Mikey Musumeci One Meal A Day "Pizza" Diet Explained and Breakdown

 The Legendary - Mikey Musumeci Eats Whatever he wants at Night

Basically, OMAD Diet. One Meal a Day - Diet. But how is this possible? Let's find out.

Mikey Musumeci's Diet mainly consists of Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats.

Pizza Bread, Cheese - a ton of cheese, and pizza sauce with basic ingredients.

(Mikey Musumeci Consumes a High Protein, High Fat, Medium Carb Diet)

Mikey prepares his pizza homemade style. He prepares his dough at home, styles up the sauce on his own, and cooks it in his pizza cooker.

The pizza contains 4 different types of cheeses. 

- Ramano

- Parmesan

- Buffalo

- Mozzarella

[With Potatoes, Olive Oil, and Basil]

- Breakdown of the 4 different kinds of cheese -

- Ramano - 109.7 Calories

  • 1g Carbs
  • (1g net carbs)
  • 7.6g Fat
  • 9g Protein

- Parmesan - 119.1 Calories

  • 3.9g Carbs
  • (3.9g net carbs)
  • 7.9g Fat
  • 8.1g Protein

- Buffalo - 257 calories.

  • 1g total carbs, 
  • 1g net carbs, 
  • 23g fat, 
  • 12.5g protein

- Mozzarella - 85.1 Calories

  • 0.6g Carbs
  • (0.6g net carbs)
  • 6.3g Fat
  • 6.3g Protein

Mikey Musumeci does not add any Animal Meat. He mentions that he feels "cleaner" and more "alive" when he doesn't consume any animal meat.

He once calculated his pizza meal and it consisted over 7,000~ calories. A very high protein and fat intake, with moderate carbs.

It is not like he's neglecting other macronutrients (and micronutrients). He isn't on a keto diet, nor a carnivore diet. He is getting in a variety of nutrients, which is very important when it comes to performance and health. Sure, he can get in more vegetables, and healthier sources of fats and proteins, but overall, it works for him, it is not as bad as eating junk food on a daily basis, and it helps him with his performance. High protein intake, is very crucial for recovery, fats and carbs will give him long-lasting energy. The pizza itself overall is not as processed as fast foods or other junky foods out there. 

Why Does Mikey Musumeci only Eat Once a Day?

Mikey Musumeci tells us why he doesn't enjoy eating throughout the day. He mentions that the food makes him tired and sluggish. Which I agree with this because almost all fast foods and convenience foods are junk. Junk nutrition/nutrients, provide little to no benefit, and it's causing harm than good.

He, Mikey, would rather FAST and get away with not eating "junk food" which thus gives him a better mindset. A clearer mentality. 

It is true - if you indulge in junk food, it can impact your mental clarity, and this is why Mikey only eats once a day...

This is not new to many fitness and health enthusiasts. Many people practice this form of dieting because it can help prolong life and improve your overall health (if you're unhealthy from the beginning).

If you can get in enough calories at the end of the day, you don't have to worry about losing weight nor gaining weight. If you know how much food your body needs and how it'll be utilized, you are a master of your own body.

Just because you hear people saying, you must eat breakfast/lunch for optimal performance and health is untrue. It may help, but in Musumeci's life - it's different.

He can perform on one meal a day - it is sustainable for him, and he's not deprived of calories, nutrients, or anything to be honest.

The 7,000~ calories from one meal can carry over til the next day since your body has to digest all of those nutrients and that takes time. So by the time he awakes, and gets his day going - he is fulfilled with energy, long-lasting energy compared to eating junk foods which causes a fast energy spike but ends up crashing after within 30 mins to hours.

Sustainability  - Staying on Track

Since Mikey does not like to eat food throughout the day - eating once a day keeps him in place. It's a sustainability thing. If you can manage energy levels throughout the day without crashing or fatiguing, why change up your diet? If he is able to manage and maintain this type of lifestyle, does not mean you cannot. Everyone is different. Some people like to endure insulin crashes and the fatigue that comes along with eating poorly. 

Mikey finds that eating what he enjoys the most and avoiding all the other nonsense helps him much more than eating poorly throughout the day. And it is much easier to maintain his weight by not overconsuming or under consuming calories.

Whatever works for you - works for you.

Satisfaction vs Eating Excessively and for fun

People love to eat. However, Mikey is an athlete. He cannot overconsume because he'll get fat. So, by eating the foods you enjoy the most, you won't necessarily go overboard on them. He does not have cravings afterward, and this is the main issue for a lot of people. People tend to crave food after they've had their meal. Why is this? Because they're not satisfied.

If you're satisfied and satiated, you won't have cravings nor indulge excessively.

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