DO Diet Methods Really Work?


Most Dieting Methods consist of

  1. Restricting nutrients - Resulting in malnutrition - expecting to feel like sh**t.
  2. Craving foods - Rebounding due to a restrictive diet
Restrictive diets aren't good for the majority of people. It just doesn't. Many people end up having cravings so bad, they end up failing their diet, indulging in foods and calories, rebounding back to where they started. It's hard to diet, no joke about that, but you don't have to have a restrictive diet to lose weight.

People think you must eliminate carbs or fats in order to see weight-loss. Wrong. Weight loss occurs when you're in a calorie deficit, or eating less than normal. See, when you eat foods, we tend to overeat, and when this happens, we gain weight or fat. Especially if you do this every day, without any exercise, you accumulate fat-gain which turns into stubborn weight gain due to the poor nutrients you've been consuming. If you were to consume healthier nutrients, you can and will combat toxins that produce stubborn fat, and it'll help detox your body to help lose weight, etc.

In reality, people restrict foods/nutrients because that is their culprit. Many people tend to overeat carbs and fats because for one, they are tasty and for two, it can trick our brains into thinking we need more of it. For example, sodas are very bad and high in calories, but yet many people indulge in this beverage. People fail to realize the calorie content within. It's easy to consume lots of soda because it's tasty and it deceives our brains. Another example is sweets, breads, etc. These can be fulfilling but yet very satisfying for us. We tend to be excessive on pastas, breads, sugary foods, etc. This is their problem. Not realizing what they're consuming and how much of it. It's okay to eat a piece of cake here and there, but not every day. It's okay to eat pasta, but not for breakfast lunch or dinner. It's okay to indulge in foods here and there, but not every day, throughout the day!

To efficiently Diet, you must be aware of nutrition. Nutrients is key. If you can consume healthy organic nutrients, it'll be much much harder to:
  1. Over-Eat
  2. Indulge in anything
  3. Crave Anything such as Sweets, salty foods, etc
  4. Won't be as starving
  5. Won't be eating all-day
That is the first step; Eat Healthier!
  • Yes, Avoid Junk food. That's the main problem for most people. Junk food are processed, which isn't organic nor does it contain all of the vital and essential vitamins and minerals for us to be properly nourished. By eating healthier, dieting or losing weight just got a whole lot easier
  • Don't restrict carbs or fats. Just avoid junk food and find and eat healthy sources of fats and carbs!
  • Drink water only, Avoid sugary drinks such as sodas!
Second Step; Calorie deficit
Along with cutting out junk foods, and eating healthier, and promoting fat-loss, you must be in a calorie deficit. You must eat less throughout the day than normal. So let's say, for example, you eat around 3,000 calories per day, but yet you want to go on a diet to lose fat. How to go about a calorie deficit to lose fat? Eat less than 3,000 calories. So, when approaching a calorie deficit, deduct about ~300-500 calories from normal and there you go, that's your goal in order to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Now, your calorie intake for a daily basis will be; (3,00 - 500 = 2,500~ calories) *2,500 calories. Once you notice a halt or a plateau, slightly reduce more calories from your calorie deficit.

Thirdly; patience and working out
Now, you've understood dieting, and nutrition, and calorie deficit -- Now it's time to wait and wait and wait for the results. If you're wanting to enhance the process of losing fat, you can work out, do cardio, do hiit, do anything that requires huge amounts of energy. Biking, cardio, sports, weightlifting, swimming, etc all require a lot of energy, and when utilizing energy, you'll promote calorie-burning resulting in weight-loss. (Along with proper dieting, nutrition, and calorie deficit). Patience is key, use supplements if needed, exercise to help in addition, and there we go, you don't need to restrict anything to any limit. 

Fourthly; Tracking Progress, Seeing Results, Consistency
These is the last and final steps for proceeding along with your journey. Track your progress, take pictures, have a group or social media to help encourage you, to help motivate you. Although motivation comes from the within, not from external sources, but it does help to an extent. I believe tracking progress does help because it shows your accomplishments and achievements throughout the year(s). It's important to understand and to be in the moment to experience this journey because it's an eye-wakening event - this lifestyle is hard to adapt to if you're new, and once you realize life is much more than tasty junk foods, your perspective and everything will change for the good. People nowadays just don't care. They party, get drunk, do drugs, and end up looking and feeling like crap. That's because they're not keen on nutrition. You don't have to "Diet." Dieting is not the answer. It's about feeding your body and soul with the right and proper nutrients so you can feel alive and so forth. Tracking is just one step to changing your habits and understanding life a bit more. Later on, you won't have to track macros or anything because now you have the knowledge to make the right decisions. 

Along with staying consistent, with motivation, you'll easily adapt to this new lifestyle. Consistency matters the most. Most people end up failing their "diet" because it's too "hard." People fail to realize the truth about foods, nutrition and life overall. We're all tricked by the media and schools. Reading and researching the best thing we can do, to better ourselves and our health. Ultimately, staying committed is the answer. Don't give up and continue to fight the struggles.

It's all about control, balance, and proper nutrition. If you're eating like garbage, expect yourself to look like garbage. If you eat clean, you'll be healthier than ever.

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