Why Arm Wrestlers can Out Power Bodybuilders

Arm Wrestlers are Stronger than Bodybuilders

Arm wrestlers vs Bodybuilders; Who is Stronger?

Bodybuilding focuses on damaging the muscle - to create new muscle [tissue]. Whereas Arm Wrestlers focus on different types of training. Training the ligaments, tendons, and bone strength and power.

Arm Wrestlers may look deceiving. They may look "small" but in reality, their Arm(s), forearm(s), and bicep(s) are much stronger than a real and pro bodybuilder.

Even if arm wrestlers don't have big muscles, they possess greater strength and power than a typical bodybuilder.

Arm wrestlers focus on improving and strengthening their tendons and ligaments. These types of tissue is much different than Muscles. 

When you're pulling or trying to pin an arm when arm wrestling, your joints, ligaments, and tendons take the toll of the action, of the attack. Sure, your muscles do play a role, but not as much as tendons and ligaments.

Bodybuilding is quite easier than arm wrestling. All you need to do is focus the tension on your muscles, and do it repetitively in order to cause muscle damage, and then you're done. This can be done with light weights or heavy weights and/or both. Typically, Bodybuilders won't train VERY Heavy because it is not optimal for Building Muscle. Arm wrestlers do not stimulate their muscles to grow but to stimulate the muscle and tendons to create a better durable limb(s).

Tendon and ligament strength will always overpower any bodybuilder or even a strong man. Arm wrestlers primarily focus on one body group, on one side typically. Sometimes, arm wrestlers will train both sides so they can be evenly matched.

Anyhow, arm wrestlers lift heavy for a long period of time. They train in different styles, and equipment and they're always challenging their tendons by training with people and other training styles. Different movements, angles, and focusing on the small muscle group(s) that surrounds the joints. Pronation and supination are very important when it comes to arm wrestling and thus give them the ability to overpower any average person.

Since bodybuilders focus on all muscle groups, they're strong everywhere. But arm wrestlers focus on power, technique, strength, and determination to win. They have greater strength and power when it comes to pulling, pinning, and side/back pressure because they are professionals in that field. Bodybuilders do not strictly focus on ONE muscle group, so they have distributed strength and power throughout their bodies.

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