremely shredded like Tristyn Lee, you have to lock your mind into this lifestyle. You have to live, sleep and breathe bodybuilding. Striving for greatness. Striving for healthy nutrients to Properly nourish the body. Striving for efficient recovery.


See, Mr. Lee can get away with this type of lifestyle.
He has adapted to this! He is not immortal, however, because he even mentions in his video that he struggles with Mental issues and Energy issues. This is going to happen when you place yourself in a calorie deficit and try to be shredded.

He is able to endure this situation because he can. Mr. Lee is no stranger to low calories, calorie deficit and essentially starving himself to look the way he looks. No one on this planet can achieve his physique without practically starving Yourself. But, he has a Strong mind. Tristyn doesn't let the pain, hunger or low energy stop him. I think, in fact, that it motivates him. To continue, to progress -- to not Quit!

-- Read about Coffee and Fat Loss | -Herbs for fat loss

See, I myself, love an aesthetic physique. I myself also have an aesthetic physique. And I have to say; Yes, it's very hard to endure this type of a lifestyle. Everything will be impacted in a negative way -- other than your physique appearance.

People think Tristyn Lee takes steroids due to having extremely low body fat along with being really muscular. But how?

Well, it's not steroids in my opinion because I would say, if he was on roids, he would be MUCH bigger. He is Very Muscular, but that's Muscular. Muscular vs MASS IS different. He's not that BIG. He's very MUSCULAR, not massive. Get it?

And so, when you focus and lock in your mind to a goal, you will achieve it.

  • He focuses and prioritizes Nutrition, Recovery, and Workouts. 
  • Of course, he's going to look like a beast. 
  • It's naturally obtainable, not impossible.
  • And in fact, his physique isn't the "BEST" or the "Greatest" or something "NEW." 
  • There are thousands of people who are doing the same thing. 

It's all about Tristyn Lee's Willpower and commitment. He sacrifices a lot of things to accomplish of what he got; he doesn't party; he doesn't indulge; he doesn't cheat on his diet; his workouts are locked in; his recovery is locked in; his nutrition is locked in, so of course, he's going to look a complete modified beast.

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