Bulking Tips for Skinny Guys

Skinny guys have it rough because it is hard to gain weight. No matter what You do, you seem to not be able to gain the weight that you're wanting.

However, it's not impossible - it is possible! By Staying consistent and approaching it in a proper way, you will gain weight, easily!

Today, you'll learn and implement these tips in your lifestyle to improve your weight, to improve your physique.

People who are skinny typically have a fast metabolism, resulting in fat loss throughout the day and they don't strive for dense calorie foods.

Why Should Gain Weight

Gaining weight is optimal and ideal for most people. First off, if you're wanting to get bigger overall, muscular and mass, you're wanting to increase your body weight. 

So, by adding more body weight, you'll improve your body and health

  • Adding weight will increase Strength and Power
  • Adding weight can help promote nourishment whereas people who are skinny are most likely malnourished
  • Adding weight can balance Hormones!

- People who are skinny are prone to being malnourished

  • - Skinny people are weaker than average
  • - They do not have muscle on their frame

Being severely shredded or skinny is unhealthy for the human body. Lots of people love the shred ripped physique look, however, many people face health complications due to having such low body fat %. 

For example, Tristyn lee, a phenomenal bodybuilder who strives for a ripped-shredded aesthetic physique exposed his way of living and how he deals with having low body fat. He mentions that it's daunting, cruel, and not healthy. It'll impact everything - performance, mental state, recovery, strength, and power.

It's important to have an adequete amount of body fat on your body, but not too much because that'll be considered Obesity.

Here Are the Top Tips for Skinny People to Gain Weight

1) Stop Drinking So much Water

Water can help with weight loss. It'll help speed up metabolism. So, if you're drinking water a lot, especially throughout the day -- stop that. Don't drink as much and taper it down. Drink water when necessary only. When thirsty because water will stimulate your metabolism a little bit. But that "little bit" adds every day - so reduce your water intake.

Here's the Solution: Drink water when thirsty. Find drinks/beverages that contain calories. Don't go for sodas or sugary beverages. Rice Milk has 112 Calories per Cup. Coconut milk has 75 calories per cup.

2) Calories - Calories - Calories - Get more Calories in

Calories dictate weight gain and/or weight loss. If you eat too much, you'll enter a calorie surplus. If you decrease your food intake, you'll be in a calorie deficit.

For gaining weight, you'll need to be in a calorie surplus.

Eat more than nornal

  • > To gain weight and muscles, you'll need to be in a calorie surplus.
  • > Read about tracking macros and calories to help with weight gain

A calorie surplus is needed in order to gain weight. This is done by consuming more calories than you normally would - placing you in a caloric surplus. From this, you will gain weight, fat and muscle due to INCREASING your food volume. The more food, the more weight and chances you'll get to get fat.

The image above shows option, high calorie dense food options you can go about or utilize to get extra calories in within your meals and/or day.

Calories is the most important factor for weight gain/loss. If you're not staying consistent with your calorie surplus, you won't gain weight as you're wanting too.

People whom are skinny have a issue with not eating and/or avoiding eating. So, we must break this bad habit up and focus on eating foods!

Tracking your food intake is one of the best ways to stay on track. Using a calorie/macro tracker will help you to stay strict on the goal - which is to eat a lot of food. You have a goal at the end of the day - that is - to consume a lot of calories in order to promote weight gain.

Using a tracker will show you how many calories are needed and what you should be doing, and so forth. So it's ideal for beginner to use a tracker to understand and learn the concepts of gaining weight and nutrition. 

  • Snacking is great way to get extra calories in
  • Utilize liquid calories - milk, tea, smoothies
  • Prepare your meals (meal-prep)
  • Track your calories / foods
  • Bigger portions
  • Eat more got dammit

3) Start Weightlifting to increase muscle mass to improve hunger

By building muscle, it'll force you to eat more because your body needs more food in order to maintain muscle mass and to provide nutrients. If you don't provide nutrients, you'll lose weight and the muscles. With this being said, developing muscles, it'll help with weight gain. It'll force you to eat more and to stay consistent with that. Also, in addition, exercising itself will help with making you hungry. 

  • > Weightlifting to build muscle
  • > Muscle requires food, lots of it so it'll force you to eat more
  • > Staying on this path will ensure weight gain

4) Add more SHAKES In your Life (Protein/Carb) for extra calories

Smoothies and shakes are a great way to get in extra calories. You can make a protein shake, a high carb shake, and/or overall a shake to get in some extrea calories. You can add a variety of tings into your shakes or smoothies to get those extra calories in. Such as oats, nuts, seeds, berries, and so forth. 

