How Can an Overweight Person Simply Lose Weight

How Can an Overweight Person Simply Lose Weight

💥Losing Weight Requires

  • 1) Change of Eating Habits

  • 2) Removing and incorporating healthier foods

  • 3) Calorie deficit

To get where you are right now, it took some time. Months, years, maybe more than 3+ years of fat accumulation. It's going to be a mission to get the fat off from your body or to develop a nice toned body. If it took you X amount of months/years to become where you are at right now, it will take that long or longer to achieve what you want.

Losing weight is a bit harder than gaining weight in my opinion because those who have an easy time gaining weight, they think it's impossible to lose weight, which is false. It comes from your mindset and your habits. Essentially, it's the habits that stop us because we're consistent with eating poorly and never prioritizing nutrition. When we neglect nutrition and go about bad eating habits, that is when we are going to gain fat and become unhealthy. It's an unrealistic approach to do so

To become Healthy and Promote Weight-Loss - You have to:

  • - Prioritize Nutrition

  • - Have Healthy Habits. No excessively eating, eating balanced meals, having good sources of proteins, fats, and carbs.

  • - Have a routine - don't eat in the middle of the night; eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Anyone can lose weight, you just have to have the willpower and drive to do so. 

People are lazy, and this is why they don't want to stay committed to the goal or journey. Yes, it's going to be annoying, tedious, and not enjoyable, but that is how the process works, for everything in life - if you're wanting to achieve something. But the process will teach you something - that is a valuable lesson and hardship. Hardship dictates your drive, determination, and commitment; If you cannot endure the hard battles, what makes you think you can achieve what you want? That's when you have to tell yourself, "Just Do It."

First off, you need to remove all junk food from your life. 

  • This includes junk food within your hosue and the houses you visit. Make sure, your friends and family are enforcing you on your new diet. When you get rid of junk food, it's much harder to strive for junk food because it is nowhere near you. If something is not in your reach, you wouldn't go after it, so with this being said, remove all junk food and replace it with healthier foods.
  • Not all healthy foods are non-tasty - you can make healthy foods tasty by cooking them right. Cook your foods with spices, herbs, etc. That's how I get my veggies in - I cook them with spices, herbs, and sauces.

Eat protein, fat, and vegetables

Each one of your meals should include:

    • a protein source
    • fat source
    • vegetables
    • a small portion of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains

Secondly, you need to put yourself in a calorie deficit. 

After you've examined your diet and nutrition and food choices/selections, you have to begin a calorie deficit phase.

You have to consume fewer calories than normal.

For example: You are overweight with a calorie intake (on a daily basis): ~4,000. 

  • -> To lose weight - Deduct about ~300-500 from your average calorie intake

  • --> You'll now have: 4,000 - 400 = "~3,600" calories now to consume on a daily basis. 

  • --> Exercising can help promote calorie-burning which will result in weight-loss. Do not neglect exercising!


By reducing calories, your body will begin to reduce its body fat due to insufficient calorie intake you had previously.

    • You will lose weight no matter what if you begin a calorie deficit phase.
    • You should stay in a calorie deficit phase until you've reached your desired weight-loss goal. 

Thirdly, embrace the journey and the process. It will take time, effort, and sacrifice. 

  • People who are extremely overweight or obese, just know, it'll take a long time. Stay committed, start a journey vlog on social media to help encourage others and to receive support from strangers. It is important to have motivation and friends to support your journey. If you're alone, it is much harder to stay on track because we end up losing our self-motivation. However, that is the best tool to get anywhere in life. NO one else can motivate or push you as far as you can. You, yourself is the best way to get anything done. By telling yourself, you have the power to do so. NO one else can tell you what to do. Embrace the journey, the hardship; it will make you a stronger and healthier person at the end of the day.

Fourthly, Exercise! Beocme active!

  • Beocming active is essential for those who want to become fit, more toned and wanting to reducie their body fat. It is a no brainer that working out is good for us, and it's somehwat required because if you neglect becoming active, you will end up developing some health issues such as loss of blood flow or poor circulation which isn't good for us, it slows down the process of healing and transporting nutrients to properly nourish our bodies and much more. Becoming active doesn't mean go lift weights, it can mean things like: Working out, cardio, running, sprinting, sports, biking/cycling, swimming, etc. Practially any sport or anything that require or involves energy expenditure and/or lots of effort will benefit the body. It'll help with weight-loss, it'll make you healthie and stronger, and much more. It's vital that everyone should workout 2/3x out the week. That gives you enough time to do what you want. 

  • What I recommend is that for you overeight people to do cardio. Cardio is a exccelent way to burn calories due to the constant motion and the energy it requires. Weightlifting can as well, but cardio is a bit less taxing on the muscles, and people are lazy. Which ever works for you - do it. Cardio should be implemented everyday. In the mornings, afternoons and nights/evenings. It's important to improve your metabolism when you are overweight.

