Dieting - Lose Weight Without "Dieting" (Guide on Losing Weight)

 How To Lose Weight Without Dieting

So, a lot, I mean a lot of people want to know, IS it possible to lose weight without dieting? Yeah, You can. You'll learn how with these top tips.

Dieting - A Method to Lose Weight

"restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight."

This means that someone restricts certain selections of foods or reduces their food intake overall.

"Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated way to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases such as diabetes and obesity."

Yes, this is true and facts but how can you lose weight without restricting the food aspect?

Well, in order for an individual to gain weight or fat, they're either eating too much, as in consuming too many calories overall, and/or not being active enough. When you're sedentary, you're not utilizing these calories, and especially if you consume more than your body can handle, it'll convert into fat. This is why we have Dieting; To reduce or restrict food.

So, ultimately, the answer to the question is: You need to reduce your food intake. Food selection is the issue as well and Should be Prioritized, but in reality, it's how much of it you're consuming. The foods nowadays are deceiving, manipulating because it contains excessive amounts of bad ingredients and it's processed and contain a lot of calories which many aren't aware of. Especially the low, small, looking snacks and drinks like sodas and candy bars and whatnot, they're loaded with sugar and calories which overall will make you gain weight.

People think that they must starve themselves when it comes to losing weight. I don't know why but I can understand because you don't have the knowledge about nutrition. Rather than making it complex and scientific, I'm going to break it down; You must eat healthier and reduce your food intake. It is your habits that dictate your weight gain or loss. 

Controlling your habits and having a routine and setting rules will set you in stone. It's important to prioritize healthy things such as trying to eat healthily, trying to get some vegetables in at least, focusing on exercise and less stress, and so forth. It's important to have GOOD habits because it sets you to be on track. When you don't have habits, you end up going crazy - indulging excessively in junk foods, sodas, and whatnot. THIS is what leads to Weight Gain.

People who just don't focus on self-health are the ones who are typically overweight, in my opinion. You may not be aware, but in reality, How Well Are you eating? How well are you taking care of yourself? Are you exercising? If not, are you just sitting all day? That is what leads to weight gain as well. By staying inactive, and eating junk food, and especially indulging in junk foods, you will gain weight. Due to Calorie Surplus + inactivity = Fat & Weight Gain.

The priority is: Focusing on Eating Less, Exercising To utilize The Calories or Burn Calories to Lose Weight.

Exercising will burn off fat because you're utilizing the fuel you've consumed throughout the day(s). Food is the fuel that we consume. You Should think of Foof As Fuel/Energy. To Fuel the body; To nourish the body.

Don't overcomplicate things when it comes to "Dieting." Remember, Don't overeat, Don't indulge in junk foods. Moderation is King.

Moderation is Useful in Any Situation

Whether it's alcohol, smoking, or eating, moderation is key. When you have things in moderation; you're in control of your habits and actions. You dictate whether to continue or stop or whatnot. You decide fate. For example, you can restrict yourself to the whole day of junk foods and sodas and whatnot, and only consume one thing that is junky. Such as Dessert or sodas. That's because I do this as a way to keep myself Sane. It's important to not STRESS about losing weight. I consider it a lifestyle.

Healthy Lifestyle for the good

You shouldn't stress about losing weight. Remember, Moderation is King; Calorie control or eating less, and Focusing on healthy eating and Exercising, and habits.

That's all you need to do.

Do not overcomplicate it because it's not that hard to do. Maybe the hardest thing is to Eat vegetables because it isn't as tasty as a cookie or a soda, but that proves that we are addicted to soda and junk stuff.

  • > Just Don't be a Fat Kid who Loves Cake. Control yourself.

  • > Have healthy habits. No over-eating, no excessively eating, NO indulging in junk foods

  • > Get Some vegetables in. At least once a day is all you need. A cup full or even a bowl full is good enough. At least try to eat some vegetables. They're super good for us to eat. It heals the body and detoxes the body which helps with weight loss. Vegetables, any kind, get some in, every day.

  • > Exercise - Don't be lazy. Go Walk every day for at least 30 minutes or so. Lift weights if you can. Cardio, swim, jog, tennis -- Anything. Becoming active promotes calorie-burning which results in weight loss.

  • > Focus on Self Health. Focus on Stressing less. Focus on staying positive. Focus on your goals and habits. Focus on addressing the issue(s) you have. It's important to listen to yourself and reflect.

  • > You don't have to eat like a rabbit. For example, people think you need to have a veggie bowl every morning for breakfast and lunch. No, but sure that is very very healthy. The point of losing weight is to reduce food intake and focus on that. Don't starve yourself.

Calorie Reduction should be around ~300-500 calories. For example - your calories are: 4,000. To lose weight reduce food intake or calories about ~300-500 which will result // 4,000 - ~ 300 - 500 = 3,500 Calories to consume daily to see weight loss. This varies for people. This is an example.

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