10 Fitness and Health Goals for 2022 - Become a Better You

 2022 Fitness and Health Goals You Must Set

When it comes to your health, Health is wealth, so you should start paying more attention to yourself. Signs will start popping up like a car with red engine light on. What do you do from there? Get it serviced.

Regular exercise and physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk for some cancers.

Health and fitness are required for a healthy functioning body. When you're inactive, it causes many health issues such as being prone to fractures, decreased bone and muscle density, strength, mass, and durability. You're also prone to infections, illnesses, diabetes, heart issues, and much more. There's a long long list of consequences when you don't pay attention to your health.

Many people don't realize why they're overweight, or feeling like crap all the time, or fatigued all the time or always aching, having headaches, low energy, sex drive, and much more. That is because something off; It could be your Nutrition, or lifestyle factors such as stressing too much, lack of sleep, or poor nutrition.

Nutrition overall impacts the way you feel, mentally and physically, and how you perform. Energy, stamina, endurance, mental clarity, gut health, digestion, performance, power - all of those attributes are all affected By Nutrition and lifestyle factors. You must focus on Nutrition and healthy habits or having a healthy lifestyle.

Focus on Nutrition

Nutrition affects Everything. It dictates your weight gain and weight loss. It affects your performance, your mental clarity, and overall health. If you constantly eat poorly, you will sooner or later see consequences of that, so I highly advise you to start eating healthier. When you properly nourish the body, you're healing the body and the body will perform at its best. Also, it's easier to promote weight loss when focusing on healthy nutrition compared to eating junk; Junk food is manipulating so it'll trick your mind into eating more and more of that Junk food. Healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and healthy sources of fats proteins, and carbs are much more fulfilling and healthier for the body and mind. It is also less processed, less dangerous, and harmful and it's harder to gain or to become overweight while eating healthily. Junk foods are loaded with calories whereas Healthy foods are not that much loaded with calories.

1) Focus on Healthy Foods, Healthy foods = healthy nutrients = healthy body. Vegetables Are King, And Also fruits as well. Strive for healthy sources of fats proteins and carbs. Balanced Nutritional meals are key. Don't overeat. Eat-in moderation. BALANCE.

2) Focus on Whole foods rather than Fast foods or processed foods. Whole foods contain all of their natural states compared to those fast foods and processed foods which are harmful and dangerous for our health. Junk foods are processed and also fast foods are. They contain too many additives, processed ingredients and are loaded with excessive calories which will lead to weight gain or even obesity.

Focus on Exercising

Exercising is key for longevity and to maintaining a healthy functioning body. Without exercise, your bones and muscles are prone to losing their mass, strength, density, and overall power. You'll begin to lose muscle and bone density which will lead to fragile bones which can cause fractures. Also, your mental health is impacted if you're not active. People are most likely depressed, anxious, and feeling down. Compared to those who are Active and Exercise Regularly, they're happier, uplifted, energized, and healthier.

Exercising not only strengthens your body, muscles, and bones, but it releases hormones and other factors that make us feel good.

Exercising also promotes weight loss. So if you have an issue with losing weight - go exercise.

1) Focus on Healthy Foods, Healthy foods = healthy nutrients = healthy body. Vegetables Are King, And Also fruits as well. Strive for healthy sources of fats proteins and carbs. Balanced Nutritional meals is key. Don't overeat. Eat-in moderation. BALANCE.

2) Focus on Whole foods rather than Fast foods or processed foods. Whole foods contain all of their natural states compared to those fast foods and processed foods which are harmful and dangerous for our health. Junk foods are processed and also fast foods are. They contain too many additives, processed ingredients and are loaded with excessive calories which will lead to weight gain or even obesity.

3) Focus on Water. Remove soda, they're junk and don't benefit your health.

4) Stay consistent with healthy eating; you'll adapt to it.

Focus on Healthy Habits

Habits are everything...But it's all about the healthy habits you should be doing. Habits include Stress, sleep, hygiene, eating, exercise, hobbies, etc. If you have bad habits, such as overeating/excessively eating, stressing too much, staying up too late, and/or exercising too much or too little; it'll impact the way you feel. You need to have a balanced life. Moderation is key. Overdoing anything is too much. Doing little of nothing is not good either. You must have Balanced. Balance your sleep, your stress, your thinking, everything because if not, you'll notice you're falling downwards. For example, if you have a bad habit of overeating, you'll go downwards of becoming Obese, so it's important to Eat food in Moderation and to have a well-rounded Balanced Meal. A Nutritional Meal that should Include veggies, fruits, and healthy sources of fats proteins, and carbs.