  • People who are overweight tend to have a slow metabolism, so by exercising, you will improve your metabolism, along with eating healthily, your metabolism will be firing nicely. Which in returns helps burn fat and tones the body.

  • Simple 1 hour cardio sessions per day will do the job. You don't have to be excessive when it comes to exercising/working out. You can Over workout, which many people end up doing because they think they have to do the most in order to get their body in shape. It doesn't work like that. By doing the extreme, it's much more taxing on your body and as a result, you and your body isn't use to that work-load, and as a consequence, you may feel sick, extreme fatigue and overall feeling like sh**. You need to take your time and be patient with the process. Go along how you feel, because the jorueny isn't all about suffering, it's about learnign and changing your habits and perspective. 

Eating Habits

Lots of people have eating habits

  • - Excessively eating/Overeating. 

  • - Eating every so often

  • - Eating in the middle of the night

  • - Claiming they're never full

  • - Eating only but sugary foods/carb foods

You people need to stop your bad habits. Whether it's not sleeping enough, or oversleeping or eating poorly, you need to address it. Having any type of addiction is terrible for your health. Yes, you can be addicted to foods like people are addicted to drugs. That's one of the reasons why people are obese - they are addicted to the foods! They are addicted to the taste, the savory, the sweetness of the foods. They claim that they cannot stop consuming these foods - it's intoxicating! It's all about self-control and controlling your habits.

Tell yourself no, refrain from picking up or buying junk food and immediately, switch your thinking to confuse/manipulate your mind. By confusing your mind, it may reduce the temptation that you have to go after junk foods. For example, when I'm craving junk food, I look at myself, especially at my belly, and ask myself, "Is it worth it? Should I consume this? What is my goal again?" When I ask myself these questions, I have sometimes regrets or a guilty conscience if I end up eating junk food. 

However, it is okay to treat yourself with junk food, but on occasions. Consider it as a REWARD. Reward yourself after a good workout, Like i do. I reward myself ONE SODA per day AFTER a good intense grueling workout because I DESERVE IT. I have done the workouts to burn the calories, to burn the fat away and now, I can gain some of those calories back from consuming ONE SODA. See how rewarding it can be? Try it. 

Eat more leafy green vegetables

Don’t be afraid to load your plate with leafy green vegetables. They’re packed with nutrients, and you can eat very large amounts without greatly increasing calories.

Vegetables to include for low calorie eating plans:
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • spinach
  • tomatoes
  • kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • cabbage
  • Swiss chard
  • lettuce
  • cucumber

Don't forget your Healthy fats

Foods high in healthy fat
  • Try to choose fats that are good for your body. Fats from fish, nuts, and seeds are healthy for your body. Limit fats from animal sources, like butter, whole milk, and red meat. Do not eat trans fats found in fast food like French fries and baked goods like cookies.
  • Other fats such as butter and coconut oil should be used only in moderation due to their higher saturated fat content

Porton Control

  • Portion control is a must. If you people overeat, that is a problem. Do not ever overeat. For one, when you do overeat, it stretches the stomaching, giving you, essentially, more room for food. We don't want that, especially when you're trying to shrink your midsection. Secondly, excessively eaing disorder is bad for our health. It causes health damage and obesity.

  • By controlling your portions, you can balance the meal to your preference. Especailly when doing homemade meals, you can determine how much macros and calories are in each meal. This si beneficial because you can easily stay on track, stick to the game plan. When going about a calorie deficit and/or tracking calories/macros for weight-loss, it is ideal to do homemade meals rather than going out to places because most fast food places contain processed ingredients and they're high in calories, and sometimes, we do not know how much calries we are consuming or we get to tempted and end up indulging in junk food. Soda, fries, and a burger which overall is bad. 

  • It is all about balance. Balance your protein, fats and carbs. You don't want to overeat on any of those macros (fats, carbs, proteins = macros). Each one of your meals should include:
    • a protein source
    • fat source
    • vegetables
    • a small portion of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains

Consistency, Patience and Progress

Alright people, this is where willpower comes into play. Are you willing to wait for the results? Are you willing to stay on track and not go back? If you're going and sticking to the plan, just remember, there's a long way ahead of you. The road is long, but along the way, there will be obstacles, dips, bumps and crazy interferance. Sure, you can stop, take a break, and refuel yourself with cheat-meals and breaks, but you have to continue with the journey. You cannot go back, especially if you're far into the drive. The drive will continue on and on, and eventually, you will adapt to the new [lifestyle]. Progress will show, and that should be your motivation to continue on!


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