11 Tips on How To Drink More Water Throughout the day

Tips on How To Drink More Water Throughout the day

Water carries nutrients to all cells in our body and oxygen to our brain. Water allows the body to absorb and assimilate minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose and other substances. Water flushes out toxins and waste. Water helps to regulate body temperature.

  • Water boosts energy. Water delivers important nutrients to all of our cells, especially muscle cells, postponing muscle fatigue.

  • Water helps with weight loss. Water helps you feel full longer, without adding any additional calories.

  • Water aids in digestion.

  • Water detoxifies.

  • Water hydrates skin.

You need water to digest your food and get rid of waste. Water is needed for digestive juices, urine (pee), and poop. And you can bet that water is the main ingredient in perspiration, also called sweat. Besides being an important part of the fluids in your body, water is needed by each cell to work.

Water is an important part of all body functions and processes, including digestion and elimination. When you're on a diet, water also acts as a weight-loss aid because it can help you eat less. "Drinking water is important during weight loss because it provides hydration without unwanted calories.


Being dehydrated also takes a toll on your heart. When you have less water in your body, your blood volume is lower. This makes your heart work harder to get enough blood and oxygen to your organs and muscles, which is why exercising when dehydrated is so strenuous. Also, your blood vessels close to your skin's surface expand to release heat when you are too warm. When you have lower blood flow, it takes a higher temperature to get your blood vessels to expand, so you stay hotter.

  • feeling thirsty.

  • dark yellow and strong-smelling pee.

  • feeling dizzy or lightheaded.

  • feeling tired.

  • a dry mouth, lips and eyes.

  • peeing little, and fewer than 4 times a day.

  • Low energy

  • Mental fog

  • High risk of stroke

  • Moodiness

  • Overeating
  • Slow(er) metabolism

  • Headaches

  • Skin/hair/nail issues

  • Weak Performance

Here are 11 tips on How To Stay Hydrated Easily Throughout Yhe Day

1. Drink lots of water upon wakening up.

Lots of people do not hydrate themselves in the morning. Why not? You Should. It is beneficial When we're sleeping, we do burn calories and still function, so it requires energy. So if you were to hydrate yourself when you wake up, you'll feel more alert, more alive, and more vibrant because you're providing what your body needs and wants - water to the organs, tissues, brain, etc... Others will go directly towards coffee as their first drink in the morning. Coffee dehydrates people due to caffeine, so I would suggest drinking lots of water before consuming coffee to subside the side effects and to provide your body with water.

You have to be aware of staying hydrated and knowing when you're in a state of dehydration. Not all people know or are aware when they're dehydrated because there are many things to consider. People don't notice or don't acknowledge it; they think they're ok but in reality, their body and mind are suffering but they're pushing it. 
With this being said, if you don't consume enough water throughout the day, drinking water immediately upon wakening up is the best way to get lots of water in; in the first place because as you wake up, you have no choice but to drink water, so this may change your mind and habits to start incorporating more water into your life. 

You will notice the difference between staying hydrated and not being hydrated. I'm not saying you're dehydrated, I'm saying examine your water intake and base that off of your weight and height. Are you drinking enough to provide what your body needs? If so, good. If you feel alive, lots of energy, and have good strength and power, you're properly hydrated, but if you feel the opposite, especially foggy-minded, loss of clarity, decrease skin complexion, most likely you're dehydrated.

2. Force yourself to Drink Water

Okay, So this is what I do. I force myself. Just like force-feeding, you're force-drinking water. Water has no taste and has 0 calories, I do not know why people don't like drinking water. (Maybe because it's not tasty?). Anyways, every morning I would force myself to drink a glass of water. Why? Because I know I will neglect my water intake until I feel dehydrated, which is bad, you shouldn't do that, but I force myself to obtain the water that my body needs. Then at lunch and for dinner, I would drink another glass of water before each meal to continuously provide my body with water. 

3. Add Sweeteners

You can add sweeteners to flavor the water; Stir in some powdered or liquid stevia or other low glycemic sweetener to simply sweeten the water.

4. Buy Carbonated Water

Carbonated water is much more filling and I guess more 'tasty' due to the bubbles, etc, but it's much easier to consume bubbly water than regular water. 

5. Have a Giant Jug of Water

Purchase one of those giant jugs of water. Some jugs will have markers or line on them - telling you how much you should be drinking. For example, the top of the jug will say morning water, then in the middle of the jug will say afternoon and so forth. This gives you an idea how much water you should be consuming. People will follow the guidelines on a jug because it keeps them accountable, whereas, if you were to get cases of water-bottles, it's harder to drink more than one because it doesn't get our attention, it doesn't satisfy us. 

6. Add Lemon to Your Water

Adding lemon can add flavor to your water. There are also many benefits to lemon water. So if you have a hard time drinking that water, add a lemon or lime to it.

7. Get rid of all beverages

Seriously. People have a problem when it comes to drinks. Excessively consuming sodas, and other junk beverages. All of these beverages contain loads of sugar and calories which makes us fat and unhealthy. Throw them away - You do not need it. Once you've got rid of all junk foods and beverages, it'll be much much easier to drink water.

8. Know When to Drink Water When Working Out

Working out depletes water, vitamins, and minerals; making you dehydrated. It's important to stay hydrated through your workout to prevent any health issues. Drink water every 10/15+ minutes to prevent dehydration and to optimize performance. BCAAS/EAAS are not ideal unless you're in a super calorie deficit...But it can help.

9. Add Herbs and spices to your Water 

  • Mint leaves, 
  • parsley, 
  • cinnamon sticks, 
  • nutmeg, lavender, 
  • whole cloves, 
  • cayenne pepper 
are a few ideas. Chop up leaves, crush the nutmeg or cloves a bit, add lavender or cinnamon sticks whole, or mix any powdered spices into the water. Chill and allow to infuse for 4 or more hours.

10. Add Tea to your Water

You can stay hydrated with tea. You cannot go wrong with to be honest. I make tea when I crave something sweet, to replace that soda which I crave the most, but it's unhealthy.

  • Add a bag or two of tea to hot water and allow it to steep for 20 minutes or so. 
  • Chill if you prefer iced tea. Add a few drops of liquid stevia to sweeten it up if you like.

11. Add Fruits and Veggies to your Water

Whole fruit. 
  • Add a bit of just about whatever you like. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, lemons, and limes are great neutral options. Pineapple, grapefruit, pomegranate, oranges, kiwis, and cherries are a few excellent carby options. Add to a glass or pitcher of water, crush, and allow to infuse the water for 4 or more hours.
  • Cucumbers, tomatoes (yeah, technically a fruit), and fresh ginger root are just a couple of  water flavoring veggies. Add slices to water, chill, and allow to infuse for at least 4 hours. Mix and match with fruit or other ingredients for double the flavor (strawberry-cucumber water, please!).

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