How to Lose Ugly Stomach Fat

So How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat?

  • Remove all Junk foods
  • Avoid Sugar, sweets! This includes: candies, SODAS, and Juices! Desserts, etc! Sugary/sweets #1 enemy
  • Avoid excessively consuming Carbs
  • Eat Vegetables and Fruits
  • Eat healthy sources of Fats, and Proteins!
  • Have more FIBER in your Diet. (Vegetables contains fiber)
  • Drink lots of water!
  • Exercise to burn fat
  • Calorie deficit should always be there to help shred off fat
  • Have a proper sleep routine
  • Don't stress too much
  • Avoid foods that irritate your body
  • Use Supplements if needed/necessary.
  • Use Waist Trainrs

When it comes to your midsection (Stomach), it's one of those areas that are really hard to target and reduce fat from. The body likes to store fat. For some, it's on the stomach, legs/thighs, cheeks, etc. Everyone is different, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to lose that stomach fat.

Now, if you have a bulging stomach, you're in trouble. That's a sign of either: Overeating and/or inflammation within your gut. The gut plays a huge role when it comes to living. Stressing and Diet and Nutrition affects your gut. If your diet and nutrition are off, your gut may be inflamed causing bloating and an extended stomach

You must address your dieting and nutrition situation. Remove and avoid all foods that irritate Your body (your gut), that should be the first thing you should do. Remove and avoid things that the body doesn't like. For example, sugar, processed ingredients/foods, and excessive amounts of sugar, salt, etc. That's all bad for you. You're not supposed to excessively consume things that aren't made for us humans. If not, you'll continuously go in circles (when it comes to losing that belly fat).

Vegetables and fruits are the best when it comes to losing stubborn fat. Since the stomach likes to hold Fat, and it's considered stubborn, the vegetables and/or fruits will help detox and reduce the fat from within that area. The fiber content within vegetables is the best for everyone - fiber helps detox your body, resulting in a more efficient weight-loss process. Fruits, on the other hand, also helps with detoxing the body, making it more efficient to lose weight. Also, stay hydrated! Hydration helps move everything along, so proper hydration can help with fat-loss. Avoid sugary drinks as much as you can. Avoid sugar period.

Of course, you have to exercise to lose that ugly, stubborn belly fat. Cardio is the best option due to its high-calorie burning session. Weight lifting can help, but not as much. You can also do HIIT. High-intensity interval training. This type of training burns a lot of calories during a short period, resulting in fat-loss. Daily cardio is recommended, to continuously burn calories for fat-loss. If you skip days or weeks, you're not on track.

Losing fat, especially belly fat takes time and patience. If you're trying to reduce belly fat as fast as you can, you're thinking wrong. Losing a pound per week is ideal for everyone. 

There are also some other ways you can help shrink your tummy. Using a waist trainer for example helps many people to reduce their midsection. Waist trainers are meant for people who want to shrink their waist size, by compressing their stomachs/midsection to achieve their goal. However, using waist trainers isn't making you lose fat, it's just Shaping and Shrinking your waist, but it'll only work if your diet and nutrition is on track. In addition, you can use supplements like Fat burners to help speed up the fat-loss process. Yohimbe (the herb) for example is a great fat-loss supplement that can be used to help burn off stubborn fat. 

Fasting can help with fat-loss, or help to remove stubborn fat. When you fast, there are many things happening within your body. There are studies out there that show that fasting can help people lose weight (probably due to consuming fewer calories, but it also helps burn off stubborn fat). Daily fasting, 16:8, can be effective to help remove stubborn belly fat. If you're going to fast, make sure your diet and nutrition are on point. You do not want to consume junk foods after your fast - you're basically doing nothing then if you do that. 

Since you've accumulated all of this fat, now it's going to be a hell of a journey to become fit. It won't be easy. You must suffer and sacrifice a lot of things. You must sacrifice junk foods, etc. Start eating more healthier to see results. It's the diet that is screwing you up. The Answer to fat-loss isn't to exercise - it is to Eat LESS! See, when people gain weight, it's due to excessively eating. If you're wanting to reduce fat, eat less. Simple as that. Place yourself in a calorie deficit to start losing fat without exercising. To get into a calorie deficit, I recommend removing and refraining from eating junk foods, sodas, candies, chips, etc. Eat more vegetables and fruits and drink lots of water. From that point, now you're only consuming healthy nutrients and calories, and thus might place you into a calorie deficit due to the removal of junk foods. Junk foods make everyone fat without you even realizing it. So, exercise, be in a calorie deficit, and eat healthily to reach your goals. 

Beware of certain diets for "extreme fat-loss." For instance, the keto diet is praised amongst most people because the keto does give dramatic results, however, for some, it can be dangerous and unhealthy. If you have no knowledge about keto, I would not recommend it. When it comes to keto, you're restricting carbohydrate intake. This leads to your body transitioning into ketosis; utilizing ketones as energy as opposed to using carbs as energy because carbs are what give the body energy. Carbs are important for the body, but when restricted or limited, your body switches mechanisms. When you switch or change to an extreme diet such as the keto, people tend to get sick, and this is known as the keto flu if you end up using the keto diet. You will pass this "flu" it'll take some time for your body to adapt. On the other hand, restricting carbs will hinder bodybuilding progress (muscle building), and it may affect you mentally and physically. First off, when you restrict any nutrient, your body will go into a shock mode, meaning you'll feel unmotivated, and tired perhaps, but it's a stage that your body has to go through. Many people do not like this feeling nor the process, so they end up not using that diet. The perfect way to lose weight is not to restrict any nutrients, however, you should learn how to control and limit your intake of certain nutrients. You do not want to excessively consume carbs the whole day, nor want to consume a whole lot of fats nor proteins. A whole lot of nutrients will cause issues like weight gain, etc. It's important to have a balanced diet to sustain a healthy weight-loss process. 

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