Lose Lower Ab/Belly Fat

Belly fat is accumulated by not working on your abs and not focusing on nutrition. If you eat poorly, expect a belly. Not all people will develop bellies due to eating poorly, it depends on how active you are, genetics, and your diet and nutrition.

To reduce or eliminate lower ab or belly fat, you must work out your lower abs, and focus on nutrition. Everyone stores fat differently, so if you're one of those people who seems you cannot lose lower belly fat, here are tips on how to do that.

1) Focus on Nutrition

The healthier you eat, the leaner and better-looking body you will have. It's a fact. Along with being active - working out, your body will be toned and nice looking. It'll also harder to gain stubborn fat if you eat healthily. Healthy foods detox and nourishes the body, so it's recommended if you're wanting a nice beach body.

  • Fruits and vegetables make the body look healthy and sexy.
  • Junk food makes you look unappealing
  • The healthier you eat, the better you will feel
  • Improved performance and recovery
  • Improved brain clarity

- Click here to View Superfoods Supplements to aid in Weight Loss and Improve health

2) Go on A Calorie Deficit

This should be number one, but focusing on nutrition needs to be prioritized first. A calorie deficit will promote weight loss. So, if you're holding onto a lot of fat (11%+ body fat) you must go on a diet. Meaning, you must consume fewer calories throughout the day than normal. For example, your total calorie intake on a daily basis is around "4,000 calories." A calorie deficit means you must consume fewer calories. It's advisable to deduct about 300-500 calories from your average. 4,000 - 300 = [3,700]. That is going to be your new calorie intake for a weekly basis until you reach a plateau, then you must manipulate your calories a bit more, or do more workouts to burn more calories. 

3) Cut Sugar, Processed Foods, Junk foods

Remove and avoid sugary foods, drinks, and junk foods. Processed foods are a no because they're processed, containing ingredients that aren't natural or organic, which may potentially harm us, but there's no avoiding that in this age. So, try to eat as healthily as possible. Consume lots of fresh veggies and fruits. Those are the nutrient powerhouses. Organic food stores are available, so if you can, try to get organic food to properly nourish your body. Sugary beverages and foods, desserts, and snacks contain too much sugar for the daily recommendations which leads to weight gain and health issues, and it contains too many calories. We overconsume on snacks that are loaded with sugar because it's deceiving. That's how people become addicted and fat. Soda is a great example. People can consume loads of sodas within 1 sitting, which is a lot of calories in one sitting. Water is a great replacement, it's also a filler, and it doesn't make you fat. 

4) Stomach Vacuums

To do a vacuum simply stand up and suck in your stomach as hard as you can. Try to make your waist as small as possible. One cue to focus on is to try to get your belly button to touch your spine. Hold this squeeze HARD for 5-20 seconds. While holding the squeeze, hold your breath. Rest for 30 seconds then repeat until you feel like you can’t squeeze in any more. Once you can do this relatively easily with good control, you can advance by holding the squeeze WITHOUT holding your breath. Squeeze and breathe with slow controlled breath. The next level is to add resistance by performing this same exercise while on the floor, on your hands and knees. In between squeezes, rest by letting your belly fall and catch your breath, then repeat. 

5) Eat More Fiber

Eating high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, will help you feel fuller for longer, so you’ll be less tempted to overeat. As an added benefit, fibrous foods are also good for the health of your digestive system.

>Click here to View Fiber Supplements!

6) Cut the Carbs

Low-carb diets are popular for a reason; they actually work! Reducing your carb intake is an easy way to lower your calorie intake and also means you’ll have more space in your diet for the extra protein you should be eating.

Eating less carbohydrate can also keep your blood glucose low, which in turn will reduce insulin production. Insulin impedes efficient fat burning.

You don’t need to go full keto and eliminate carbs from your diet completely, but you should consider reducing your carb intake to about one gram per pound of bodyweight.

To achieve this, cut down on carb-dense foods like bread, rice, pasta, cereal, and processed/junk food. Instead, eat more natural vegetables and fruits. As an added bonus, low carb vegetables and fruits are high in fiber.

-> Click here to View Effective Carb blockers (Eat carbs, but block them from turning into fat)

7) Workout / Cardio / HIIT / Exercising

Working out, cardio etc is great for burning belly fat, and overall fat from your body. And by working out, especially if you work on your core (abs), it'll become much more toned and more aesthetic. The people who do not train their core have lacking core stability. Its mich more than looks, it does wonders for your body overall if you were to train your abs. Anyways, yes, cardio, hiit, burns calories By burning calories, you're promoting weight loss, which helps with fat-loss. Staying consistent with exercising will promote a nice healthy toned body. The more you neglect exercise, diet, and nutrition, the less appealing your body will look. It requires maintenance and hard work to have a nice-looking body, otherwise, everyone would have that killer physique.

Try targeting the lowe abs for lower ab definition. Many have developed upper abs, so it's important to focus on the lower.

> Click here to Purchase Resistance Bands: Workout anywhere, at home, at the office, even in bed!

8) Using Supplements

You can use supplements to help aid in fat-loss and to develop a nice tight tummy. Using fat burners can help, using carb blockers, etc can help aid in reducing that belly fat. You have to find the right one that works for you.

> Click here to View a Powerful Fat Burner & Appetite Suppressant.

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