Soda Alternatives! (Stop Drinking SODA and Drink this!) Much healthier drinks that satisfies your cravings


People over-consume sodas on a daily basis. It's so good that we ignore the fact that it contains loads of sugar and high in calories and potentially harmful ingredients that manipulate our minds. The Sweet savory taste from the soda is addicting I must say, and I believe that is why we have a problem excessively consuming sodas.

In attempting to explain the data, they looked at a parallel study in which people who drank carbonated soda showed increased levels of the hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin is sometimes known as the “hunger hormone.” Ghrelin increases your appetite and encourages your body to store more fat.

A 12-ounce can of soda has about 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar (3 grams more than the American Heart Association's recommended daily intake of 36 grams for an adult male). Excessive sugar and calorie intake leads to weight gain and other metabolic issues like high blood pressure. 

Soda tricks our minds, thinking that we aren't full but in reality, we've just consumed a ton of sugar that's more than needed, or even necessary for us, and it's addicting. 

Soda is addictive for many reasons. In regular sodas, the sugar causes dopamine releases in the brain, stimulating pleasure centers. ... But food isn't always the cause of soda intake. Many people have made a habit of picking soda over water or other beverages for hydration.

So many people in fact do replace water with soda thinking that it'll hydrate them. Well, it is a liquid, but it's not water. Water and fruits and vegetables contain a good source of hydration. Soda contains sugar and other additives which isn't beneficial for us, especially for hydration.  Now, you have a problem, consuming too many calories throughout the day because you lack the understanding that soda isn't good for us.

Green Tea, Hot or Iced

Tea is an extremely broad and varied beverage category, with an extensive variety of flavor profiles, caffeine levels, and ways to enjoy that it's likely one of the best soda substitutes on this list. Simply put, there's a tea out there for everyone! Perfect for any season or time of day, tea is a versatile soda substitute and an easy way to enjoy flavored beverages with little to no calories.

Sparkling water

Sparkling water provides true hydration, and it's a much better option than drinking regular soda or even diet soda, which don't provide adequate hydration. If a person's not hydrated, they may always feel hungry, because the body can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst.

Juice - Natural Juices

Simply chop whatever fruit and herbs you have, throw them in a pitcher or reusable water bottle, and you'll be sipping on some fruity goodness in just a few hours. If you enjoy fruit flavors but don't want the sugar rush of juice, infusions are the way to go!

Juice Fresh Vegetables

Vegetable juice offers a quick, low-calorie way to get many of the benefits of veggies, without fiber. It also contains much less natural sugar than fruit juices.

Making your own vegetable smoothie is the way to go. You can add whatever you like. You can add in: fruits, lemons, limes, herbs, and much more to make it tasty.

Soy Milk/Almond Milk

The protein in soy milk is healthy, plant-based, and can help support healthy muscles and organs. Soy milk is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are “healthy” fats that your body cannot form on its own. 

Almond milk is an excellent and natural source of vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps protect your body from free radical damage. Some varieties are fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which are important nutrients for bone health.

Coconut water

Coconut water is a natural source of potassium and electrolytes, making it the perfect tropical alternative to plain water.

Mineral Water

Balanced in taste and mouthfeel, mineral water contains zero calories and has the added nutritional benefit of minerals such as calcium, magnesium sulfate, and sodium sulfate (note: minerals may vary depending on the brand.) Despite its close association with fine dining, mineral water is an everyday soda substitute that's sold at most grocery stores and online. 

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