Fat To Fit, How to Do it!

Today, you're going to learn how to become fit

If you're fat. People who are overweight have these issues: Eating habits, not knowing nutrition nor how to diet, and the willpower to stay committed to the goal, or they have no drive overall. Guys, and girls, in order to lose weight or become fit, as in getting in shape, developing muscles, and losing fat, it requires work. Hard willpower, and work ethic. You must stay committed to the goal if you're wanting to see results. Progress takes time, so the first step to becoming fit is to do it. Just do the work. By not overthinking, you'll overcome a lot of things. I know it's cliche, but trust, by working out, by removing junk foods from your diet, and improving overall health will make you feel better and you'll adapt to it quickly. 

>> Why losing weight is hard:

How to Lose Fat

To lose fat, it's simple. You must eat in a calorie deficit. This means that you must eat fewer foods throughout the day; or consume fewer calories than normal. To find how many calories you're consuming, you have to use a calorie counting app or tracking it by hand, and this will give you the results you need. So, essentially, find your baseline, or use an online calculator to do so, but it isn't as accurate but still gets the job done. Anyways, find out how many calories you've been consuming and deduct about 300~ from your typical calorie consumption on the daily basis. Example: If I'm FAT, let's say my calorie intake is around 4,000. If I want to lose fat, you must consume fewer than 4,000 calories. So you're going to deduct about 300~ calories from that, resulting in 3700 calories you must consume on a daily to see results. Once you hit a plateau, you'll want to deduct more calories (~100 on top of the 300 deductions) to see further progress/results.

Diet and Nutrition

Overweight people have a problem with their nutrition. They do not eat any healthy foods, but they know they should. That's your problem, or theirs, but you need to consume vegetables and fruits. People do not know but fruits are very healthy for us. It's not sugary foods as many people think, it actually heals our bodies along with vegetables; veggies heal the body, it detoxes the body and it's very vital for us because it contains a lot of rich vitamins and minerals. So, if your diet is poor, remove the junk food, remove the processed foods, remove the sodas, chips, candies, etc. Drink and eat things that'll benefit your body. Avoid snack foods because mainly it's junk. Focus on healthy foods, foods that nourish the body in a positive manner. Nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, veggies, all contain vital and super nutrients that'll nourish our bodies. If you stick with this type of diet, you'll feel a whole lot better (I mean that), your performance will go up, your recovery will be improved, you'll lose fat easier and much quicker, and overall, your body will be a healthy machine. 

Exercising for Fat Loss

Now, you need to exercise to help with the fat-loss process because if you were to focus on calorie deficit only, it'll take a long time to reach your goal. By exercising, you burn calories, resulting in weight loss. So, with this in mind, go EXERCISE. Exercising will speed up the weight journey, you'll feel better, and overall, you're making your body healthier. It's important for everyone to exercise at least 3x out the week. If not, you or the people will develop health complications. Such as: Gaining too much weight, being underweight, malnourished; Mind, gut, performance issues, and much more. Exercising does more than help people get toned up, get muscles, and lose fat, it improves everything overall.

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What Exercises to do:

Any exercise will burn calories. If you're wanting an intense-calorie-burning session, try HIIT. High-intensity interval training is a type of exercise routine that is specifically made for those who are wanting to burn a lot of calories during a short period. Hence the word "high intensity." When you put in a lot of effort into something (such as lifting or running), your body will burn a good amount of calories, resulting in weight loss. It's ideal to exercise daily to help speed up your fat-loss process.

Cardio is another good tool to use: Cardio every day can help you stay in shape, and help remove fat from your body. It'll also help tone up your muscles. Weightlifting can also be used to help burn off calories, however, HIIT, Cardio, biking; overall cardio, will help efficiently burn more calories.

The Journey - Consistently matters now

This is a Journey. A weight loss, becoming fit from fat. Fat to Fit. It's going to be a hell of a journey for you because you put yourself in this situation. Now, I understand for some people, it's hard to lose weight due to their living conditions as in, their parents may eat nothing but junk, or you may be poor and cannot afford 'healthy foods.' See, that's an excuse; well, if you have the willpower to work out, you can become fit easily. Sure, the junk food is bad, but by working out and placing yourself in a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight no matter what. You must endure this weight loss process for a while in order to see progress and results. This may take months, perhaps even years. You have to stay consistent with your goal. If not, you won't progress nor see results! I understand that people have a hard time trying to focus their effort on losing fat, but that's no excuse. Do what it takes. You got a job? Workout afterward or before your job. I know many people who work out on their break times, and/or before/after work. These people are committed. Me personally how I became fit was by journaling everything. At first, my blog was about me, but then I realized that many people who were like me, needed guidance and help. So I made this blog into overall health and fitness (and bodybuilding) website. I made videos about every week or month to see and showcase my results. When I was seeing progress, it made it happy and it motivated me more to continue with this journey. It's all on you people. Do the job or not. It dictates your actions. 

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