Every day I see people consuming these foods. These foods are not beneficial for you! For us humans, we need to eat better! We're doing too harm to our bodies - yes, it's not our fault because the education system doesn't teach us, however, you have the willpower to do research. 

You should be consuming food for its benefits. Each food has its own unique benefit. But today, I'm going to tell you WHAT FOODS YOU SHOULD AVOID if you're trying to lose FAT!

I see people making mistakes daily! It's not rocket science - it is all about nutrition!

If you're eating unhealthy, you're going to become and look unhealthy - if you eat clean, you'll look and feel healthy.


1) Chips

Lots of people love eating chips - I myself do too. But in fact, chips are so unhealthy for your body, you should avoid this if you're trying to lose fat. Chips can make you gain fat because they're high in calories, loaded with excessive salt, and other junk ingredients, and overall, it's unhealthy and does not benefit the body, making it one of the worst snacks you can indulge in. Replace chips with fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, berries, etc.

2) Soda

This is one of the worst beverages/drinks to consume! It's artificial, loaded with tons of sugar, and overall it's unhealthy. In fact, it causes a lot of health issues if consuming for a prolonged time. Many people don't realize, but sodas are super unhealthy. Replace sodas with REAL WATER, or some natural juice. 

3) Snacks - Unhealthy Snacks

Snacks are snacks - fun, creative, and enjoyable. However, some of the snacks you're consuming may be unhealthy. I recommend when it comes to snacking, to snack on fruits, seeds, nuts, veggies, or berries. Those benefit you because those actually contain whole-nutrients, and beneficial nutrients, whereas the snacks you're consuming may have no nutrients at all, causing issues...

4) Fast Foods / Fried Foods 

Fast foods are known to be unhealthy. So limit your intake of fast foods, or have a beneficial meal from there - usually it's a salad or whatnot. Anyways, fast foods and fried foods are the worst for your health OVERALL! Limit your oil, especially the [junk] oil. You want to replace your junk oil with better healthier oil alternatives such as coconut oil. Homemade meals, organic, and wholesome foods are the way to go when it comes to being healthy.

5) Excessively Eating

Lots of people have a tendency to OVER-EAT. When you overeat, you're consuming a lot of calories, and when that happens, (especially if you don't work it off afterward), you'll gain fat. This is a bad eating habit that many people have. It's easy to continue to eat and eat, but it's hard for them to stop. Not sure why but it's a really bad habit. Perhaps because the foods nowadays taste so good but it's harming your health. Many obese people have excessive eating habits; so be cautious about how much food you're eating throughout the day.

6) Processed Foods / Artificial Foods / Junk foods

Heavily processed foods often include unhealthy levels of added sugar, sodium and fat. These ingredients make the food we eat taste better, but too much of them leads to serious health issues like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Lacking in nutritional value.This is one the main issues when it comes to losing fat. It's the junk, processed foods that makes us unhealthy and fat. You must eat your vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and berries and of course healthy sources of fats, proteins and carbs if you're wanting a healthy and good looking body.

Tips for Craving's & How to Overcome Over-Eating

When it comes to cravings, it's all in your head. You must overcome the urge but it may be hard. Here are some tips to overcome cravings:

Drink lots of water before and after your meals/during your cravings. Water makes people full, so if you're craving something sweet or whatevers, drink lots of water and see if you still have the urge. Ultimately, you should be replacing your cravings with healthy options to end the "cravings for sweets." Once you've adapted to a new diet lifestyle, cravings won't appear as much, and you'll have the willpower to dismiss the urge to eat something.

Over-Eating is a bad habit. It's really hard for someone to break their over-eating habits, especially when they're in the process. Before you go about over-eating, remember why you're eating and what's the purpose; try drinking a lot of water before you eat anything - and try to eat healthy - it's hard to over eat on healthy things.

  • Eat till you're feel
  • Have a Smaller Portion size or increase portion size
  • Have veggies to fill you up
  • Drink water
  • Walk it off after eating


  • Be careful with the Sugar intake! Don't eat a lot of it. Limit it
  • Fast foods are unhealthy - try homemade meals
  • Careful on Frozen foods - choose wisely and find the healthy meals
  • Avoid sugary beverages - only drink water or natural juices with no added sugar
  • Careful with cereals - some of them have tons of sugar
  • Eat foods high in fiber
  • Choose healthy sources of Proteins, fats, and carbs
  • Do not starve yourself
  • No liquid diets
  • No Water DIET
  • No Juice all-day diet
  • Eat whole, organic foods
  • Eat well-rounded nutritional foods/meals. 

Vegetables, fruits, seeds, berries, are all beneficial for us. They are superfoods - containing lots of beneficial vitamins, making them the most nutritious foods on the earth. Without these, people will end up developing illnesses and won't function properly. Vitamins and minerals is the key; junk food has little to no nutritional value - making it pointless and useless/empty calories. 

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