Why Losing Weight Is Hard

 Why Losing Weight Is Hard

It is Knowledge, Willpower, and Consistency.

Without these skills, you won't achieve [pratically] anything. You must learn through the journey, but before that, comes willpower; you must have the drive and the willpower to tell yourself to learn to cope with new things, and consistency - it's the most uninterested thing people don't realize.

Consistency is what makes the challenge. Sure, you can learn and understand the concept, but can you maintain it for a long time? Can You Stay consistent with losing weight - staying in a calorie deficit for a long time? That's the real challenge people face. They end up failing and consuming all of these junk foods, going back to their old ways, old habits, which makes people gaining weight back with ease.

You must learn how to have willpower; willpower is the main drive - without it, you're pretty much useless. Everyone has willpower, but a lot of people do not know how to use it, or they're too lazy to do so because it requires energy, and effort. People sometimes do not like spending their energy on things they're not interested in. Like working out. Who really enjoys working out? Well, Me, but I know the majority of the people don't. That's why we have an obesity epidemic within the U.S.

Learning and understanding the weight loss process is the easy part, somewhat. You must first understand how processes work, and how complex the journey is. From there, you have the willpower to do anything. Make the moves, the actions will do the talking. 

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