Today, food or should I say, "nutrition" is not important to anyone, nowadays. That is because food that we go about on a daily basis, are processed and contain a lot of additives and other ingredients which are convenient for the makers, producers but for us consumers, it's unhealthy, It's convenient for them because they don't rely on natural or organic sources, so by using processed ingredients and additives, it's cheaper and easier to package and to sell to consumers.

Most Americans want a quick bite. Right? Yes, so everywhere you go, on every corner, you may see a fast-food restaurant. Which is okay, somewhat, but can be very bad if you tend to overdo it. Well, in most cases, most Americans excessively indulge in junk and processed foods.

Americans eat more calories than they burn, and the excess energy is stored as fat.


Also to mention, the food portions we have in America are absurd. Loads of fries, a tall cup of soda, a burger, or a sandwich can be unhealthy depending on what type of meat and how it was made, whether the meat is real or not, etc. People just tend to excessively consume foods.

Heavily processed foods often include unhealthy levels of added sugar, sodium and fat. These ingredients make the food we eat taste better, but too much of them leads to serious health issues like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Food is deceiving, manipulating, and just too addicting. We cannot stop craving sodas, chips, junk food, processed foods, and overall sweet and savory things. That is because it tricks our mind, our brains thinking it's okay to consume that, giving us satisfaction which we strive for. If we continuously do this every day, it'll become an addiction. Hence why people are addicted to food. Becoming Obese and developing health issues.

Fast food is convenient for everyone. Everyone wants a quick bite without waiting and/or making the hassle to make their own food. In fact, by making your own meals, you decide what should be in your food, how it's prepared and whether if the meal is healthy or not. Whereas fast food places and other restaurants do not care about how they prepare their food, nor how the quality of their food is and so forth. So by consuming Whatever, you have no idea how these "foods" are affecting you, physically, mentally, and internally.

A diet rich in processed foods is linked to chronic diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.


Over time, if you continue to eat garbage foods, you may develop a lot of health issues. Such as Diabetes, Obesity, Cholesterol issues, organ issues, etc. Poor nutrition will ultimately lead to malnourishment and perhaps death if you overdo it. Now, you probably know why are most Americans are overweight - because they simply do not care about their own health nor about nutrition.

But we cannot just blame society for this, or themselves, can we? Well, it depends. See, where I grew up and the schools I've attended, they only taught about food/nutrition a little bit. Other than that, I had no clue or idea about nutrition. Hell, I Didn't even know what the word "nutrition" was, lol. But yes, you can ultimately blame society because whomever is controlling us obviously knows that processed foods and junk foods are killing everyone but they seem to not care, as they continue to feed us junk and poor nutrients that harm us in the long run. However, if you gain the knowledge, if you do a bit of research, you will understand and come to the conclusion that America is Poor itself when it comes to Proper Nourishment. Everything is made to deceive people. The health industry could care less if people are dying due to junk foods or not because they do not treat the issue, rather than band-aiding the issue.

Hospitals, and overall the health industry does not influence proper nourishment. SURE! They'll recommend healthier foods and tell you to stop eating as much, but in reality, they aren't teaching us nutrition and how it affects us in the long run. They aren't telling us that you are at risk of so and so. It's important to take care of yourself and understand that Knowledge is key.


Let's not forget about Exercising!


Lack of exercise is also a major culprit in the obesity epidemic

If you people just exercise itself will help burn off fat, keeping the body healthy and making sure it stays in good condition. But if you neglect exercise on top of indulging in junk processed foods, you're going to become fat no matter what.

Even if you ate poorly, exercise will help a bit to subside some of the negative health consequences. Because exercise helps detox the body and strengthens the body. But if you neglect exercise, you aren't improving anything nor detoxing the body, therefore, you are just harming yourself in the long run.

The most important part is that you must exercise and eat healthily to become healthy and "fit." The key is not to become "fit" but rather "healthy" and "functional." Anyone can become fit, but are they healthy? Who knows, but living life is all about longevity, functionality, and being healthy and strong. 

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