Why Exercising is Hard for Overweight People - And The Solution!

 Why Exercising Is Hard to Lose Weight for Overweight People

No one Loves to Exercise, let alone, to even perform or execute the action of the exercise. They do not want to engage in the movements, the mind to muscle connection to move the body and muscles because it requires effort and energy. When you utilize energy, it places a demand on your body and muscles and as a result, it will decrease the fat on your body.

Exercising is hard and tedious for most people because they're not adapted to it; they don't know how to handle the stress nor how to exert that much energy.

See, when you are inactive or sedentary, your muscles, body, and mind have no idea what exercising is. So, when you produce such effort, it's demanding. It'll make you tired and sore and exhausted. Because you're utilizing the whole body, to perform and execute the actions of the exercise movements.

However, there's an upside to this. When you do exercise, you're going to release happy good chemicals/hormones. You WILL FEEL AMAZING after your workout session. This is because your brain releases chemicals in order to go through the workout and to numb the pain and afterward, it's going to help with recovery and so forth.

People love to workout because for this reason. Also, people whom run a lot of experiences runner's high. A good feeling sensation that runners get as well. In addition, exercise burns fat, so why not exercise and feel good about it?

I think that people have unrealistic goals and expectations. 

You cannot set a goal and expect it to happen overnight or within a couple of days. Look how long it took you to get to that weight you are at Right this Moment. A very long time, right? If so, then expect a long time to see your desired results. Losing weight and becoming active is hard and requires lots of consistency and sacrifice. Without it, you won't accomplish anything.

Overweight people want a quick fix. They are too lazy to endure these types of conditions over time. Dieting consistently, Working out, and just staying on track. Well, here's the Solution.

It's your Lifestyle habits that dictate your health outcome:

This, "Journey" is not a "journey," it's a learning experience. 

It's school for you. It's time to understand the concept of living healthily and having longevity. Life is not about eating junk food and developing health issues and laying around to die - you must take care of yourself properly, on a daily basis to have longevity and to have fun.

People see life differently than most others. I see myself as way healthier than others. My Mind and Perspective on life and health are completely different than the typical American or human. See, I like to nourish my body. I like to have a strict routine(s) to ensure a high-quality functioning life and body and health. By having proper routines and good habits, you can promote and ensure a healthy lifestyle. Many people do not do this. They see life as a party, as a video game, or nothing at all; and as a result, they develop major health issues.

People who neglect exercise and proper nutrition are somewhat ignorant to what life is about. Life isn't just to have fun and do whatever's you want 24/7. NO no. See, if this was the case, everyone would be having fun, not able to work out or diet or stay on track with their nutrition - but you have to if you're wanting optimal health.

People who don't care about their weight or health overall 

Don't seem to care about their self-image nor about longevity until it's too late. 

When it's too late, it can potentially be too late. That's when the "Wake-up" call happens. Sometimes, you cannot reverse this and as a result, you're either stuck on medications for the rest of your life, and/or death may occur.

Remember what I said about Daily Habits Dictate your health outcome.

So, if you're wanting an overhaul of your life and health, change your habits.

Habits are everything. They are what Drives us, motivates us, and do things that make us feel good or something to do. For example, a habit is exercising. Mindful Meditation. Yoga. Hobbies. Eating Habits. Mindful Eating and So forth.

If you focus on Positive, Nourishing, Beneficial Habits, you'll receive Positive & Happ Outcomes.

If you tell yourself, this is what my body needs and this is what my body does not need, you will hardwire your brain to function differently. You can program your mind to say no to junk food and to stay on track with healthy foods and lifestyles.

It's all about staying committed until you change your perspective on the thing. When you do change your perspective and view(s) on things, you'll see them in a totally different way than you never have before.

That's why we laugh about our past doings - because we weren't aware of it and/or simply did not care until we finally realized once we've changed our perspective.

It's like Dating and Relationships. If you know the relationship is going south but continue along with it - you're hurting yourself, until one day, you wake up and realized you need to move on - that's when your perspective has CHANGED -- for the good. Now, it's a beneficial thing to do - to leave your relationship to move on to a new and better and healthier thing...

With that being said, all of this is a relationship.

You must have a good and healthy relationship with your food, nutrition, diet and exercise regime, and lifestyle.

You must nourish the body with proper nutrients. Exercise to help burn fat away and to detox the body to make it healthier.

Staying consistent with this process will definitely change your mind and perspective about life, food, nutrition, exercise and dieting, and overall how to live life healthier.

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