  • > Add shakes/smoothies in between meals and/or when hungry/thirsty

  • > Shakes/smoothies can be very healthy so it's ideal to go about

  • > Since it's hard for you to gain weight, this option is the best way to go because it'll add in the extra calories you need

5) Eat More Carbohydrates - for more calorie-dense foods

Potatoes, Bread, Oats, Etc are heavy on calories. Don't skip on'em. Eat em, frequently. Since it's hard for you to get in a lot of calories, eating and approaching high-calorie dense foods/meals, it'll help you gain weight much easier and faster.

Not even mentioning that utilizing carbs will take longer to break down so it'll help weight gain. Complex carbs are the way to go.

6) Bigger Portion Meals - bigger meals means more weight

Since it's difficult for you to gain weight, you're not consuming enough food. Start adding more food to your plate. Portions are everything. Have a ratio. P, C, F. Carbs should be more than proteins and fats. Do this in every meal and see the difference!

  • Add more carbs. more rice, more potatoes, more starch.
  • fewer fruits, fewer veggies, more calorie-dense foods

7) Eat more Frequently - DO NOT SKIP MEALS

Lots of people skip meals without even noticing it. AND as a result, you will lose weight due to not consuming enough calories at the end of the day. So, how are you supposed to maintain and/or gain weight if you're skipping meals? Well, that's why it's ideal to use protein shakes or smoothies, to increase your food size or portion sizes, and to focus on calorie-dense foods such as carbs and starch foods - complex carbs to be exact. You should never skip meals if you're wanting to gain size, weight, muscle, and so forth. It's important to stay on track and not miss a meal. If you happen to miss a meal, you can easily consume more calories in another meal to make up for the lost calories. Calories matter and without it, it won't make you gain weight.

  • - Always eat breakfast
  • - Have healthy snacks
  • - Eat lunch
  • - Smoothies/protein salad bowl/oats / Protein shakes, etc are ideal

8) Use an Online Macro-Calorie Tracker for assistance

Using an online calorie tracker is very useful. It'll help you to stay on track. Give you details on how much/many calories you should be consuming, your quota for a daily basis, and the breakdown of the foods - nutritional content-wise. From this, you can easily make choices regarding your food intake. Continue or not. Eat more or less. More or less proteins, carbs, or fats. By utilizing this method, it'll give you a basic understanding of how calories and food, and nutrition work!

9) Stay Consistent with eating and tracking and striving for your goals!

If you end up falling off, lacking on your goal, not having the ambition, you won't grow nor gain weight. You won't improve. Your body requires more calories, more food in order to gain weight. If you're not providing what it needs, You simply won't grow. As a skinny person, I know how difficult it is. I constantly have to force myself to eat food, even when sometimes I DO NOT WANT TOO. However, I have a goal in mind. That is - being a Bodybuilder.

As a Bodybuilder, it's important to prioritize nutrients and recovery and gain more muscle. This requires lots of food, eating, hard work, and rest. Without lots of food and hard work, I won't have the muscles I do have Today. That's because your muscles feed off of food - to recover and to grow from - and without it, you simply won't grow any muscle nor mass...

Skinny people have it hard due to genetics and simply not eating enough. Sure, you can't do anything about your metabolism, so if you're using that as an excuse, that's terrible to do so. Simply eat more, and more and more. Consume calorie-dense foods. Bigger meal portions. MORE CARBs. more of everything really.

And for people who are overweight, and want advice to lose weight - simply eat less. Exercise, Diet, and focus on healthy nutrients. By focusing on healthy nutrients, it'll help detox the body, therefore, making it easier and much more efficient to go about fat loss.

It's simple math. Eat more - gain weight. Eat less - lose weight.

Weight gain comes from consistently consuming foods. These foods will eventually trigger weight gain because you have to consume more energy than you exert. So, with this being said, if you're a runner, cyclist, or anything that involves high-intensity training, try to avoid that when gaining weight. High-intensity workouts or sessions burn a lot of calories resulting in weight loss, so it's not ideal to try to eat a whole lotta food while doing high-intensity training because it'll counter the weight gain process.

10) Be Happy with your Life, Yourself, and Goals

Depression can literally kill your self-esteem, hunger, drive, motivation, and so forth. This is why many people end up losing weight - due to depression and mental illnesses.

Mental states can affect someone so badly that their health is in jeopardy. They'll literally kill themselves by starving and/or eating a lot.

Many people face malnourishment due to depression and so forth.

It's important to be happy with yourself, and with your image.

Do not be ashamed of who you are and love who you are.

Set goals, realistic goals that you can achieve over time. It'll be a challenge, but the reward at the end is very rewarding.

By continuing to hurt yourself MENTALLY, it will affect you physically and internally.

A peaceful mind means a happy life, a happy gut, a happy body.

A happy body is a fun and loving body.

Without happiness or joy or love, you won't be healthy.

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