Having a set routine is the best. You won't fall off track and it'll ensure that you're optimizing your health.

People who don't have a routine always end up complaining about their life. Always tired, can never get full sleep, feeling fatigued, low energy, etc. That's because you are all over the place, stressing and not doing WHAT You should be doing for your body and health but instead you rather let your health go.

Control your habits, set a routine, stick with it and see positive results.

Focus on Your Hobbies / Passion

People get too mixed up with too many things nowadays. I mean, it's hard to do everything and to multi-task. So I recommend having a set schedule and focusing on your work, your passion, or hobbies. This will help with your mental health and to pursue your passion/hobbies. Sometimes we don't have enough ALONE time, so you should strive for that. It helps with decreasing stress which helps the mind and body and overall, it's healthy for us to somewhat Meditate or to be let alone. We're always bombarded with social media and people and drama that we don't focus on ourselves nor Reflect as often or even mediate. So by having or focusing on alone time or on your hobbies/passion, you're restoring your mental clarity and nourishing the body and mind.

Focus on Removing Drugs, Alcohol, and More

Drugs, smoking Cigs (I smoke weed so, I cannot complain about that, however, Cigs are much worse and dangerous for your health compared to weed), and alcohol. Those all ruin the body's health and mind. Especially if you have an addictive personality, you may become addicted to these substances which will ultimately take over you and your life. It's important if doing so, to do it in moderation, or balance these parties and drugs so it doesn't consume you nor your life and goals. Too many people let the drugs and party life consume them, and as a result, they become unhealthy and not passionate about their goals.

Set New Goals

With the New Year Starting, 2022, you should set new goals. Well, not every year should be "new" goals but you should always strive for new goals. Every day should be a goal; a goal to accomplish something, in a positive way.

Heading into the gym in January can be a bit of a nightmare. Not only is it packed, but everyone seems to be stuck on the idea that they just need to do running – and lots of it.

Keeping this up can become a real grind. And it’ll be another reason to give up come February.

Challenge yourself with something new. Not only will this help you structure your workouts, but it will also help keep things interesting – and rewarding – as you start to see improvements.


Write down your goals on a piece of paper and stick it up somewhere where you can see it every day. For instance, you want to lose 20 pounds. Give yourself a realistic timeline for achieving this goal. Discuss your goals with a nutritionist to determine the best possible timeline for losing 20 pounds in a healthy way. It could be 3 months or 6 months, depending on your body’s natural metabolism.

Once you have the timeline, measure your progress once a week so that you can make changes to your diet or exercise to improve results.

Monitor your vital statistics and keep them in check

This is in reference to your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and resting heart rate. A lot of guys don’t keep these numbers in mind, and it is difficult to monitor all of these on a very consistent basis. However, these vital statistics become especially important as you get older, and it’s in your best interest to make sure your numbers are good now so nothing sneaks up on you someday.

Get out of your comfort zone

As important as it is to stick to a certain routine, it’s great to take a stab at something new every once in a while. This could be any activity you’ve wanted to try, as long as there’s a certain level of exercise involved. This concept could also apply to the exercises you do during your routine if you want a more consistent challenge. Go running more often if you’ve always been a lifter or vice versa.

Whether if it's Fitness or going on an Adventure, you should strive for something new. Like setting "NEW GOALS" the one above I mentioned, you should strive for new goals. This is a method of improving your confidence and just to overcome insecurities and mental state. For example, try Dating; if you haven't dated or talked to women in a while or vice versa, try it, It's new, and it's challenging which will make you get out of that comfort zone.


Whatever your goal, make a realistic training schedule and stick to it. That way, once you get into it and it becomes part of your routine, you don’t even think about whether you should train or not.

This will help you get into good habits as well as ensure you keep improving. It doesn’t matter whether you’re upping your strength or cardio, progression comes with a firm foundation.

So, make a plan, add it to your phone and tell everyone around you, for a sure way to get yourself moving.

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