What You Should Be Eating For Breakfast

 What You Should Be Eating For Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

 in my opinion because you're breaking your fast! You've fasted fours, when you're sleeping and when you're not eating food or drinking any beverage. So, when you prepare breakfast, it should contain a lot of beneficial, vital and essential nutrients to help provide your body with the fuel it needs in order to go throughout the day. Such as doing work, activities and much more. With a proper diet/nutrition in place, you'll have better sustainable energy compared to when eating unhealthy and feeling like crap all the time. That's why breakfast is so important.

Anyways, there's no complete answer when it comes to what types of foods you should be eating for breakfast. Ultimately you can eat whatever, but the KEY is to eat healthily! Avoid those sugary meals, cereals, etc. Pancakes loaded with syrup combined with A soda, hashbrowns, eggs, biscuit, etc is not a healthy meal! Especially from fast food places. You want to prioritize on healthy foods! Vegetables, fruits, healthy source of FATS, Proteins, and CARBS! Nuts, seeds, berries, etc are all beneficial for your body. All of these healthy foods I mentioned will provide your body what it needs. All of these foods contain all the essential and vital nutrients to help nourish your body. 

How to Find the Right and Healthy Foods;

When it comes to food, the best way to determine whether if it's healthy or not is by understanding the food item. Is it beneficial for your body? Will it nourish your body in a healthy and positive manner? Does it contain essential and vital nutrients to help promote a healthy body? If so, then you've found the correct food item to consume. But if you're stuck on what foods to buy and to consume, doing your research on Google will be your best bet. I always do my research. I never knew about nutrition before I started to do my own research. When it comes to nutrition, you must have knowledge about foods and how it affects your body and HOW it's made. Lots of foods are not organic, meaning that it's processed or created from a lab. Now, organic fresh whole foods are healthier for your body, but that doesn't mean you should always avoid non-organic foods. It may be a bit cheaper when it comes to non-organic, however, try your best to aim for organic fresh whole foods.

Examples of Healthy Breakfast Meal(s)

Oatmeal : 

  • High in fiber and antioxidants
  • Satisfying
  • 100% whole grain
  • Gluten-free and vegan-friendly
  • The best healthy breakfast ever

Oatmeal meals can be combined with any nuts, seeds, berries, and even yogurt and protein powder! There's literally no excuses on why you cannot consume Oatmeal. It's so versatile with any type of food. 

Basic Example of Oatmeal MEAL:

  • Almond Joy
  • Apple Cinnamon
  • Banana Nut
  • Blueberry
  • Peanut Butter & Jam
  • Strawberry

You got the Fruits, healthy source of vitamins/minerals from the almonds, etc.


Eggs are a good source of Proteins and some vitamins and minerals. If you're vegan, obviously skip this option. However, for those who want a light calorie meal, eggs is the way to go. Eggs can be combined with a lot of things like; Vegetables and eggs. You can make an egg omelet containing lots of various vegetables and spices. This will provide your body with what it needs, and you're nourishing your body by consuming these vegetables along with the eggs. Alongside with the eggs and veggies, you can add fruits on the side and nuts/seeds if you desire too. Also, you can be really creative and add Avacado onto your TOAST to receive them healthy fats from the Avacado, along with egg omelet with veggies and fruits on the side - MAAN, what a healthy breakfast option. 

Example of Egg Breakfast Meal:

  • 6 whole eggs
  • 3 tablespoons skim milk
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/2 cup spinach leaves (chopped or torn)

Experiment by adding other chopped vegetables to the scramble, such as tomatoes, cooked onions, or mushrooms. Make sure that the vegetables are all cut to the same size. This ensures an even cooking time, which is especially important since eggs cook so quickly. Avoid adding very wet vegetables and try to drain or pat dry anything with a lot of liquid (like a tomato). Too much liquid will alter the consistency of the scrambled eggs. 

The point is when consuming food 

is to fuel and nourish your body. Food should be thought of as fuel, not for "FUN." Many people just enjoy food because it's tasty - but sure yeah it's tasty but is it benefiting your body and/or health? if not, then you now know why you're unhealthy, overweight, underweight and/or malnourished. Aiming for healthy foods isn't hard, it's about treating your body right. Many people do not understand nutrition, and by learning the basics, you'll understand how food should be prioritize and how it affects your body. There's no complete answer on what foods you should be always eating because there are tons of foods out there. It's about consuming a variety of healthy foods to get the best result.

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